Chapter 9: The Return of Dobby the Free House Elf

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Hope's POV:

It's been a few days since Kreacher left to find Mundungus. Hermione has been teaching Ron how to play the piano and Harry has been awfully quiet. Usually he's with me on the living room couch, watching me as I read the books in the Black Family library. 

I'm trying to see if there's anything that'll be useful for our upcoming journey. While I read, Harry is next to me, watching has the snitch Dumbledore gave him hovers in front of him. I hear the piano stop and look up to see Hermione walking over to speak to us. 

She sits on the couch opposite of us. "They have flesh memories. When Scrimgeour first gave it to you, I thought it might open at your touch...that Dumbledore had hidden something inside it." She explain as Harry grab the snitch still hovering in front of his face. 

Suddenly there's ruckus from the kitchen. The three of us exchange a look and stand, rushing towards the noise while Ron is quick to get up and follow after us. It's been days since we've seen Kreacher, I can only hope he found the traitor. 

My eyes widen when we walk into the kitchen to see Kreacher and none other than Dobby wrestling a tired looking Mundungus into the flat. Harry and I exchange a look before rushing forward. "Harry Potter. So long it's been!" Dobby exclaims. "Get off me!" Mundungus screams. 

Suddenly he falls forward, flinging Kreacher from his back. The elf recovers quickly and goes over to close the door. "As requested, Kreacher has returned with the thief. Mundungus Fletcher." Mundungus raises his wand. "Expelliarmus." Hermione says right as I raise my hand. 

"Corporis impetu." Mundungus flies back and into the wall. I hold him there as we all approach him. "Whatcha playing at? Setting a pair of bleeding house elves onto me?" Mundungus spits from his spot stuck to the wall. 

"Dobby was only trying to help Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley which Dobby thought was curious, a-and then Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry Potter's name." Kreacher tries to step him. "I had to-" "And then, Dobby saw Kreacher talking with the thief. Mundungus-" 

"I'm not thief!" Mundungus disputes. "Sure, and I'm a fairy princess. Shut the hell up." I snap, flashing my golden eyes at him. His mouth snaps shut. "You're a thief Dung, everyone knows it." Ron says. 

"Master Weasley. Mistress Mikaelson. So good to see you both again." Dobby says with a smile. "Listen, I panicked that night, alright? Can I help it if Mad-Eye fell off his broom?" "I would suggest telling the truth Fletcher. I'm not in a very forgiving mood right now." I snarl. 

"When you turned this place over-" He goes to interrupt. "-don't deny it, you found locket, am I right?" Harry asks. "Why? Was it valuable?" "You've still got it?" Hermione asks. "No, he's worried he didn't get enough money for it." Ron explains. 

"Bleeding give it away, didn't I? There I was...flogging me wares in Diagon Alley, when some Ministry hag comes up and asks to see me license. Says she's a mind to lock me up, and would've done it, too, if she hadn't taken a fancy to that locket." "Who was she?" I ask. 

"The witch? Do you know?" Harry elaborates. "No, I..." He pauses and looks down. A copy of the Dailey Prophet is on the ground. He tries to reach for it, but I'm still holding him against the wall. "Do you mind?" Roll my eyes, I drop the spell. He reaches down and pick it up. 

"Well, she's there. Look. Bleeding bow and all." "You've got to be kidding me." I snarl under my breath. On the front of the paper is none other than Dolores Umbridge herself. "Ok, so what now?" Ron asks. Hermione and I exchange a look. 

"Now, we think of a plan to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic." She says in a solum tone before walking out of the kitchen. "Are you serious? Hope, she can't really be serious, can she?" Ron asks me, a worried look on his face. "I'm afraid she is. We need to think of something...and fast." 

With those words I turn back around to Mundungus. "Go, and if you tell anyone, and I mean anyone, that you saw us or that we're here, I'll make what happened to Mad-Eye seem like a idealistic death." I snarl, eyes blaring gold. He nods rapidly. 

"Yes ma'am. Of course ma'am." And with that he sprints out the doors. I turn back to Harry and Ron. We need to think of" With that I walk out of the kitchen, the boys and house elves following behind me. 

"I like her Harry Potter. I really like her." Dobby says behind me. "Yeah, Dobby. Me too." I smile slightly at that as I enter the main living room where Hermione is pacing, thinking. "Any ideas?" I ask her. She looks up at me a weary look on her face. "One, and it'll take some time planning." 

"How long. A few days." "If it's the best one you've got, let's hear it." Ron says. "Polyjuice potion. Since I know what I'm doing now, it won't take me long to make the potion." "Good, what do you need us to do?" Harry asks. 

"The thing is, we need to find four Ministry workers, two male, two female, who use the same route to get to work. Ron, that's your job." He nods and walks off. She turns to Harry, search Sirius' stock, there should be what we need for this." "What do you want me to do?" 

"This potion is going to take both of us to complete it in the time we need to. Find a cauldron and let's get to work." Nodding, I set off to scour the house. This is a wizard family home, there should be at least one cauldron. I find one in the kitchen sitting above a fire pit. Perfect. 

"Incendia." The wood beneath the fire lights as Harry and Hermione show up with the ingredients for the potion. "Right, let's get to work."

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