Chapter 9: First Game

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Hope's POV:

The next morning is the day of Harry and my's first Quidditch game. I am beyond nervous. Even with the encouragement of my other chasers, Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell, I'm so nervous I can't even eat breakfast. "Take some toast mate go on. You too Hope." Ron says. 

"Ron is right, you two need your strength." Hermione urges. "I'm not hungry." Harry says. "Neither am I." I chime in. They both give us disapproving looks, but shut up about it all together. 

"Good luck today Potter, Mikaelson. Then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you. Even if you are playing Slytherin." Snape says, standing behind Harry and Hermione and in front of Ron and I. 

With that being said he walks away from us, leaving us back to our conversation. Well he limps away. "That explains the blood." Harry says. "Blood?" I ask. Then I smell it. The metallic scent of blood hits me. 

Since I have yet to activate my vampire side, I don't crave it, but my werewolf side gives me heightened senses. "Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so that he could get passed that three-headed dog. But he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping."

"But why would anyone go near that dog?" Hermione asks. "The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. Said it was Hogwarts business very secret." Harry explains. "So what your saying is..." I trail off and let Harry finish. 

"That's what the dog's guarding. That's what Snape wants." Suddenly I can hear an owl. I look up to see Hedwig, Harry's owl, flying in with two packages. One drops into Harry's hands and the other into mine. "Bit early for mail isn't it?" Hermione asks. "But I never get mail." Harry says.

"Yeah, and I've only gotten one letter from your mom Ron." I say. "Let's open it." Ron says. Harry and Ron proceed to open Harry's package while Hermione and I tackle mine. When all the wrapping is undone, I see a broomstick. "They're broomsticks." Harry breaths out. 

"Those aren't just any old broomsticks, those are Nimbus 2000s." Ron exclaims. I look over towards the head table to see McGonagall smiling, petting the snowy owl. Wood, who is sitting next to Harry, is gaping at the broom in awe. 

After breakfast Harry and I follow the team to the locker rooms. "You're going to do great Hope, I just know it." Angelina says. "Yeah, your a great chaser, you've got this." Katie compliments. I nod and once we're in our uniforms we meet the boys at the opening to the pitch. 

Soon the gate is opened and we soar out of the tunnel. All the houses except for Slytherin cheer for us as we go out. Then I hear Fred and George's friend, Lee Jordan, start announcing everything for the pregame. After that everyone gets into position. 

"Now I want a nice clean game, from all of you." Madam Hooch says. The Slytherins sneer at this and I just roll my eyes. They're going to play dirty no matter what. Soon the Quaffle is thrown up and the game begins. Angelina grabs ahold of it and starts soaring towards the Slytherin keeper. 

Katie and I quickly go to either side of her just in case she needs to pass us the ball. She doesn't need our help though and soon makes the first goal. "Angelina Johnson scores! Ten points to Gryffindor!" Lee announces excitedly. I smile and start playing defense. 

Before the ball can get more than halfway down the field I manage to wiggle it out of one of the Slytherin chaser's grip. With that I head towards their goal and score easily. "Another ten points to Gryffindor by Hope Mikaelson." He calls out. I smile. 

Never have I ever played anything this fun in my life. As Marcus Flint, the Captain of the Slytherin team goes to score Wood bats the Quaffle into my hands and I quickly zoom down the field and score another ten points. 

"Mikaelson with another ten points for Gryffindor!" Slytherin goes to score again, but Wood catches it and throws it to Angelina who passes to Katie who scores. "Another ten points to Gryffindor!" I then turn just in time to see Flint hit a bludger at Wood and knock him out. 

Two of them head towards the goal with the Quaffle, but I race ahead and intercept the point, tossing the ball to Katie and flying with her and Angelina. "Wood is down, but Mikaelson saves the play." Lee announces. 

The game continues on like that Angelina, Katie, and I continue to score while we all do our best to intercept the ball when it's headed towards the goal. They only get passed us a few times. A little ways through the game they manage to knock Angelina off her broom and she is out. 

I look at Katie, Fred, and George. It's up to us. Harry has to worry about the snitch. While Fred and George continue to try and knock the others team off their brooms Katie and I alternate between scoring and protecting the goal, but it is less efficient with the two of us. 

I then see Katie's broom hit by a bludger and she goes down. "Bell is down leaving Mikaelson as the only chaser left." Lee announces. I see the chasers and beaters from the other team head towards me since I have the Quaffle. 

Taking a deep breath I start to zip by them, maneuvering in ways I didn't know I could to avoid the dirty team. I end up making it to the other end and gaining another point. Here come the hard part, keeping them from scoring by myself. 

As I do this I notice Harry start jerking on his broom. What is he doing? I can't think about this now, he's got it handled. I race to the goal right at Flint throws the ball towards it. I catch it in record time and zoom down the field once more. 

I score a point just as I see Harry fall off his broom. I gasp. But he stands up and starts choking on something. Finally whatever he was choking on comes out. It's the snitch!" Smiling I fly down to Harry's side. "Harry Potter has caught the snitch, Gryffindor wins!" Lee hollers. 

Harry is waving the snitch in the air when I nearly tackle him in a hug. "That was amazing!" I say. "You were pretty great too Hope. I mean, taking on three chasers and a keeper by yourself, well done." He says and it hug him again. 

Fred and George fly next to us and puts the two of us in between them. Everyone is cheering except for Slytherin. The feeling I'm feeling right now is indescribable. I've never been so accepted in my life. 

But, even through al this joy, I still have the voice in the back of my head warning me. Whoever I get close to, I lose. Saying that I should know better, but, for the first time since being here, I push aside that voice and enjoy the moment. This is my moment and nothing will ruin it for me.

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