Chapter 2: Talks Under A Full Moon

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Hope's POV:

Soon after the incident with Crookshanks and the ear Mrs. Weasley calls us down for dinner. "Well, we'll be eating down in the kitchen." She tells us right as Fred and George apparate behind her.

"Oh! Just because you're allowed to use magic now does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!" She yells at them while they scatter, trying to escape her wrath. She takes a deep breath then turns to Harry. "You hungry Harry?" She asks.

Mr. Weasley comes up behind her and wraps an arm around her. "You sure you're alright Harry? You gave us quiet the turn." He says. Before Harry can say anything a voice calls out for him. "Harry Potter." The two Weasley's part to reveal Harry's godfather.

Harry's smile widens as he rushes forward to hug the man. "Sirius." Once the two are done hugging Harry greets his father's other friend. "Remus." "Hello Harry." "Come on, all of you. Time to eat." Mrs. Weasley ushers. Sirius wraps his arm around Harry.

"You must tell me everything that's happened. Hope gives great details from your letters, but I know there's more." Sirius tells him, leading him to the table. After Harry catches everyone up with what's going on with him Mr. Weasley starts talking about the trial.

"It appears that your trial will be in front go the entire Wizengamot." He explains to us. "I don't understand. What does the Ministry of Magic got against me?" Harry asks. Silence falls over the table. Moody finally speaks up. "Show him. He'll find out soon enough."

No one will meet his eye except me. I'm also in this whole debacle. Kingsley hands Harry the paper. 'The Boy Who Lies' is the title of the paper. His face contorts in anger at this. I place my hand on his to calm him down.

"Got one for me and Dumbledore as well. They've been attacking all of us this summer. Not too bad for me since not many people know who I am." I explain to him. He nods, grabbing onto my hand and squeezing it tightly.

"Fudge is using all his power, including his influence at the Daily Prophet, to...smear anyone who claims the Dark Lord has returned." Sirius tells him. "Why?" "The Minister thinks Dumbledore's after his job." Remus explains.

"But that's insane. No one in their right mind could believe that Dumbledore-" "Exactly the point. Fudge isn't in his right mind. It's been twisted and warped by fear. Now, fear makes people do terrible things, Harry." Remus starts.

"The last time Voldemort gained power, he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear. Now he has returned, and I'm afraid the Minister will do almost anything to avoid facing that terrifying truth." Sirius now jumps in.

"We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again. Fourteen years ago, he had huge numbers at his command, and not just witches and wizards but all manner of dark creatures. He's been recruiting heavily and we've been attempting to do the same." He continues talking.

"But gathering followers isn't the only thing he's interested in." Moody clears his throat. He doesn't stop. "We believe Voldemort may be after something." "Sirius." "Something he didn't have last time." "You mean, like a weapon?" Harry asks.

Before Sirius can say anything else Mrs. Weasley steps in. "No, that's enough. He's just a boy. You say much more and you might as well induct him into the Order straight away." "Good! I want to join. If Voldemort's raising an army then I want to fight." Harry announces.

Sirius leans back in his chair, winking at Harry. Harry is doing everything in his power to hold back a smile. After that there is no more talk about the Order per Mrs. Weasley's request. After dinner we are told to go to bed. I don't though.

It's a full moon tonight so Sirius and I are going out with Remus. When we get to our usual place we leave Remus to transform. "You knew Harry would want to fight." I say while we wait for the man to turn.

"Of course, he's a splitting image of his father, personality as well as looks. I knew James better than anyone. Well, maybe not Lily." I laugh. Of course. From the stories he's told me about James Potter you would think that Lily and Sirius shared a husband.

"The point is that I think Harry does need to fight. He's fought Voldemort and won. Twice. Once in Godric's Hollow when he was a year old and once in that graveyard. Even if you did help in the second time." I nod.

"Another thing we have this time is you. You're powerful Hope, and they're just starting to realize it. You took down his closest allies like they were nothing. I fear that that will make you one of his biggest targets." I nod. "I can take care of myself."

"I know you can. But can you take care of yourself and Harry. We both know that if it came down to it, you'd sacrifice yourself in a heart beat for him." I mull that over. He's not wrong. I would do anything to ensure Harry is safe. "I won't technically die-" "But you'd give up a moral life."

"It's bound to happen eventually. People have been trying to kill me since before I was born. If I turn saving someone I care about, then it's worth it." He nods. Suddenly there's a howl. "You ready?" I nod and walk behind a tree.

Quickly stripping I shift into wolf form and trot after Sirius and a newly turned Remus. The three of us mess around until Remus turns back. Once we're all back to normal a dressed we head back to Grimmauld Place. When we get there Sirius and Remus go straight to bed.

I'm about to when I see Harry sitting up in his bed next to Ron. I crack the door slightly and he looks up at me. Quietly he climbs out of bed and follows me out of the room to the kitchen which is empty. "You alright?" I ask. "Yeah, just a nightmare."

"Any more visions like the ones last year?" "No, theses are all from that night..." He trails off, but I know what he means. "I've been having them too. Keeps me up most nights." "Hope, I am so sorry. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been there that night and-"

"And you might not have returned. I'd risk my mortal life to ensure you get to live yours. You only get one Harry." He just shakes his head. "I can't see you hurt." He grips my hand and I give him a sad smile back.

We don't say anything else, just sit there with my head on his shoulder and his on top of mine. Just like we always sit in the Common Room. We don't talk about the trial tomorrow or Voldemort. We just enjoy being back together.

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