Chapter 13: Detention

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Hope's POV:

"Nothing, and I repeat, nothing, gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, fifty points will be taken." She says. "Fifty?" Harry asks. "Each." She adds. I look down at the ground. 

"And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention." She says. "I'm sorry Professor, but I could have swore you said all five of us." Malfoy says, acting like he was not also walking around at night. 

"You heard me correctly Mr. Malfoy. You see, as honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention." She says. Malfoy glares over at us. I smirk. Karma's a bitch asshole. 

The next night Mr. Filch leads us all out of the castle and towards Hagrid's house. On our walk we have to endure Filch going on and on about the good old days when torture we fit for detention. I just roll my eyes at this. Filch is horrible to say the least. 

"You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do inside the Dark Forest." Filch explains. My eyes widen at his. We finally come to stop beside the fireplace with Hagrid. "A sorry lot theses are Hagrid." Filch explains to him. Hagrid just sighs. 

"Oh come on man you're not still on about that dragon are you?" Filch says. "Norberts gone. Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony." Hagrid explains. "That's good isn't it? He'll be with his own kind." Hermione says. 

"Yeah, but what if he don't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby after all." Hagrid lists. "Oh for God's sake pull yourself together man. You're going into the forest after all, you've got to have your wits about you." Filch says. 

"The forest? I thought that was a joke. We can't go in there, students aren't allow. And there are..." Malfoy trails off then we all hear a wolf howling. "Werewolves." He's becoming more and more scared as we speak. I hold back a laugh. If there are werewolves, I've got it covered. 

No matter where, a werewolf Alpha is always respected. When my mom died I became the sole Crescent Wolf. Meaning the Alpha by default. "Oh there's more than werewolves out there, you can be sure of that. Nighty night." Filch says, walking off. "Right, let's go." Hagrid says. 

When then follow him into the forest. We go a little ways into the forest before Hagrid stops and kneels in front of a tree. He dips his hand into something silvery. "Hagrid? What is that?" Harry asks. "What we're here for." He says, turning around. He holds up his silver coated fingers. 

"See that, that's unicorn blood. I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one has been hurt badly. So, it is our job to go and find the poor beast." Hagrid explains. I look around at my fellow students and none of them look particularly thrilled about traipsing around the forest at night.

"Ron, Hermione,  you'll come with me." He instructs. "Ok." Ron says in a high pitched voice. "And Harry, Hope, you two are with Malfoy." He says. I just glare over at the blonde haired boy. "Ok, then I get Fang." Malfoy says, gesturing to the hound at Hagrid's side. 

"Fine, just so you know, he's a bloody coward." Hagrid informs. With that the three of them leave, leaving Harry and I with Malfoy and Fang. "Come on you two, the faster we start is the faster we can stop." I say, starting to walk off. 

I can practically feel their glares at each other as they follow me through the forest. I use my heightened sense of smell to sniff out the unicorn's trail. I silently lead the boys through the forest, well, almost silently. "Wait until my father hears about this. I mean, this is servant stuff."

I groan as Malfoy complains. Again. "If I didn't know better Draco, I'd say you were scared." I snip. "Scared Mikaelson? Please." He says. I just roll my eyes. This boy doesn't learn at all does he? I stop and spin around.

"Yes, scared. People who are scared tend to complain as a coping mechanism and all I hear is you griping about this. I don't think I've heard a peep from Harry this entire time." I say. "Yeah? And what about you? Where are we even going? How do you know where to go." He asks. Crap. 

Then I see something catch the moonlight and smile. I point to the droplets of unicorn blood. "See those. There's a trail of them leading away from the initial pool of blood. See how they have a small tail on them, that indicates what direction it is going." I quickly explain. 

Pretty sure it's a load of bullshit, but it's something I would believe at the age of eleven. Malfoy just looks at the ground. "Exactly, now come on." I say. We walk a ways further then Fang and I come to a complete stop. 

He starts growling and I grip my wand, knowing I can't out myself in front of Malfoy and I certainly don't want to tell Harry yet. "What is it Fang?" Harry asks the dog. "Harry, Malfoy." I whisper the two boys look where I am. There is a man hovering over a unicorn. 

From what I can tell he's drinking the blood. My eyes widen as the stranger's head turns towards us. Harry gasps and grips his scar. "Are you alright?" I ask the boy. "My scar." Is all he says. Malfoy screams as him and Fang run off. "Come on Harry." I say, pulling him with me. 

As we turn to run I trip, pulling Harry down with me. We whip around to face the advancing creature. It glides towards us and we hurriedly try to back away while still on the ground. Before it can get to us, however; a centaur leaps in front of us and attacks the creature. 

It disappears and the centaur turns to us. Harry gets up and pulls me up with him. The creature starts to talk to us, but I don't pay attention, I'm still freaked out about the unknown thing that just killed the unicorn. Hagrid and the others quickly arrive and the centaur gallops off. 

After that whole encounter Hagrid decided that it is time to head back to the school and we quickly make our way out of the forest. After saying good night Malfoy heads towards the Slytherin Common Room while the rest of us return to the Gryffindor Common Room. 

When we get there there is no one in there. Everyone must be asleep. "Come on guys, Hope and I have things to tell you." Harry says, dragging the tired two over to the couches while I follow slowly behind. I get back to thinking about the creature drinking from the unicorn. 

I've never heard of anything like it. It literally glided over over the ground without touching it. After Harry finishes telling the story Ron looks scared while Hermione just looks deep in thought. "Who was the one wizard Voldemort always feared?" Hermione asks. We all shrug. 

"Dumbledore, as long as Dumblore's around, Harry, you're safe. As long as Dumbledore's around, you can't be touched." Hermione explains. "Well then tomorrow we go to him and tell him everything we know." I say. They all nod in agreement. Then we head off to bed. 

It's late and we're all tired. Let's just hope Hermione's theory is true.

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