Chapter 14: Through The Trapdoor

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Hope's POV:

The next morning after breakfast, my three friends and I rush to Professor McGonagall's office. "We have to see Professor Dumbledore immediately it's important." Harry says once we reach her at her desk. 

"I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here. He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London." Professor McGonagall explains. The blood drains from my face. 

"He's gone? But this is important. This is about the Sorcerer's Stone." Harry says. McGonagall's eyes widen and she goes to question him, but Harry cuts her off. "Someone's going to steal it." He explains. 

"I don't know how the four of you found out about the stone, but I assure you that it is perfectly well protected. Now would you go back to your dormitories. Quietly." She tells us. I let out a huff of annoyance and we all turn and exit the classroom. 

We stand outside a little ways away from the office and start to discuss what we're going to do when I feel a presence behind us. Then Snape speaks. "Good afternoon. Now what would four young Gryffindors like yourselves be doing inside on a day like today?" He asks us. 

Hermione tries to stutter something out, but nothing does. "You better be careful. Someone might think that you are up to something." He says. With that Snape walks away. "I don't like this one bit your guys." I say. 

"Me neither, that's why we go down into the trapdoor, tonight." Harry says. We all nod and head to the dormitories. Hours later once everyone is asleep we sneak down into he Common Room, Harry has his Invisibility Cloak in hand. We halt though when we see Trevor, Neville's toad. 

"Trevor. Trevor go! You shouldn't be here!" Ron whisper yells. That's when we notice another presence in the room. "You shouldn't either." Neville says. He stands from the chair he was in and walks in front of us. "You're sneaking out again aren't you?" He asks. 

"Now Neville listen-" But he cuts Harry off. "NO! I won't let you. I-I'll fight you." He says, raising he fists. "Neville, I'm really really sorry about this." Hermione says, raising her wand. "Petrificus Totalus." She says. 

All of Neville's limbs fly to his sides and he falls with a heavy thud onto the ground. I mumble an apology as we walk past his prone form. Once we are out of the portrait hole we all huddle tightly under the cloak. It's a tight squeeze . 

I'm squished in between Harry and Ron and Hermione is following closely behind Ron. The four of us slowly make our way through the corridors until we reach the door behind which lies Fluffy the three-headed dog. We walk in and the cloak is thrown off us us by a heavy breath. 

The dog is snoring and a harp is playing int he corner. "Snape's already been here." Ron says. "He put a spell on the harp." Harry explains. "It's got horrible breath." Ron exclaims. "We have to move it's paw." Harry tells us. What?" Ron asks. 

"Come on ya big baby, it'll be fine, as long as the harp is going this dog isn't waking up." I explain. Ron just glares at me. Then he and Harry move the paw while Hermione and I open the now available trapdoor. "I'll go first, don't follow until I give you a sign." Harry instructs. 

"Hold on a minute, why can't I go first?" I ask. "Hope this isn't the time." Harry says. "You're right, see you down there." I say before taking initiative and jumping. I hear my friends call out my name when I finally land on something soft. What is this stuff? 

Then I hear screams and then three different thuds. "Are you three alright?" I ask. "Yeah, Fluffy woke up." Harry groans. "Oh." Is all I muster. "Now why in the world would you jump first?" Harry asks. "Well someone had to." I say. "Yeah, well it didn't have to be you. Are you alright?" He asks. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I tell him, trying to calm the worried tone in his voice. "Good." "Lucky this plant thing's here really." Ron says. Then something clicks. "Lucky?" I snap just as vines begin to entangle us. I relax and then I am falling to the hard cement floor below. 

"HOPE!" Harry and Ron yell. "Just relax." Hermione says before I see her fall through. "Hermione!" Ron yells while Harry yells my name again. "Just do as she said and relax." I call. Then Harry falls through. I rush to his side and help him up. "Are you ok?" I ask. 

"Yeah, I'm alright." He says, giving me a once over to make sure I'm not hurt before we go to Hermione's side. "He's not relaxing, is he?" Hermione asks Harry. He just shakes his head. "Well we've gotta do something." She says. "What?" He asks. 

"Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare. It's deadly fun-" "But it sulks in the sun, Devil's Snare hates sunlight." I say, cutting Hermione off. I grab my wand, knowing that I cannot cast Incendia. "Lumos Solem." I say and bight sunlight streams from my wand. Ron then falls through. 

We all rush over and help him up. "Whew, good thing we didn't panic." Ron says. "Good thing Hope pays attention in Herbology." Harry counters. Then I hear it, it's particularly loud with my werewolf ears. "What is that?" Hermione asks. 

"Sounds like wings." I say as we walk towards the wooden door. When we open it we are faced with a broom stick and hundreds of birds flying in the air. Wait, they're not birds, they're keys! "Curious, I've never seen birds like these." Hermione says. 

"They're not birds, they're keys." I explain, urging them to look closer. "And I bet one of them fits that door." Harry says. "What's this al about?" Hermione asks, looking at the broom. "I don't know." Harry admits. 

Ron walks over to it and tries to pull it them the unlocking spell, but no result. "It was worth a shot." He grumbles as Hermione and I go to stand next to him. He looks so crest fallen and I go to reach for his shoulder, but then I remember that I've never comforted anyone before. 

Hell, I've never had friends before. I would be horrible at comforting the disheartened boy. "Ugh, what are we going to do? There must be a thousand keys up there." Hermione asks. "We're looking for a big old fashioned key, probably rusty like the handle." Ron says. 

"There!" Harry calls out, pointing to one with a broken wing. "What's wrong Harry?" I ask as he is hesitant to touch the broom. "It's too simple." He says. "Oh go on Harry, you're the youngest Seeker in a century, if Snape could catch the darn thing then so can you." Ron encourages. 

With that encouragement Harry grasps the handle only to be immediately attacked by a swarm of keys. He then quickly gets on and flies through them to reach the one with the broken wing. "Harry, be careful." I call out to him, but I'm sure he can't hear me over the wings. 

Then Harry begins flying faster until he's caught the key. "Catch the key!" He calls, throwing it to me. I quickly swipe it and rush to the door, opening it. Hermione and Ron follow me through and once Harry flies past I slam the door shut. 

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