Chapter 11: Rising From The Ashes

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Hope's POV:

My eyes widen in shock and my hand covers my mouth. I look at Harry, knowing that he's just as surprised as I am to find him. "Is he-" "Yeah, I think so." I mutter. This can't possibly be happening. 

First the voices lead him to Mrs. Norris and now, after the whole snake incident, it lead him to Justin? What is going on here? Harry walks over and kneels down next to Justin. I feel a presence behind me. "Caught in the act." I hear Filch say. I stiffen and Harry and I turn around.

"I'll have you thrown out this time Potter. You and your little girlfriend. Mark my words." With that he rushes off. "No! Mr. Filch!" Harry calls out, but he's gone. I sigh and go over to kneel next to him. 

"Don't worry, Dumbledore won't let us be thrown out. He'll believe us." I reassure the terrified boy. He nods and runs a hand through his messy black hair. Then he spots something on the floor and stands up. 

Confused I follow him to the window where hundreds of tiny spiders around running out of. "This isn't usual spider behavior." I mutter. We hear footsteps come back and this time, Filch has McGonagall with him. She's horrified. "Professor, I swear we didn't." Harry says. 

"This is out of my hands Potter, Hope. Come with me." She says. We nod, resigning ourselves to the fact that she can't help us. We follow her to the eagle. "Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for you. Sherbet lemon." She says. 

I walk onto the first step and Harry quickly follows as the eagle begins to rotate into a stairwell. He look in awe of the entrance to Dumbledore's office. Once we're at the top we open the door to his actual office. "Professor Dumbledore?" Harry calls into the room. Nothing. 

We walk inside and Harry goes over to Fawkes. I smile at the bird who nods his head to me. Suddenly he goes up in flames and Harry looks horrified. Must never have seen a phoenix die. I remember the first time I saw one die. Freaked me out. 

"Harry? Hope?" Dumbledore asks, walking out of his back room. "Professor. Your bird...there was nothing we could do. He just caught fire." He tries. "Oh and about time too. He's been looking dreadful for days. Pity you had to see him on a burning day." Dumbledore says. 

Harry looks confused. "Fawkes is a phoenix Harry. They burst into flame when it's time for them to die, and then they are reborn from the ashes." I say just as Fawkes head pops up from the ashes. 

"Ah, fascinating creatures phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads. Their tears have healing powers." Dumbledore explains. I push finger down and scratch little Fawkes's head. "Professor Dumbledore, sir! Wait! Listen!" Hagrid yells, bursting into the room. 

"Professor Dumbledore, sir, it wasn't Harry or Hope." He says. I smile at the half-giant. "Hagrid-" Dumbledore tries, but he gets cut off. "I'd be prepared to swear it in front of the Ministry of Magic-" "HAGRID!" Dumbledore says, this time effectively cutting him off. 

"Relax. I do not believe that Harry or Hope attacked anybody." "Well of course you don't. I-oh. Oh right, well I'll, then. I'll just wait outside." I smile as he leaves the office. "You don't think it was us Professor?" Harry asks. 

"No Harry, I do not think it was you. I don not think it was Hope either, but I must ask you. I there something either of you wish to tell me?" He asks. Harry just shakes his head for the both of us. "No sir, nothing." "Well then, the two of you are free to go. Just be careful." We leave the office.

"You ok?" I ask once we're down the hall a little ways. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" "Because you were upset when we left study hall and we haven't really talked about it." I say. He sighs. 

"I'm fine, really. I just want you and Hermione to finish up the potion so that we can know if Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin." He says. I nod. "I don't think he is, but we'll just have to see." "How can you think that he isn't?" 

"Malfoy's an ass, but he's also too proud to not parade around in front of the other Slytherins about what he's done and who he is and no one seems to be giving him a wider berth than normal. Especially not the older Slytherins." I say. 

"Well than, we'll just have to wait to find out." He says. I nod. "We will." With that we head back to the Common Room. Hermione and Ron are sitting our usual places on the couch. Both of them look antsy. 

"Where were you two? Did you hear what happened?" Hermione asks once we've sat down. "Yeah, ole Justin Finch Fletchly was petrified along with Nearly Headless Nick. Everyone is say that you did it Harry." Ron says. "We know, we found them." I say. "You what?" Hermione asks. 

"We found them after we left. Filch found us right after we found them and got McGonagall to send us to Dumbledore. He believes us when we say we didn't do it though. Luckily." I explain. Hermione looks like she has a million things running through her head at the moment. 

"I wonder who did it." She mumbles. "I think you know who did it." Harry says. I roll my eyes at the accusation. "We won't know until the potion is complete. It should be ok when winter break comes around." I say, reiterating what I was telling him earlier. They all nod. 

"Sounds good to me." Ron says. I nod. With that we drop the conversation, in case anyone is listening in. Wouldn't want to get in trouble before getting the information we need. I can only hope that I'm wrong about Malfoy not being the heir. 

If I am then we know the enemy and we know how to deal with it. If I'm right then we're dealing with an unknown enemy and that is truly terrifying. 

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