Chapter 11: Christmas

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Hope's POV:

By the time I get to the Common Room on Christmas morning Harry and Ron have already opened gifts. "Merry Christmas you two." I say, skipping over to them. "Happy Christmas Hope." The chorus. "Your presents are over there." Ron says, pointing to a significant stack.

My eyes widen. "I have presents?" I ask. "Yeah." Ron says. I sit down on the floor and grab the first one. It's from Hermione. I quickly open it and find a journal with my initials, stitched into it. I then read her note for me.


You know what this is for. It is my wish that one day you will be going through this with your children and showing them your ways and that you will think of me, your first friend.

Happy Christmas, Hermione

I smile at this and place the note in the cover of the journal. I then go through the rest of my presents. Ron got me a load of sweets and a broom servicing kit. Molly and Arther gave me homemade fudge and a black sweater with a gold 'H' on it.

Fred and George gave me some prototype pranks. The Quidditch team even got my a hoodie in Gryffindor colors that says Mikaelson and 22, my number, on the back. It also have the Gryffindor seal on it. Finally I get to Harry's present. I open it to find a necklace.

I remember showing him my family crest sometime ago. I drew it out for him. The necklace is the Mikaelson 'M'. I smile and turn to the messy haired boy. "Thank you Harry, this means a lot to me. Actually, I have your presents upstairs." I say.

I rush up the stairs to the girl's dormitory and grab the two small boxes from my trunk. I already gave Hermione hers. I rush back down and hand them both the boxes. "What is it?" Ron asks, pulling the necklace out.

"Where I'm from, the stone, lapis lazuli, is very special and magical. I found some and spelled the necklace so that if you're ever in danger and I am not there, I will know and I will help you." I explain. "Thank you." Harry says. Ron just smiles at me. 

"Oh, Hope, you'll never guess what Harry got sent." Ron says. "What?" "An invisibility cloak." My eyes widen. "Really? From who?" "No idea, but I'm going to use it to look in the restricted section tonight." He says. "I'll go too." I say. 

"No, you stay here and I promise that if I find anything, I'll come and get the two of you." He says. I give him an unsure look. "Promise." He says. I sigh. "Whatever. Just be careful, ok?" I ask. He nods. The day goes on like normal. 

The three of us actually end up outside having a snowball fight. I won, obviously, but Ron is a sore loser. By the time night time comes I'm impatient. Harry left a few minutes ago and Ron is asleep. Suddenly the door to the Common Room bursts open by an invisible force. 

"Harry?" I ask. "Wait here for a minute Hope, there's something you and Ron have got to see." He says. I nod and hear him climbing up the stairs. When he comes back down with Ron he throws the cloak over all three of us and we run through different corridors until we get to a room.

The room is empty of everything except a mirror. We run to stand in front of the mirror. "Look, it's my parents." Harry says. "I only see us." Ron tells him. "Yeah, Harry, there's no one else there." I say. "Have a proper look. One at a time. Ron you go first." Harry says. 

He pulls me into his side and directs Ron where to stand. Ron's eyes widen. "There, you see them don't you." Harry says, grinning wildly. He goes to point at something when Ron exclaims, "That's me." I stare at him in confusion. So he doesn't see Harry's parents? 

"Only I'm head boy and I'm holding the Quidditch Cup and bloody hell, I'm Quidditch Captain too. Do you think this mirror shows the future?" Ron asks. "How can it, both of my parents are dead." Harry mumbles, looking sad. "Maybe I'll see them." I say. His eye brighten. 

"Yeah, go on Hope." He says. I then step in front of the mirror where Ron once stood. My eyes widen. "What do you see?" Harry asks curiously. I open my mouth to talk, but nothing happens. Tears come to my eyes. "Hope?" Harry asks, worried. In the mirror, where I see myself. 

To my right is my dad, Uncle Elijah, Uncle Kol, Uncle Finn, who I assume is my Uncle Henrik, Uncle Marcel, and my Grandfathers, both on my mom's side and my dad's real father. Mikael isn't there. 

On my left is my mom, Aunt Rebekah, Aunt Freya, Aunt Keelin, Aunt Davina, Great Aunt Dahlia, and both of my Grandmothers. My family. Half of them are dead, but none of that matters anymore. The only thing that matters are the two people on my immediate left and right.

