Chapter 10: Nicholas Flamel

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Hope's POV:

After the game, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I go for a walk with Hagrid and Hermione explains what was going on with Harry's broom. Hagrid doesn't see what we do though. "Nonsense, why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broom?" He asks. 

"Who knows, why was he trying to get passed that three-headed dog on Halloween?" Harry asks. "Who told you about Fluffy?" Hagrid asks. "Fluffy?" I ask. "That thing has a name?" Hermione questions. 

"Of course he does, he's mine. I bought him off an Irish fellow I met down at the pub last year. Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the-" "Yes?" Harry asks. "Nothing. No more questions, don't ask anymore questions. That's top secret that is." Hagrid says. 

"But Hagrid, whatever Fluffy's guarding, Snape's trying to steal it." Harry says. "Codswallop. Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher." Hagrid defends. I roll my eyes. Just cause someone is a teacher doesn't mean they're a good person. 

"Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a spell when I see one. I've read all about them. You have to maintain eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking." Hermione says. "Exactly." Harry says. We all stop walking at this point. 

"Now you listen to me, all four of ya. You're meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel." He says. "Nicholas Flamel?" I ask. 

"I shouldn't have said that, I should not have said that." Hagrid continues to chant this as he continues his trek to his house. "Nicholas Flamel." Harry mutters. "We can go to the library, start researching. There's bound to be something on this guy." I say. 

They all nod and me make our way into the castle. For the next weeks we make use of our extra time and go through the library, trying to find something, anything over the guy, but we come up with nothing. It's as if this guy does not exist. 

Also, when we're alone, I start teaching Hermione everything I know about sine witches. She's absolutely fascinated with me. I show her different spells I've learned from a young age. Ones taught to me by my Aunts Freya and Davina. I even show her my almost complete grimoire. 

She also urges me to tell Harry and Ron about myself, but I continue to hold off on it. I rationalize is to her, but in my head it's simply me just being too scared of being rejected by the friends I've always wanted and finally have. 

Also, over the past few weeks, Harry and I have gotten closer, like, super close. I guess that comes with being stuck with someone is a library for hours on end. Usually we pair off to go look for books, and Harry and I always work together. It makes sense, we work better together. 

He teases me and a mess with him back. It's nice and not awkward as it was with the Weasley boys when I first moved into the Burrow. It's refreshing to have someone I can talk to, but I still have yet to tell him my secret. Hell, I still haven't told Hermione about being a tribrid. 

I'm worry that they'll be scared of me. I can't handle that right now. I've grown too close, despite my head's urges about keeping them out. I know it'll come back and bite me in the ass, but for now, I'm just going to enjoy having them as friends. Also, I have yet to find my soulmate. 

There is no one outside my friend group that I have any connection to and I know that I'm not falling for Ron, the twins, or Harry. Right now that just seems too weird. I mean, yeah, Harry is cute, but he's too much of my friend to be my soulmate. That rationalizes, right?

Anyways, today is the day when half the school leaves for Christmas break. Harry and I were always planning on staying here, but Ron and the rest of the Weasleys are staying too since Arther and Molly are going visit Charlie in Romania. 

Right now Harry and Ron are facing off against each other in Wizard's Chess in the Great Hall while I sit beside Harry and watch them. I'm absolutely horrible at this game. I've tried to play, but Ron kicks my butt every time I try to I eventually just gave up. 

Hermione walks into the Great Hall to say goodbye just in time to see Ron's queen destroy Harry's knight. "That's totally barbaric." Hermione exclaims. "That's Wizard's Chess. I see you've packed." Ron says. "I see you haven't." She quips back. 

"Change of plans, mum and dad are going to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there." Ron explains. "Good, you can help Harry and Hope. They're going to look in the library for information over Nicholas Flamel." Hermione tells him. 

"We've looked over a hundred times." Ron whines. "Not in the restricted section. Happy Christmas." She says, walking away. "We've had a bad influence on her." Ron says. "Excuse me, you two have had a bad influence on the both of us." I tell him. 

"Ok, ok, no need to point fingers here. I was just saying that if this had been before the troll incident she wouldn't have helped us at all in this search." He says. "Honestly Ron." I say. "It's true." He defends. I just roll my eyes. 

"Well, I'm going to head up to the Common Room, get some quiet, you know? See you later." Tell the boys before heading upstairs. When I get up there there is no no one out and about so I quickly rush up stairs and grab the last grimoire of my grandmother's and my own. 

I then run down stairs and sit by the fire. I write down all the spells in this last book until I come to the last one. The one that sent me to this strange world. Making sure I'm not using any magic I read out the words. "Ut mihi in desiderio animae." I mutter with a small breathy laugh. 

Oh if I had known the journey that this spell would take me on. Sighing I quickly write it down and close both books. Now that I'm finished copying my grandmother's books I can start on Aunt Freya's and Aunt Davina's. I let out a sigh. I really miss them. 

I wonder if time is passing and if they miss me. I bet they do if it is passing. I miss them so much. They're some of the only family I have left. I need to get back to them. Whatever it takes. 

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