Chapter 10: We Infiltrate the Ministry

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Hope's POV:

Hermione was right. It only took the two of us a week to complete the potion that once took us a month. Ron found us four Ministry workers to impersonate that all take the same route to work every morning.

Harry will be impersonating Albert Runcorn, Hermione, Mafalda Hopkirk, Ron, Reg Cattermole, and me, Umbridges right hand woman, Valerie Winkenwarder. Now it's time to set this plan into motion and hopefully not die infiltrating the Ministry of Magic.

The morning of we all set ourselves up with the potion in an abandoned building on the route to the Ministry. Ron is on look out for us. Every time one of our targets comes along, he's going to kneel, pretending to tie his shoes. When he does this, I'll knock them out.

It's honestly a fool proof plan and works perfectly. The first one is Mafalda. As she walks by, I raise my hand. "Ad somnum." She collapses and Ron helps me carry her into the building. I repeat this three more times. Mafalda is soon followed by Reg, then Albert, and then Valerie.

Once they're all knocked out Hermione grabs the hairs and puts them into four flasks we brought with us. "Right. Remember what we said. Don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Just...try and act normal." Hermione says, handing us our respective flasks.

"Hope, put on the best accent you can to cover your American one. Do what everybody else is doing. If we do that, then, with a bit of luck, we'll get inside. And then..." "It gets really tricky." Harry chimes in. "Correct." "This is absolutely insane." I mutter, looking down at the flask.

"Completely mental." Harry agrees. "Completely." Hermione says. "The world's mental. Come on, we've got a Horcrux to find." Ron adds. With that we down the potion. I gag at the taste. "This is why I didn't drink this stuff second year or at Harry's." I groan as I feel the change happening.

Soon, I'm a tall, scrawny older woman with greying dark black hair and a stern expression. I glance down at the woman's clothes that I'm about to steal. "Ugh, I hate professional attire." I grumble as I look down at the tight fitting dress, heels, and trench coat  I'm meant to wear.

"Yeah, well, you're not you." Hermione reminds me. "Right." Sighing, I grab the clothes and quickly change in the corner with Hermione. Once we're all dressed, Hermione turns to me. "Test your voice." She suggests. I nod.

I've lived in this world since I was 10 and my aunts, uncles, and dad have an accent, I'm sure I can imitate the accent. "Uh, I'm Valerie Winkenwarder." I try. Hermione grins. "Perfect. Come on, we have to go." She says, grabbing my arm and pulling me to where the boys are waiting for us.

"Are you guys ready?" I ask, still having the accent. "As we'll ever be." Harry says. With those words, the four of us exit the building. It feels odd as I walk out in the heels I'm not comfortable wearing yet. 

Thank Aunt Rebekah for making me practice in heels since she was really into debutant balls. She would face time me and we would practice. The four of us walk through the streets together until we get to what I can only assume is a bathroom. 

We exchange a look at the large 'Gentlemen' sign above the entrance. I turn to Hermione. "Time to split up." She nods. I turn to the boys. "Find us when you get in. Right when you get in." They nod. I grab Hermione's arm and drag her to the sign that says 'Ladies' across it. 

Getting inside, I realize that the women were flushing themselves down the toilet. "That's disgusting." I whisper to Hermione. "Yep, come on." We each get into separate lines and once I'm in the stall, I fight back the vomit in my throat as I climb into the toilet. 

I notice the chain to my right and grab onto it. Counting to three in my head, I pull it. I feel like I'm being squeezed into a tube. Not unlike apparating, but not like it either. The exit is the green fire places that Bellatrix disappeared into in fifth year while Dumbledore and Voldemort fought. 

I always wondered where these led. Stepping out of the fire place, I look around for my friends. I spot Hermione and make my way to her side. "The boys come out yet?" I ask, looking around. Hermione doesn't answer. She looks terrified. 

"Hey, we can do this. We've already faced so much. We've got this." She nods hesitantly and that her eye catches something. "No." She breaths. She stands and stares at the new statue in the center of the large hall. Muggles being crushed. I feel a presence beside me. 

"Are those..." Harry trails off. "Muggles. In their...rightful place." Hermione chokes out. Ron comes to stand on Hermione's other side. "Got to tell you, I'm starting to freak out a bit." Ron says, a quiver in his voice. 

"If you want to go, I'll cast an invisibility spell on you and you can get out of here. All of you, but I'm getting that locket." I say. "No, we're doing this together." Harry says firmly. He then turns to Hermione. "How long did you say this batch of polyjuice would last Hermione?" 

"I didn't." She mutters. Great. Together the four of us head to the elevators. The doors go to close when someone calls out Ron's person's name. "Cattermole." We turn to see Yaxley. "It's still raining inside my office. That's two days now." "Have you tried an umbrella?" He asks. 

I would smack him if that would be out of character. "You do realize I'm going downstairs with Winkenwarder here, don't you Cattermole?" Yaxley asks, head gesturing towards me. "Downstairs?" Oh God, please don't be so obvious Ron.

"To interrogate your wife. Now, if my wife's blood status were in doubt and the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement needed a job doing...I think I might just make that a priority. You have one hour." With that Yaxley walks off and the doors close. 

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