"Hope." Harry calls again. "Mommy? Daddy?" I say, tears streaming down my face. "What?"I drop to my knees and my mom and dad kneel beside me, wrapping their arms around me. I go to touch their hands, but they aren't really there. "Hope." Harry calls again. 

My head whips away from the picture. "L-let's go back." I say after I've committed the picture to memory. I quickly wipe the tears from my face. "Are you alright?" Ron asks. "Yeah, I'm fine, let's go." I say. They nod and we throw the cloak over us again. 

We quickly make it back to the Gryffindor Common Room. "You going to bed Hope?" Harry asks. "In a little bit, I'm fine. Goodnight Harry." I say. "Goodnight Hope." With that he is gone and I am left alone. I race up to the dormitory and grab a sketch pad and a pencil. 

The rest of that night I spend drawing that picture. That is because if I cannot have them in real life, then at least I can have their likeness like it was in that mirror. My perfect family. Without all the evil. I finish right before the sun came up and quickly pass out. "Hope? Hope." I hear. 

With a yawn I open my eyes. "Did you stay here all night?" He asks. I nod. "Why?" He asks. "I, uh." I don't finish though because Harry picks up my drawing. "Who are all these people?" He asks me. 

"My family. That is what I saw in the mirror last night. Half of these people are now dead." I explain. "I'm sorry." Harry says. "Don't be, you weren't the one that killed them." I say. "I know, but still. I know what it's like to lose your parents." He says. I nod. "Thank you Harry." I say. 

"For what?" "You're always there for me. No one ever has been before, so thank you." I say. He nods. "Come on, I think Ron is already downstairs, eating breakfast with him family." He says. I nod and allow him to help me up. 

I quickly run to the dormitory and throw on the sweater Molly gave me, skinny jeans, and my combat boots. I throw my hair into a messy bun before running back downstairs. "Ready." I say. With that Harry and I head downstairs to breakfast. 

When we get down there I immediately take a seat next to George while Harry just goes to sit by the fire place. After a few minutes of eating Ron and I exchange I look. I nod and get up, walking over to him. 

"Ok, I know what you're thinking, but you cannot go back there. I knew that so I drew what I saw. If you told me what they look like maybe I can draw something for you, but Harry, it's not a good idea." I say, sitting next to him. He just continues to stare at the fire. 

"Harry, promise me you won't go back there. Promise me." I say. He just nods in response. I wrap my arms around the boy and lay my head on his shoulder. "It's for the best." I say. He nods once again, but does not say anything. We stay there for awhile. 

After breakfast Ron heads back to the Common Room with Harry, but I go off on a new mission. I walk up to Dumbledore's office. "Sherbet Lemon." I say. Dumbledore gave me the password in case there were any new developments in my case. 

"Miss Mikaelson, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Dumbledore asks me. "I came to ask you a favor." I say. Later that night I'm sitting in the Common Room, waiting for Harry to get back from the mirror room. I knew that he wouldn't keep his promise. The mirror is powerful. 

When he walks through the portrait hole he doesn't expect to see me. "Hope?" He asks. He the looks at the ground, ashamed. "I'm sorry." He says. "For what?" I ask him. "I broke my promise, I went back to that room." He says. 

"Harry, you've become one of my best friends, I had no doubt in my mind that you would go back to that room. I'm just hurt you didn't just come out and tell me." I say. "I know, and I'm sorry." He says. 

"Don't be, the mirror is alluring. I almost went back, but I knew it was not for the best." I explain to him. "Does it get any easier?" He asks me. "Does what get easier?" I ask, utterly confused about what he is asking.

"Missing them. I know I didn't really know my parents and you just lost yours a little over a year ago, but it still hurts." He says. I smile solemnly at him and pull him over to sit by the fire where I was once perched waiting for him.

"Harry, they were your parents. No matter how long they've been gone or how well you knew them, it's always going to hurt. The trick is to remember only the good things." I say. "Like what? I don't even remember their voices." He says. 

"For instance, your mom was said to be a kind hearted woman, your dad, a wonderful family man who loved you and your mom with everything he had. Remember those things and remembering them won't hurt." I tell him. He nods and pulls me in for a hug. 

"I'm lucky to have you in my life Hope Mikaelson." He says. "And I am lucky to have you, Harry Potter." We stay like that for a while. Once we pull back we sit by the fire and talk for the rest of the night. 

The next morning Ron wakes us up and we are still in the same positions we were the night before. I finally understand. I'm home.

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