Chapter 5: Surprise, Surprise!

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(Sky's P.O.V. :3)

Huh, wh-what happened? I sat up. Mitch? Jerome? Tyler? Why are they on the ground? Who am I? How do I know them? Why do I ask to many questions? Wait, why am I in the forest? Were we kidnapped or were we lost? "Sky? You okay?" Mitch asked. "Sky? Who's 'Sky'?" Mitch's eyes widened. "Do you remember anything?" I nod. "I know you, Jerome and Tyler, but nothing else." I say. "Uh, do you remember Cyanide?" He asks. 'Cyanide? Am I suppose to know a Cyanide?' "Uh, no. Am I suppose to know a Cyanode?" I ask. "Yeah, he was your boyfriend!" 'Wait, I was a Bi?' "Mitch, what happened?" Jerome asks sitting up. "Sky lost his memory, and I can't find Cyanide!" Mitch shouts. "Then where is he? And does Sky remember me?" Jerome asks. "Yeah, but not anyone else!" Mitch replies. "Oh my gosh! What happened!?" Tyler shouts sitting up quickly. "Sky lost his memory and Cyanide is missing!" Jerome shouts. "And I missed all that!? How long was I asleep?" Mitch shrugs. "All we know is that before we passed out someone splashed a potion. "Oka- ow! I forgot these scratches!" Tyler yells. "Okay, Sky I hope you remember how to walk. Because we got to carry Tyler back and we have to get your memory back." Mitch says. "I remember how to walk." I say and stand up. "Good, Jerome. You grab Tylers legs and I get the arms." Mitch orders. "Aww, why do I get the legs?" Jerome complained. "Cause Biggums. I'm stronger and I have to get treated better." Mitch said. "Well played." Jerome replied. They grabbed Tyler and carried him. Where are we going? And is my name really Sky? Do I have more friends? What is my personality? No stop! No more questions! Now you get answers! "Hey guys! You found Tyler! Wait, where is Cyanide?" A man with sunglasses said. "Um hey, Sky lost his memory and Cyanide is missing." Jerome said. "Wait Sky lost his memory an he lost his boyfriend!?" A mudkip shouted. 'Woah! A mudkip! I was friends with a mudkip!? That is amazing! And it's amazing he's also a hybrid!' I rush towards him and scan him for a bit. "How is life for you as a mudkip!? Do you actually live in water? What do you eat? Can you do watergun? How long can you go underwater?" I ask. "Wow Jerome, you weren't kidding. He did lose his memory!" The mudkip said. I stop. "What does that mean?" I ask. "I mean you don't remember I bite." I quickly back away. "Dude, I'm just joking!" The mudkip laughed. I gave a small chuckle "Yeah, a joke. I think I forgot what that was to." I rub the back of my neck. "Anyways, let's go inside and see if the others know how to get Sky's memory back and get Tyler's wounds healed." The guy with sunglasses on said. We walked inside the house, I mean giant house! It was huge compared to the others. "Hey! Woah what happened to Tyler!? And where's Cyanide?" Jason asked. "We don't exactly know. And Tyler was attacked." Jerome said. "And where's Ty?" When Jerome said that Tyler started to freak out. "Ty! Get me out of here! I don't want any more punishment! Let go of me!" They dropped Tyler and he grabbed the nearest sword and he went against the wall shaking like crazy. "Tyler, you okay?" Jason asked. "Do I look okay!?" Tyler shouted. "Tyler it's okay!" The guy with sunglasses said. "Nothing is okay! Not even that cursed name itself!" Tyler shouted louder. "Tyler! What does that even mean!?" Mitch asked. Tyler stopped shaking. "I said nothing! Don't think about what I said!" With that Tyler ran into the bathroom. "I'm going to talk to him." Jason said and he went to the bathroom and checked on Tyler. "Uh, hey guys?" I turned and it was someone with emo like hair and headphones. "Hey Ty. Something is wrong with Tyler." The mudkip said. "Oh yeah, I heard him screaming from outside. And oh, where's Cyanide?" Ty asked. "We don't know. And Sky lost his memory." The guy with sunglasses said. "Oh, Sky do you remember me?" Ty asked. "Well I guess, maybe I might-" "Then what do you remember about me?" I think for a bit. Oh yeah! "Um, we recorded together and your names Ty of course." He smiles. "At least he remembers a bit about me-" "He's out there!? No! I don't want to!" Tyler screamed again. "Little bitch better not give anything away." Ty muttered under his breath. "What?" I ask. "Uh, I said I hope Tyler's alright." Ty said. 'That's what I thought you said.' I thought. "Geesh, Tyler seems a lot more jumpier than when he was in the forest." Mitch said. Jerome nodded. "Well, I'm gonna sharpin' Betty." "Okay biggums. Can I help?" Mitch asked. "Sure. Why not?" Jerome said. "Okay! Lezzgo!" And they grabbed the diamond axe at the same time and accidentally hold hands in the process. Mitch blushed a deep red and Jerome blushed a bit to. "Merome is happening! Get the camera!" The mudkip said. Mitch quickly let go of Jeromes paw. "Er, so let's go sharpin Betty." Jerome said dragging the diamond axe outside. Poor Mitch looked sad. "Uh, Mitch? You okay there?" I asked. "Uh, yeah. Never better." And he followed Jerome outside. "Anyways, so Sky. You don't remember anything?" The mudkip asked. I shake my head signalling no. "Okay, we'll start from scratch. I'm Quentin, there is Ian, the man with a spaceman is Jason. Think you can remember that?" I nod. "Okay, let's go to your room and see if anything might be familiar to you." Ian said. I nod and they lead me to my room.

