Chapter 9: The Dueling Club

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Hope's POV:

The next day Harry is out of the Hospital Wing, arm good as new. Right now we're all in the unused girl's bathroom brewing the Polyjuice Potion. Harry is recounting to us everything Dobby, a House Elf, told him.

"Again? So the Chamber of Secrets has been open before?" Hermione asks him. "Of course. Don't you see. Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he went to school here, and now he's told Draco how to do it." Ron says. I roll my eyes.

"Maybe. We'll have to wait for the Polyjuice Potion to know for sure." Hermione says. "Enlighten me. Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight, in the middle of a girl's lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught?" Ron asks. "No, no one ever comes in here." I say. "Why?"

"Moaning Myrtle." Hermione says. I've only meant the ghost once, but she has some serious issues. I get why people avoid this place. "Who?" Ron asks. Behind him she appears, looking annoyed. "Moaning Myrtle." I repeat. "Who's Moaning Myrtle?" He asks. This only angers her.

"I'm Moaning Myrtle!" She snaps from behind him. He spins around quickly, shocked. I hold back a laugh. She soars over our heads and hovers over the sinks. "I wouldn't expect you to know me. Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping, moaning Myrtle?" She says.

She then lets out a sad shriek and flies right into one of the toilets. I roll my eyes. She is such a drama queen. She actually reminds me little of Lizzie Saltzman. "She's a little sensitive." Hermione tells him. "A little?" I ask. She just gives me a 'shut up' look.

We continue brewing the potion for the rest of that day before turning in for the night. The next day is a Sunday and the of the oh so dreaded Dueling Club, taught by the 'magnificent' Gilderoy Lockhart. Give me a break.

I'm excited about the Dueling Club, but I'd much rather be taught be someone who is competent. Like Professor McGonagall. Even Neville. No offense. When we walk into the Great Hall several tables are pushed together to make a giant stage. Everyone is gathered around it.

"Gather round! Gather round." I hear Lockhart say. He hops onto the stage and everyone races to the edge to get a good look. "Can everybody see me? Can you all hear me?" He asks. No one responds which I guess is what he was looking for.

He's dressed in an extravagant dueling outfit with a one arm cape. Ridiculous if you ask me. "In light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club. To train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves."

I roll my eyes at the extravagance of his speech. I nudge Harry. "Think we can find him a good match to duel?" I ask him. "I'm sure there's a first year willing to help him out." He mutters back. I smile at this and continue listening to this idiot talk. "For full details see my published work."

I roll my eyes as he rips off the cape thing and throws it towards some girls in the back of the crowd who start to fight over it. I scrunch my face in disgust. "That Lockhart's something, isn't he?" I hear a voice beside me ask. I turn to see a Hufflepuff boy.

"What a brave chap. Justin Finch-Fletchley, Hufflepuff." He says, offering his hand to Harry and I. "Nice to meet you, I'm-" Harry is cut off though. "Oh I know who you are. We all do, even us muggle-borns." He says. We just smile at him. He seems nice.

"Let me introduce, my assistant. Professor Snape." He says. Everyone's heads whip around to face the end of the stage. Snape appears in his normal state, absolutely bored. At least we can watch Lockhart get knocked on his ass.

"He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry. You'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him, never fear." He says. I hold back a laugh.

"Maybe this means we can have a new DADA professor." I mumble to Harry who just grins at me. The two of them get into fighting positions. Once they've bowed to each other they both turn around and walk a few paces away. Once they've done that they both whip around quickly.

"One, two three." Lockhart counts. Before he can get a spell out Snape is already casting one. "Expelliarmus!" He yells out. Light erupts from his wand and hits Lockhart straight in his chest. I laugh a little when the DADA professor is blasted backwards, landing flat on his ass.

I knew coming here today would be a good idea. Pure entertainment. "Do you think he's alright?" Hermione asks. I roll my eyes. "Who cares?" Ron asks. "Not me." I chime in. Hermione sends me a glare and I just grin back at her.

"An excellent idea to show them that Professor Snape, but if you don't mind me saying, it was pretty obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you, it would have been only too easy." Lockhart says. Yeah right.

"Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells." Snape says. You have to hand it to the guy for not hexing Lockhart into oblivion. I would have. "An excellent suggest Professor Snape, uh, lets have a volunteer pair. Uh, Potter, Weasley." He alls.

I give Harry and reassuring smile before him and Ron head to go up there. "Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending Potter to the Hospital Wing in a match box. Might I suggest someone from my own house. Malfoy." He says.

I look at Ron with a sympathetic smile. Snape really is a dick. Malfoy and Harry get on the stage and walk towards the center. They stop before each other. "Wands at the ready!" Lockhart calls. "Scared Potter?" Malfoy asks. "You wish." Harry says. I smirk at this.

With that they lower their wands and walk the designated steps away from each other. Once they are far enough away they get into their ready positions. "On the count of three, cast your charms to disarm your opponent. Only disarm. We don't want any accidents here."

Yeah, no kidding. "One, two-" "Everte Statum!" Malfoy yells early. Harry is sent flying into the air, flipping several times before falling onto his side. I glare at the blonde. If only he was fighting me. I might have wolfed out on him.

Might have exposed myself, but it would have been worth it. Harry stands, angry now. He points his want at Malfoy. "Rictusempra!" He yells. Malfoy is then sent flipping though the air. I smirk at this. I taught him that one. Snape yanks Malfoy to his feet. "I said disarm only!" Lockhart yells.

Well when you put mortal enemies against each other you're going to have a little more than disarming spells. "Serpensortia." Malfoy says. From the tip of his want flies a snake. My breath catches in my throat.

The snake reminds me of the one I choked on after my dad came back from the church without my mom. I can't breath, my whole world is spinning. "Hope? Hope are you ok?" I hear Hermione asks. This brings me back to reality. Everything begins to focus.

I look forwards and everyone is staring at Harry, scared. Snape steps forwards. "Vipera Evanesca." Snape says. The snake goes up in flames. There's silence throughout the hall. What happened when I zoned out?

A/N: Hey everyone! I've decided that the first crossover release will be Agent Mikaelson. The Avengers crossover. I'll be releasing it the Thursday before the last chapter of book 2 is published. I'm so excited for you to read it!


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