Chapter 1: I Heal Quickly

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Hope's POV:

"I'm going." I state firmly to Mad-Eye, the real one. "No Mikaelson, you're staying here with the others, it's too dangerous." He growls at me. I roll my eyes. "Please. Harry's just been expelled and he was attacked by a dementor. I'm going whether you like it or not." I argue. 

"Alastor, just let her go." Sirius tells the Auror, looking bored. Sirius and I have grown close this summer. He's almost matched with Mr. Weasley for my father figure in this world. Sometimes, when it's dark out we'll go run around. Him in animagus form and me in wolf form. 

We both go out with Remus on full moons now. I'm currently the only person who has been allowed to contact Harry, they know what us not talking will do to the both of us, especially after last year. "Fine, but if you get hurt, that's your problem." 

"Don't worry, I heal quickly." I quip before grabbing the broom Sirius gifted me at the end of third year. Once I have it I exit the house along with Mad-Eye, Tonks, Kingsley, and two other random Order members. Once we're all lined up we take off, heading for Harry's house. 

The flight isn't long. When we land on Harry's street it's dark. There is no car in the driveway of Harry's house so I'm assuming the Dursley's aren't home. Mad-Eye unlocks the front door and we slowly creep into the house. It's very dark in here. "Post tenebras spero lucem." 

A ball of light appears in my hand. Since I've started staying at Grimmauld Place more and more people have found out about me. None that aren't trust worthy, but still...more than I like. I remember how Harry described the house to me one time as I lead the way. 

I stop at the right door and motion to Tonks. "Alohamora." She mutters. The door unlocks and I push it open. Harry is standing there, looking shocked, gripping his wand for dear life. "Hope." He breaths. Grinning I race forwards and engulf him in a hug, not caring if my light spell drops. 

It's so good to see him. He hugs me back just as tight. "What are you doing here? Professor Moody?" He asks, looking up at the man as I pull away. He's very confused. "Rescuing you of course." Moody informs him. With that I tug Harry towards the door. 

He grabs a jacket on our way out. "Where are we going? The letter said that I've been expelled from Hogwarts." Harry tells Moody, still clutching onto my hand. "Well, you haven't been. Not yet. Kingsley, you take point." Moody instructs. "But the letter said-" 

"Dumbledore's persuaded the Minister to suspend your expulsion pending a formal hearing." "A hearing?" "This is a good thing. Dumbledore won't let you be expelled." I grin up at him. He grew over the break. Now I feel really small. 

"Don't worry Harry, we'll explain everything when we get back to headquarters." Tonk tells him. "Shh! Not here Nymphadora." Moody snaps. She glares up at him. "Don't call me Nymphadora." She growls, her hair turning red. 

Moody bangs his staff on the ground and our brooms fly into our hands. "Stay in formation everyone. Don't break ranks if one of us is killed." Moody instructs. Harry's eyes widen and he looks down at me. "What?" "Don't worry about it." I say, giving him a reassuring grin. 

With that we mount our brooms and take off into the night sky. "You know Harry, I haven't seen London yet. Haven't been anywhere besides the Burrow, Kings Cross, and Diagon Ally." He just smiles at me. 

"Maybe I can show it to you some time." I grin back, nodding eagerly as we continue to fly. We finally reach the park outside Gimmauld Place and land. There's a Muggle garbage trunk so we wait till it's gone before approaching the concealed home. "Come on." Moody tells us. 

We all walk towards the building. Once we're outside Moody bangs his staff on the ground three times. The building begins to shake as it splits, revealing the wizarding home of the Black family. Harry looks up in awe. "In you go you two." Moody tells Harry and I. 

I grip his hand as I drag him behind me towards the house. When we're inside Harry follows me hesitantly. I can hear a few people talking in the kitchen. Moody and the others shove past us, entering the kitchen. The door is wide open now, revealing Sirius. 

