Chapter 13: Indestructible

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Hope's POV:

That night we decide to recover from the day and lounge around the tent Hermione packed for us. It's the same tent from the Quidditch World Cup. That seems so long ago. An eternity in fact. The next morning the four of us wake up bright and early to attempt to destroy the Horcrux.

I have a sinking feeling that, despite everything we went through, it won't be as easy as we're hoping to destroy it. I let the other three go first, using their wands to cast spells at the locket with no success. They can't even scratch it. Harry continues to angrily throw spells at it.

He does it over and over with no luck. Hermione sends me a defeated looks and I nod, knowing what she wants me to do. Walking forward, I place a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder. His frustrated eyes meet mine. I nod and step in front of him.

I can feel their eyes on my as I take my wand out. With me being a sine witch, my wand magic is more powerful than an apud witch. I fling three more spells at it. They create a crater around the locket, but still not even a scratch.

Placing my wand in my pocket I walk over and pick it up, not even flinching at the heat coming off of it. I closing my eyes, I feel a ring of fire surround me. "Hope-" "Shh." I hear Hermione tell Harry after hearing his worried voice. I tune them out.

"Universa Ruina In Tenebras Ra Damis Infinitum. De Lon Dem Ex Nahal da Six." The locket floats out of my hand, floating high in the air. "Universa Ruina In Tenebras Ra Damis Infinitum. De Lon Dem Ex Nahal da Six." I can feel the ground beneath me start to shake.

"Universa Ruina In Tenebras Ra Damis Infinitum. De Lon Dem Ex Nahal da Six!" The flames around me flair, but I hear a thump and realize that it didn't work. The only thing it did was make a crack in the glass on the front. Frowning, I stop the spell and the flames go out.

Walking over to it, I pick it up, examining it. I can feel a powerful negative force emitting from it. It reminds me of Tom Riddle's diary. I turn to them. "Until we find a way to destroy it, we need to wear it. Keep an eye on it so that he can't summon it." I explain, putting it around my neck.

"Just be careful. If you start to feel any negative emotions, take it off. I'll take it first so we can see how it affects us." "Hope, are you sure that's a good idea?" Hermione asks me. Concern is written on all of their faces. I nod, a grim look on my face.

"It's indestructible. Until we can destroy it, someone needs to wear it. I'm the best option. If it kills me, I'll be ok." "It seems strange mate." Ron speaks up. "Dumbledore sends you off to find all these horcruxes, but doesn't tell you how to destroy them. Doesn't that bother you?" He asks.

I sigh. It does bother me, but there's no changing anything now. "Dumbledore is gone Ron. This is all up to us now." With that, I walk away from the camp, towards the boundary of our protection spells, bag in hand. I need to research different spells and I need peace and quiet.

I can hear Ron starting up the radio, even from here. Maybe Esther or Dahlia have something along the lines of horcrux destruction. I don't even know if horcruxes are things in my world, but they can't be any different than other dark objects. Maybe Kol has something.

Him and Dahlia were the experts on Dark Objects. I've also handled them after mom gave me access to the ones Aunt Cami left for me when she died. If anyone in our group is going to find a way to destroy them, I am. Maybe Hermione, but I know more about them.

Sitting at the base of a tree, I scour my grimoires for anything resembling the dark object we're trying to destroy. My frustration continues to grow as I get no where in my hunt for information and as I hear each and ever name being called out from the radio with Ron in the tent.

"Hope, do you need any help?" Hermione asks, walking up to me, Harry following behind her. I'm assuming Ron is in the tent based on where the grating sound of the radio is coming from. I glance up and notice Harry's pale face. "You let him in again, didn't you?" I ask.

He sighs, but nods, taking a seat next to me. "I saw Gregorovitch." He tells me, solumn eyed. "Isn't he, like, a wand maker of some sort. Like Ollivander?" I ask. Hermione nods, eyebrows furrowed in thought as she stands over the two of us.

