Chapter 2: Quidditch World Cup

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Hope's POV:

It truly is amazing. Everyone around us is either partying inside their tent or outside of it, prepared for tonight's match. This just causes my excitement to grow. I can't wait for the match, it's going to be epic. 

I've only ever been to school quidditch games and I'm willing to bet money on the fact that this will be an entirely different experience. We make our way through the camp grounds, taking in the amazing sights around us. 

Ginny keeps on pointing things out to Hermione and I whenever she finds things interesting. We all laughing and grinning wildly. Finally we get to a fork in the grounds and Mr. Diggory and Cedric part ways with us. Cedrics sends me a grin before he leaves. 

"I'll see you later." With that him and his father are gone. Blushing I continue to follow Mr. Weasley through the grounds. Finally we reach a small tent. How are we all going to fit in here? Hermione seems to have the same concerns, but Ginny just grins at his and leads us inside. 

My eyes widen at how spacious it actually is in here. There's a living room, dining room, a few bedrooms, a kitchen. "I love magic." I hear Harry say behind me. I turn and grin at him before following Hermione and Ginny to where we'll be sleeping for the night. 

We unpack and sit and talk for a while before Mr. Weasley calls us all the the living area so we can head to the match. All the boys have face paint, and different items like hates and scarfs to show who they're supporting. 

I honestly don't know too much about professional quidditch and am just here for the game, but Ginny insisted that I wear one of her Irish scarves. Harry and Ron are rooting for Bulgaria though. When we reach the stadium we start to climb, and climb, and climb. 

"Blimey dad how far up are we?" Ron asks. "Well put it this way, if it rains, you'll be the first to know." An annoyingly familiar voice says. I glare down at the platform below us which holds Draco and Lucius Malfoy. We all just roll our eyes and start to walk up the stairs again. 

"Father and I are in the Minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Malfoy Jr. brags. "Don't boast Draco, there's not need with these people." We all just glare and go to continue walking when Harry jerks to a stop next to me. 

Malfoy Sr. used his cane to trap Harry's foot to the platform . "Do enjoy yourself, won't you. While you can." He says sinisterly. He then lets go of Harry's foot and we continue up the stairs. "Don't listen to him Harry, he's not worth it." I tell him. 

"Yeah, I know. Come on." He says, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me up the stairs behind him.  When we finally make it to our seats the Irish are just now coming out. We all start cheering. 

There is a giant firework of a leprechaun dancing before it explodes to reveal the Bulgarian team. "KRUM!" Ron yells. I laugh. The only thing I know about professional quidditch is what Ron has told me and all he talks about its Victor Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker. 

He's apparently a seventh year at the Bulgarian school for magic which is pretty impressive. Fred leans over to me. "Hey Hope, mind a friendly wager?" He asks, grinning. I narrow my eyes. "On what?" "Krum catches the snitch, but the Irish win." He says. I grin. "Five galleons?" I ask. 

"It's a deal!" I laugh and the game begins. "I still think you cheated." I grumble as I hand Fred the five galleons when we're back in the tent. I have no idea how he predicted the outcome of the game so well. 

"There's no one like Krum. It's like a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete. He's an artist." Ron declares. I smirk. "I think you're in love Ron." I tease. The twins take it from there. "Victor I love you." "Victor I do." We all join in now. 

"When we're apart my heart beats only for you." We all laugh as Ron tells us to shove it. The crowd outside is unbearable loud. "Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." George says. "Stop, stop it. It's not the Irish." Mr. Weasley says, running into the tent. 

I furrow my brows in confusion. Who is it then? "We've got to get out of there, now." He says. Hermione grabs mine and Ron's hands while I grab Harry's as we run out of the tent to see fires and destruction all around us. 

"Get back to the portkey everyone, and stick together! Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility. GO!" Mr. Weasley yells. With that we take off. I stop when I realize Harry isn't with us. "Harry!" I yell. He turns and then races towards us. 

I grab his hand and we start sprinting out of the camp grounds. Harry and I suddenly get pulled away from Hermione and Ron. "HARRY! HOPE!" Hermione yells, but then she is gone. We go to run, but Harry trips, taking me down with him. 

We can't get up with everyone running around us so Harry brings me close to him. Then something hits my head and I'm out. When I come around everything is quiet. Too quiet. The stench of smoke and ash fills my senses. 

"Hope? Are you ok?" I hear someone ask from beside me. I roll over to see Harry laying next to me. "Yeah, I'm fine, you?" "Fine." With that we help each other up and look around. The destroyed camp grounds are completely deserted. "We need to find the others." I say. 

"Right." But before we can do anything a man appears and points his want at the sky. "Morsmordre." The man says and a beam of green light shoots into the sky. It creates a skull with a snake coming out of it's mouth. My eyes widen and my heart beat quickens. 

Then man sees us and stalks towards us. I stand in front of Harry, wand in hand. I've been practicing defensive spells all summer so that I can actually pass as a competent apud witch. I raise my wand when suddenly I hear Hermione's voice. "HARRY! HOPE!" She calls. 

"HARRY! HOPE!" I hear Ron call after her. Seeing he's outnumbered now the man races off. "We've been looking for you for ages." Ron says as Hermione engulfs the two of us in a giant hug. "We thought we lost you guys." Ron says. 

"What is that?" Harry asks, gesturing to the skull and snake in the sky. Suddenly Harry grabs for his forehead, clutching his scar. "Harry, what's-" I don't get to finish my question because I hear spells being casted and I drag my friends to the ground to avoid them. 

"STOP! STOP IT! THAT'S MY SON!" I hear Mr. Weasley yell as the footsteps get closer. "Ron, Harry, Hope, Hermione, are you ok?" He asks when he reaches us. "Which of your conjured it? You have been discovered at the scene of the crime." A man says, holding his wand out at us. 

I glare and step in front of my friends. "Crime?" I ask, still glaring. "Barty, they're just kids." Mr. Weasley says. "What crime?" Harry asks. "Hope, Harry, that's the Dark Mark, his mark." Hermione whispers to us. My eyes widen. "Voldemort?" Harry asks. He then turns to Mr. Weasley. 

"Those people tonight, they're his too aren't they, they're his followers?" Harry asks. "Death Eaters." Mr. Weasley confirms. With that the men start to leave. "There was a man before, there." Harry says, pointing to where the man ran off. 

"All of you, this way." The man says as they all leave. "A man Harry? Who?" Mr. Weasley asks. "I don't know, we didn't see his face." Harry says. With that we all turn to look at the Dark Mark now in the sky. I grab Harry's hand and squeeze it. I have a bad feeling about this. 

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