(Cyanide's P.O.V.! Surprise, surprise! Uh, this has nothing to do with the title... you'll see!)

Ugh, I hurt everywhere. Wait. I'm in chains! And I have cuts everywhere and they burn horribly! "Sky!? Mitch!? Tyler!? Jerome!?" I cry out. Nothing. Was I kidnapped? Of course I'm kidnapped! "I'm sorry Cyanide, they're not here." Ty! Did he do this? I look at his direction and see him with a sword with my blood on it! "You did this!?" I yell. He chuckled "Well, I'm standing here with a blood covered sword and I'm the only one here. So I possibly couldn't have done a thing." Wait, did he do something to Sky? "Did you do anything to Sky!?" I scream full of worry. "Sky? You mean the one I loved for quite a while and never got the chance to tell him? If he's the one you mean, I might have done something with his memory but nothing more." He messed with Sky's memory!? That means he'll forget me. "What are you planning!?" I scream. "Since your chained, I guess I can spill the beans. Since Sky might not remember you and you won't be there for him I'll be there to steal his heart. Ain't that wonderful?" "No! I was his love first and that's one thing a person can never forget!" I scream at him and trying to loosen the chains. "We'll see Cyanide, we'll see." With that he left me in the cold room. Where am I exactly. I try getting up but fail because my body was extremely numb. Whatever was in that sword was making me weak. I look around to see a window with bars. Maybe I can call help. I drag my self to the window using the chains a bit and started calling for help. "Help! Anyone please!?" I yell. I think Ty heard me and came over. "I think I didn't tell you that I like things quiet." He said and placed a stone block over the bars. "Surprise, surprise." Ty said and left. (Now that's what I was looking for! Uh, sorry back to story...) I scooted towards the wall and sat there loosing hope. A single tear went down my face. 'Ugh, I could either die with hypothermia, or hunger maybe Ty killing me off. I don't want any of those choices! Sky, please hurry.' I still sit there no one to comfort me, no one to help me, especially no one there to cheer me up.

(Quick A/N I know I'm evil for doing dis, but this leaves another cliffhanger I guess. But the story will get more an more interesting so stay tuned! Or till' next time! Peace Timepack! Um, I don't know what intro to do so... g-bye! You know what there's no outro cause I can't pick so... g-bye Timepack! Nailed it! :D)

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