"He was after something. Something that Gregorovitch used to have. I don't know what, but he wants it, desperately. I mean, it's as if his life depends on it." He explains to me, walking over to sit next to me. I nod, my thoughts racing.

What could Gregorovitch have that Voldemort could want so badly? A wand? What wand could possibly mean that much to him? I hear another spike of the radio signal and for some reason it tips my anxiety and frustration over the edge. I'm instantly on my feet.

"Hope, your eyes." Hermione warns, eyes narrowed towards me. "That radio-" "Don't. It comforts him." She urges. I get that, but it's putting me on edge and I can hear it from all the way over here. Does he have to listen to it so damn loudly?!" I snap.

That's when a wave of bright blue energy rolls off of me, slamming into Hermione and Harry, pushing him back into the tree and her onto the forest floor. Seeing them stare at me in shock snaps me out of it. What the hell did I just do? Why did I freak out?

Hermione stands, holding her hand out. "Take it off." I furrow my brows at this. "What?" "I said take it off. Now." Then it clicks. The necklace. Sighing, I pull it off and place it in her outstretched hand. Suddenly it's like all the anxiety and frustration I was feeling disappears.

Like it was never even there to begin with. "Better?" "Yeah. That thing...we need to cycle it. No one wears it for too long. Especially me. I don't want to hurt any of you." Guilt for my little power shortage hits.

"It wasn't your fault Hope." Harry says, standing and grabbing onto my hand, squeezing it comfortingly. I sigh, squeezing his hand back. "I won't hurt any of you." With that I let go and move over to the other side of the camp. I need some time to think.

Another piece of information about the dark object. Still, it doesn't help my search any. Whatever dark magic is in these's powerful. So powerful that it reminds me of a certain power I once possessed. I shudder.

I haven't thought about Inadu's possession in a long time. Not something I can think on fondly. "What's got you all in your head?" I don't turn to look at him as Harry takes his seat next to me for the second time. We sit in silence before I decide to break it.

"This whole just...brings back some bad memories. That's all." "Memories?" "Of Inadu. I...can feel the dark energy coming off of that necklace. I reminds me of that dark hole I was trapped in while Inadu used my body. It was horrible."

His hand grabs mine for comfort and I finally glance over at him. His face holds a look of patience and understanding. "I was only seven and I thought that I'd be stuck in that dark place for the rest of my life. That necklace feels like that dark room did. No light whatsoever."

He wraps an arm around my shoulder, keeping his other grasped in mine. I lay my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and soaking in the moment. "This feels like that room too." "What do you mean by that?" He asks, mumbling into my hair.

"We don't know how to destroy the objects standing in our way of ending this war. We don't even know where half of them are. No light." I mumble the last bit, wrapping my free arm around Harry's waist. "This isn't like that room. There is light. One at the end of the tunnel."

"What end is there if these objects are indestructible?" "One where they aren't. He's not invincible. He's not unkillable. These Horcruxes are not indestructible. They all have weaknesses, and we will find them. We will not lose this war."

"How could you possible know that?" "Because I know us. I know you and I know our friends. We've fought for so long and we haven't given up yet. This war ends with his death. Not ours." I meet his eyes and see the sureness in them.

I finally smile, reaching my hand up and pulling his face to mine. The kiss is soft and sweet, yet full of emotions. After a second I pull away. "You sure know how to pull me back from my own mind." I chuckle.

"You do that me. You give me confidence and reassurance that what I'm doing is the right thing. You encourage me to keep fighting. It's only right that I stand by your side as you have always stood by mine." I grin at that. "I guess you could say we're pretty great together."

It's his turn to grin. "It's almost as if we were destined for each other. I let out a laugh. A full bellied, from the soul laugh. Instantly relief floods through me. We're gonna be ok. I place my head back onto Harry's shoulder and we stay like that until the sun sets. We're gonna be ok.

We have to be.

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