Chapter 12: I May or May Not Have Blown Up the Ministry

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Hope's POV:

When we reach the main floor we all keep our head down as to not draw attention to ourselves. Not likely, Harry is the most wanted wizard in the world and I am right there behind him. We're almost into the main hall when we realize Ron and Mrs. Cattermole aren't near us.

We turn back to see him talking to her. Worst timing ever. Suddenly she kisses him. I glance back at Hermione. She's staring at them shock and disgust. Finally his potion wears off and when she pulls away her eyes widen in horror. A man pushes through us.

My eyes widen when I realize it's Mr. Cattermole. "Mary? Who's that?" He asks. "Long story. Nice meeting you." Ron says, running up to us. "It's Harry Potter and Hope Mikaelson. It's Harry, Harry Potter and Hope Mikaelson." A man starts yells. Everyone stops and turns towards us.

We begin to run for the fireplaces. The guards are now running towards us. We're surrounded. I glance at the giant statue of the muggles being crushed as we halt, no knowing where to go. "Time for a distraction I guess. When I do this, we run. Understand?" They all nod.

I raise my hands, walking forward. "Bruciare supe terram, faciendo ignis ga praemium!" I shove my hands forward and the whole statue explodes. When it does, a large portion of the guards are taken out by falling debris.

My friends and I sprint for the whole in the line I made, making it through and racing towards the fire places once more. Yaxley is out now and sending curses our way as we shove our way through the crowds. 

Harry whips his wands towards the person selling Dailey Prophets and they go flying everywhere, causing yet another distraction. We're almost to the fire places, but Yaxley has caught up and has started closing them. "Expelliarmus!" I yell, hitting Yaxley's wand directly. 

It goes flying and the four of us jump into the first fire place there is. Sadly, Yaxley is right on our tail and jumps in as well before we can get anywhere. The whole journey back to Grimmauld place is a fight with Yaxley. 

Right when we touch down, we drop Yaxley and Hermione sends us somewhere else. I'm so disoriented now. When we all land with a groan in the middle of an unknown forest, I sit up, confused. "Harry?" I mutter, looking around for him. "Harry!" 

I sit up and notice him laying on the ground near me. I rush over to him. Are you ok?" He nods, standing. "Yeah, you?" I nod, pulling him into a quick kiss, reveling in the fact that he's ok. I then smell blood. I pull away and whip around. 

While Harry goes to grab the locket that I dropped a few feet away, I rush to Hermione's side. Ron's entire side was splinched in the journey. "Hope, please help him." She cries, obviously stressed about how much blood he's loosing. I nod. 

"Sorry Ron, but this isn't gonna taste very good." I mutter. I grow out my werewolf fangs and bite into my arm, shoving it in Ron's mouth right as Harry reaches us. "What happened?" He asks as Ron starts to convulse, but soon settles down as his wounds start to heal. 

"Whoa." Hermione breaths. "Yeah. Just don't let him die in twenty four hours or Ron will eternally be a pain in the ass." I tease, standing. I walk up to Harry who is looking at the locket. "We did it." "We almost didn't." "But we did. This is a win. We have the locket, one step closer."

He sighs, wrapping his arms around my waist while I wrap mine around his neck. I lean my forehead on his, closing my eyes. "I know it feels like we're moving at a snail's pace, but we'll get there. We're just getting closer." I tell him. He nods, pulling me into a thoughtful kiss. 

My lips move against his. It doesn't last long, but long enough. When we pull away, I smile up at him. "Remember, this is a win." With those words, I turn back to Hermione. "What happened to him? I thought we were going back to Grimmauld Place." 

She's still a little shaky from what happened to Ron. "We were. We were. We were there. We were there, but...Yaxley had hold of me, and I knew once he'd seen where we were, we couldn't-we couldn't stay, so I brought us here, but...Ron got splinched." She sobs out. I pull her into a hug. 

"It's not your fault. We're all ok. Everything's fine. Breath." I remind her. She's still shaking. I pull away. "Papilio lux." I mutter, forming my hands into that of a butterfly. It flies around HErmoiine, Ron, and Harry's heads and they instantly relax. "Thanks." She says, sending me a soft smile. 

"It's alright. Do you have my spell things?" She nods. "In the bag. We're gonna do defensive spells separately so we have double the protection." I nod. "Good thinking. I'm going to set to work." I tell her. Once she nods I head towards the bag. 

I grab everything I need for the protection and boundary spells and set to work. I create a giant circle of salt around where we are and close my eyes. "Clostrum." I open my eyes as I feel the barrier move into place. A simple, but effective boundary spell. 

It should hold up for the purposes we need to it. Now time for the cloaking spells. "Phasmatos radium calaraa." That's the first one. "keschede sede ni canun keschede senu ni. Excede canun infenun da ba nunc ca nun, senon canu ni." I chant. This will help cloak our scents and sounds. 

"Kache l'nan san. Jen chèch je yo." This one will put into a place a fake picture of an empty forest. Handy. "Cœur là vous votre tai ma say tou." I struggle with this one slightly. Typically you need the power of a Regent Witch, but if you pull enough power, you can do it. 

It basically blocks even the most powerful tracking spells. Once I'm done with my spells, I notice Hermione finishing up her own boundary spells. "Is it finished?" She asks me. I nod, putting my things away. "It is. Once you're done, we're destroying that locket. 

With that, I walk away from her to set up camp. Let's destroy the locket and see where to go from here. Where do we go from here?

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