Chapter 10: Is Talking to Snakes Not Normal?

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Hope's POV:

After the whole incident with Harry the four of us race back to the Common Room. Well, Harry does, Ron, Hermione, and I run to keep up with the frantic boy. We finally stop him in the empty Common Room. "You're a Parselmouth? Why didn't you tell us?" Ron asks. 

"What's a Parselmouth?" I ask, confused. "It means he can talk to snakes." Hermione reveals. My eyes widen. So that's why everyone was staring at Harry during the whole snake incident? "Is talking to snakes not normal?" I ask. 

I mean it isn't in my world, but this world is strange enough to where I'd believe that talking to snakes was a normal occurrence. I guess not. "I thought so, I mean, I accidentally set a Python on my cousin Dudley at the zoo once." He says. Ron gives him an incredulous look. 

"Once." He defends. I hold back smile. "But so what, I bet loads of people can." He reasons. "No, they can't. It's not a very common gift Harry. This is bad." Hermione explains. "What's bad? If I hadn't told that snake not to attack Justin-" "Oh, that's what you said to it?" Ron asks. 

"You were there, you heard me." Harry tries. "I heard you speaking Parseltounge. Snake language." Ron reasons. "I spoke a different language? But I didn't realize it. How can I speak a language without knowing I can?" Harry asks, trying to get some answers.

"I don't know Harry, but it sounded like you were egging the snake on or something." Hermione tells him, pity in her voice. "Hope, what did you hear?" He asks, desperate. I shake my head with a sad look on my face. 

"I'm sorry. Whenever the snake was let loose I kinda panicked and zoned out. I didn't really hear anything." I tell him. He gives me a weird look, as if he's trying to decipher something. Something I can't figure out. 

"Harry, listen to me. There's a reason the symbol of Slytherin house is a serpent. Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth. He could talk to snakes too." Hermione explains. "Exactly. Now the whole school is going to think you're his Great Great Great Grandson or something." Ron says.

"But I'm not." Harry snaps. Then he calms down and looks at Hermione and I. "I can't be." "He lived a thousand years ago, for all we know, you could be." Hermione says. "I can always do a lineage spell if you want." I offer. He shakes his head. "No, I'm good, thanks Hope." He say. 

I smile at him and nod. With that Hermione and Ron decide that we've talked enough about this for one day and head up to their respective dormitories. I stay down here with Harry. "Hope are you ok?" He asks me suddenly. Confused I look up at him. "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"Well, it's just that you mentioned zoning out when the snake appeared." He says, blushing a little. I smile at him. "It's nothing, I'm fine, really. Just a silly phobia." I say. "Hope, I've known you long enough to know that not a lot scares you, but snakes are the exception?" He asks. 

I sigh and look down. "When I was little an evil witch took over my body and pushed her evil magic into me. My family was able to get the magic out of me by splitting it up into my Aunt, Uncles, and father. The catch was none of them could be near me." I explain. 

I go and sit on one of the couches. He follows me. "What would happen if they got close to you?" He asks, sitting next to me. "Plagues would be inflicted upon me. One of them caused me to choke on a snake that crawled out of my mouth. I haven't been to good with them since." 

"I'm sorry." He says. I shrug. "It was two years ago, I'm fine now, I just don't like them." I say. He nods, not pushing it any further. Thats one of the things I like about Harry, he knows when to push and when to give me space. After that we begin working on the homework due tomorrow. 

Once it's finished we head upstairs to get some sleep for classes tomorrow. The next day is pretty uneventful. Right now we're in study hall, doing our homework quietly. Every once in a while Harry would look behind him to find different kids from the other houses looking at him. 

I can tell it's starting to annoy him from the eye rolls he's been doing for the past half hour. Finally he's had enough. "I'll see you back in the Common Room." He says, gathering his things and leaving. I sigh and look at the other two. 

"I should go check on him." I say, going to put away my things. "He just needs some space Hope. We can talk to him later." Hermione whispers to me, trying not to disturb anyone around us. I roll my eyes at her assumption. 

"He feels alienated for what happened with the snake, I know alienation all too well. You don't ever really want to be alone." I say,  standing up. She just sighs and nods her head. I grab my bag and follow Harry out of the room. When I find him his face is pressed up against the wall. 

"Harry?" I ask, concerned. He looks at me, surprised. "Hope. Do you hear that?" He asks. I strain my hears using my wolf hearing. Nothing. "No. Is it the voices from the other night?" I ask. He nods then gets a look of confusion on his face. "You believe me?" He asks. I nod. 

He shoots me a grateful smile before his head jerks back to the wall. He then begins to run down the corridor. "Harry, wait up!" I call, running after him. He shouldn't be following this voice. Last time he did he found Mrs. Norris. When we stop it's because of shock. 

Hovering in the air is a petrified Nearly Headless Nick and underneath him his Justin Finch Fletchly, the boy from the dueling club. 

A/N: Hey guys!! Quick little announcement. I've decided that the first Friday of every month I will upload three chapters in one day and the third Friday I will do a double update. Next week is a triple update and I can't wait for you all to read it!


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