Chapter 1: Cedric Diggory

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Hope's POV:

"Hope." I hear a female voice whisper. I groan and roll over, trying to block out the annoying noise. "Hope, wake up." I hear again. This time the voice is clear enough that I know who is speaking. "Hope you really need to get up." Hermione urges, shaking me a little this time.

"Five more minutes Mione." I groan. "No, we both know that you won't wake up if I leave." She explains. Damn, she's right. As always. I sigh and crack my eyes open. She smiles at me. "When did you even get here?" I grumble, sitting up.

"This morning. Now, I'm going to wake up the boys, care the help?" She asks. That gets me up. I grin evilly. "Lead the way." I tell her, getting out of bed. "Get dressed and we'll wake them up." She tells me. I sigh and nod as she leaves the room.

Walking over the my closet I grab some clothes and quickly change. Once I'm ready and I've made sure that everything is packed for the Quidditch World Cup I walk out of mine and Ginny's shared room.

Hermione is waiting for me on the floor above, in front of Ron's room where him and Harry are currently sleeping. "Took you long enough." She says. I smack her arms and give her a playful glare. "Oh shut up." I grumble, still kind of tired. "You take Harry and I'll get Ron?" She asks.

I grin evilly. "Sounds good to me." With that we quietly open the door and step into the room. I slowly walk towards Harry's bed. Before I can do anything to mess with him I take in his condition. He's sweating and tossing around. He's having a nightmare.

Abandoning my original plan I kneel by his bed side and shake him. "Harry." Nothing. "Harry." I say more firmly. Still nothing. Sighing I place both hands on his head. "Papilio lux." I mutter. Immediately he calms down and opens his eyes. "Hope?" Blushing I pull my hands back.

"Uh, time to get up. Appearently we're leaving soon." I say. "Thanks." "Are you ok? Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, concerned. He thinks for a second. "Not right now. Maybe later." He finally  says. Nodding I stand and head towards the door.

Hermione is still trying to wake up Ron but I can't really focus on how hilarious their fighting is. I'm worried about Harry. Something in his dream really has him spooked. Whatever it was I know I shouldn't dwell on it. He'll tell me when he's ready

I walk downstairs after leaving Ron's room to help Molly and Ginny make breakfast. Once it's done everyone is up and ready to leave. I grab my backpack with my things and sling it over my shoulder, ready to head out. The boys look less than happy to be waking up early.

As soon as we all have breakfast in our hands Arther leads the way out of the house and into the nearby woods. Ginny, Hermione, and I talk the entire way while the boys stay mostly silent. I see Harry slowing down in front of me and smirk.

Ginny and Hermione give me a curious look before I rush over and throw myself onto Harry's back. Instantly his hands wrap around my thighs to make sure I don't fall. He's gotten used to this from me, I've been doing it all summer. "Seriously Hope?" He asks me. I grin to myself.

"Yep." "You do realize you're probably the one here that can walk longer than the rest of us and not get tired?" He asks. I laugh. "I know, but I prefer this mode of travel." I tell him. I can practically feel him rolling his eyes as he hoists me up to get a better grip on me.

No matter how 'annoyed' he acts with me, he always ends up giving in. "Ron, where are we actually going?" Harry asks once we've caught up to him. "Don't know. HEY DAD, WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" Ron asks. "Haven't the foggiest, keep up." Arther yells back.

After about another five minute I climb off Harry's back, knowing he can't carry me forever. He gives me a grateful look and I smack him. "I'm not that heavy." "I know, but I thought we were gonna go the whole way like that." He says. I laugh and shake my head.

Twenty more minutes of walking and we hear a voice. "Arther! It's about time some." A man says. "Sorry about that Amos, some of us had a sleepy start." He says, looking back at Ron who is yawning. "This is Amos Diggory everyone, works with me at the Ministry." Arther introduces.

Diggory? Suddenly someone falls out of the tree behind Amos, landing on their feet. When they stand back up I'm shocked to see Cedric, the Hufflepuff seeker. He sees me and sends me a grin. I smile back. Someone slaps my arm.

Confused I turn to see Ginny and Hermione staring at me in awe. "You know him?" Hermione asks. "Yeah, he's the Hufflepuff seeker." I say. "He's gorgeous." Ginny admits. I look back at the boy who is still looking at me. I blush. "Yeah, I guess he is." I say, my blush deepening.

I feel more eyes on me and I look up to see Harry looking at me with a frown on his face. When I give him a questioning look he just shakes his head and sends me a smile. Cedric leads the way now as we all walk past Mr. Diggory. Harry and I go to walk past him.

"Merlin's beard. You must be Harry Potter and Hope Mikaelson." He says. "Yes sir." We say, shaking his hand. I don't know how he knows me. "Great, great pleasure." "Pleasure to meet you too sir." He says. We continue walking.

Harry finds his way to Ron and when I try to get to Ginny and Hermione Mr. Diggory begins talking to me. "You know Hope, after Gryffindor's game against Hufflepuff last year I was very impressed." "Thank you sir." I say.

"When my boy caught the snitch I thought we had won only to find out that you scored more points as chaser to win Gryffindor the game. I talked with a few more parents and heard that you're the best chaser at Hogwarts at the moment." He says. I blush.

"Thank you sir, but my teammates a huge reason we win as well." I say. I see someone coming up from in front of us. It's Cedric. He falls into step right next to me. I mean, right next to me. He's very close.

"She's being modest father. Her first game ever they played Slytherin and her keeper and the other two chasers were knocked out and she played the entire field, blocking and scoring points." He says. I blush. He remembers that?

"Really? I really wish the two of you were in the same house now. I would love to see that game." He says. I have no clue what to say. "I think you're embarrassing her father, why don't you go talk to Mr. Weasley." Cedric says. "Right, good meeting you Hope." With that he's gone.

"Sorry about him, he tends to run his mouth." He tells me, smiling softly. I smile back, relaxing after that awkward encounter. "Don't worry about it." I say. "You are a brilliant player though. Maybe one day we can practice together." He says. I blush and nod.

"I think that would be great." I say. I then take this chance to walk over to Hermione and Ginny. They are both grinning widely at me. "I think someone likes you Hope." Ginny says. "More than one, did you see the way Harry was glaring at the two?" Hermione asks.

"Oh be quiet, Harry and Cedric are both friends." "But you want Harry to be more?" Hermione asks. "It's been four years Mione, if he thought of me that way he would have told me." "You didn't deny her accusation...Mrs. Potter." "I swear Ginevra." I say.

She glares at the use of her full name. "Really?" She asks. I smirk and keep on walking. "Yes, it's, uh, just over there." Mr. Diggory tells them. When we get there I stare confused at the old boot that's in the middle of a field.

"Why are they all standing around that mangy old boot?" Harry asks. "That's not just any mangy old boot." Fred says. "It's a Portkey." George clarifies. We all lay on our stomach and grab onto the boot. "What's a Portkey?" Harry asks. "Ready? After three. One. Two." "Harry." I say.

He grabs on. "THREE!" We all start spinning. I swear I'm gonna be sick. "Let go kids." Arther says. "What?" Hermione asks. "Let go!" He says again. We all do. Suddenly I'm falling. I scream until someone's arms wrap around my waist.

I look up to see Cedric holding onto me so that we don't fall hard to the ground like everyone else, but we're doing it gracefully. I hold on tight so that I don't fall. When we're on the ground I turn to him. "Thanks." I say. "Of course." With that I walk over to Hermione and Ginny.

They are both grinning. "Don't even think about it." I say. We walk to the top of the hill and my eyes widen at the sight.

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