Harry walks forward and grins at his godfather. Before he can go to him Mrs. Weasley appears, smiling kindly at the boy. "Harry." "Mrs. Weasley." She comes out and closes the door. "Heavens you're alright." She grins, hugging him. 

"Bit peaky, but I'm afraid dinner will have to wait until after the meeting's finished." "About that-" "Nope. No time to explain. Hope dear why don't you take him up to Ron's room." She tells me. I nod, smiling at her, squeezing Harry's hand which is still clutching my own. 

"Come on, Ron and Hermione are upstairs." He nods and follows after me as I lead him through the house. As soon as I open the door Hermione shoves me aside and pulls Harry into a hug. "Harry!" She exclaims. She finally pulls away and turns to me. "Sorry Hope." I just shrug. 

She turns back to Harry. "Are you alright? We've heard them talking about the dementor attack. You must tell us everything." She tells him. "Let the man breath Hermione." Ron tells her. She just rolls her eyes at him. 

"And this hearing at the Ministry. It's just outrageous! I've looked it up...they simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair." She reassures him. "Yeah." Is all he says as he walks further into the room. "There's a lot of that going around at the moment." Harry tells the two of them. 

"So what is this place?" He asks. "It's headquarters." Ron tells him. "For the Order of the Phoenix." I chime in. "It's a secret society. Dumbledore formed it back when they first fought You Know Who." Hermione adds. 

"You couldn't put any of this in a letter I suppose. The only ones I received this summer were from Hope and she didn't mention this." He tells the other two. I sigh, walking towards him calmly. 

"Harry, they barely allowed me to write you. Dumbledore made me swear not to tell you anything. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, but I wasn't going to risk the only contact I had with you." I tell him, taking his hand. "Dumbledore said that?" He asks. I nod. 

"But why would he keep me in the dark? Maybe I can help." He suggests. I shake my head. "I don't know." "I mean, after all, I'm the one who saw Voldemort return, Hope and I fought him. I'm the one who saw Cedric Diggory get killed." He says. 

I look down to the ground at the mention of my fallen friend. Harry squeezes my hand and I look up at him. He's angry, but his anger is not aimed at me. It's not aimed at Ron or Hermione either. Suddenly Fred and George apparate into the room. 

One places a hand on Harry's shoulder and the other places one on mine. I let out a tiny scream at this, falling into Harry's side a bit. I glare at the twins, flashing my golden eyes at them. They back up instantly. "Hiya Harry." Fred says. "Thought we heard your dulcet tones." 

"Don't bottle it up though mate. Let it out." "Anyway, if you're all done shouting..." "Do you want to hear something a little more interesting?" They pull out their extendable ear. "You do realize I have inhanced hearing, right?" I ask. "We know." Fred says. "But we all want to hear." 

George grins. I roll my eyes as we all exit the room. Ginny soon joins us. "If anyone has a right to know it's Harry. If it wasn't for Harry and Hope we wouldn't even know that Voldemort was back. He's not a child Molly." Sirius says. 

"He's not an adult either! He's not James Sirius." Mrs. Weasley argues. "He's not your son." Sirius argues back. "He's as good as. Who else has be got?" "He's got me." "How touchingly paternal Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather." Snape chimes in. 

"You stay out of this Snivelus." Sirius snaps. "Snape's apart of the order?" Harry asks. "Yeah, shocked me too when I figured it out." I told him, shrugging slightly. We hear a meow from the ear and look down to see Crookshanks standing by it. 

Fred starts pulling it up, but the cat gets to it first. "Quick, get it up." Fred whispers. "Crookshanks." Hermione calls as loud as she can without giving us away. "Stop it." "You bloody cat." The twins call. "Leave it alone." Hermione tries again just as the ear falls off of the string. 

"Hermione I hate your cat." Ron tells her. "Bad Crookshanks!" Well, that was certainly interesting. Harry smiles a little at me and I grin back. At least he's not upset anymore. 

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