Chapter 15: Through the Trapdoor Pt. 2

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Hope's POV:

Harry quickly climbs off the broom and walks over to us. I look around me. "Is this a graveyard?" I ask. "No, It's a chess board." Ron says and fires light all around to allow us to see properly. We walk to the center of the chess board and stand there.

When Ron goes to take a step forward, but the chess pieces cross their swords until he takes a step back. "Now what do we do?" Hermione asks, looking at all of us nervously. I don't like where this is going.

"It's obvious, isn't it? We've got to play our way across the room. Alright, Harry, you take the empty Bishop's square. Hermione, you'll be the Queen's side castle. Hope, you be the King's side castle." Ron says. "What about you?" I ask. "Me? I'll be the knight." He says.

We then all get into positions. With that Ron starts to call out plays and we quickly realize that this is exactly like wizard's chess, smashing and all. It's quite loud, my ears are ringing tremendously. 

Towards the end I see Harry and Ron talking, then Hermione cries out, but I cannot hear too well since I'm on the other side of the chess board and my ears are still ringing from all the clattering of metal and ceramic. Then Ron moves forward, towards the Queen. 

"Ron!" I call, but it's too late, the Queen takes down his horse, sending the red head to the ground. Hermione and I go to move towards him, but Harry stops us, walking towards the Queen. "Check mate." He says. The King's sword falls to the ground, signaling that we won. 

Then we all race to Ron's side. We roll him over and inspect him. I can still hear a heartbeat so that's a relief. "Hermione, when I leave, you and Hope get out of here and find Professor McGonagall. Tell her where I am." Harry says. 

"You think I'm going to let you go without me?" I ask. "Hope-" "No, don't 'Hope' me, I'm going with you and that's final. Now Hermione, you have everything handled?" I ask. She nods. "You two will be alright, you are a great Wizard Harry, and Hope, you are a great Witch." She says. 

"Not nearly as good as either of you." Harry says. "Not nearly as brave as either of you." He says. "Books and cleverness, there are more important things. Like friendship and bravery, but Harry, Hope, be careful. Look out for one another." She says. 

"We will, you focus on looking out for Ron." I say and she nods. With that Harry and I stand to our feet and walk towards the door, leaving Hermione with an unconscious Ron. I grab Harry's hand out of nervousness. "You'll be alright Hope, I'll make sure of it." He says. 

"It's not me I'm worried about." I tell him truthfully. "I'll be ok too. We all will." With that we approach the room. When we get to the top of a staircase my eyes widen. Snape isn't the one after the stone. "You." Harry mutters. Quirrell turns to face us with and evil smirk on his face. 

"No, it can't be. Snape, he was the one who-" "Yes, he does seem the type, especially next to p-poor, s-t-tame-ring P-professor Quirrell." He mimics his usual self, which I guess was all an act. I glare at the man. 

"But that day, during to Quidditch Match, Snape, he tried to kill me. No dear boy. I tried to kill you. And I would have succeeded if Snape's cloak hadn't caught on fire. Even with him muttering his little counter curse." He tells me. "Snape was trying to save me?" Harry asks. 

I'm just as confused as he is. "I knew you were a danger to me right from the off. Especially after Halloween." He says. "Then you let the troll in." Harry concludes. Everything is piecing itself together in my head now. 

"Yes, dear boy. Snape, unfortunately, wasn't fooled. While everyone else was wondering about the dungeon, he headed to the third floor corridor to head me off. He, of course, never trusted me again." Quirrell says. Then he turns to me and I glare right on back at him. 

"One obstacle I didn't expect was you Hope Mikaelson." He says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Of come on, that night in the woods, I've never sensed so much power. Then I did a little digging. Turns out you're not just a witch..." My eyes widen, he knows what I am? 

"You're a sine witch, a very powerful one at that. Funny thing is that I've never heard of your family and I know a muggle family cannot spawn a sine witch. Who are you really?" He asks. "My life is none of your concern." I snap.

"No, but you are protecting the very person I am trying to kill." He says. "Well tough luck." I quip. At least he didn't know about my werewolf vampire side. Quirrell turns to face the mirror and begins muttering to himself. Then a voice enters the room. A different, colder voice. 

"Use the boy and the girl." It says. It doesn't even sound human. "Come here Potter! Mikaelson! NOW!" Quirrell yells. Harry grasps my hand and together we walk up to the mirror. "What do you see?" He asks. I look into the mirror and see what I always do, my family. 

"I see my family." I tell him. "She tells the truth." The voice says again. "Potter?" He snaps. Harry then rambles some bullshit about the Quidditch Cup. "Liar!" Quirrell yells. "Let me talk to them." The voice says. Oh please no. "But master-" "Just do it." It snaps. 

With that Quirrell unwraps his turban and I get a little confused until I see what's underneath it. Another face. "Harry Potter. We meet again." It says. I look at it in horror. What the hell is that thing? "Voldemort." Harry mutters and my eyes widen.

This thing is the man who killed his parents and tried to kill him as well. "Yes, you see what I've become? See what I must do to survive? Live off another. A parasite! Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it cannot give me a body of my own. But there is something that can." It says.

I quickly glance at Harry, wondering if he knows where the stone its. "And it's sitting right in your pocket." He says. My eyes whip closer to Harry. Then Harry grips my hand tighter and drags me towards the top of the stairs. While we are running my wand falls out of my pocket. 

"Stop them!" Voldemort yells. Quirrell snaps his fingers and fire blocks our path. I turn and get into a fighting stance. "Hope, what are you going to do? What's is a sine witch?" He asks. "I'll tell you later." I quip before raising my hands. 

"Imperium fluctus malleus. Imperium fluctus malleus. Imperium fluctus malleus!" I chant. Quirrell flies backwards. "You stupid girl!" Voldemort hisses. Then Quirrell's robes lash out and wrap around me. "HOPE!" Harry yells as they begin to squeeze me till I can't breath. 

While I am out of commission Quirrell attacks Harry, but can't touch him. He burns, starting to crumble into a pile of dust. His hold loosens enough for me to get one more spell out. "Incendia." The robes go up in flames and Quirrell drops me on the steps next to Harry. 

"Hope! Are you alright?" He asks me, pulling me into his side once Quirrell is truly gone. "Yeah fi- Look out!" I yell, shoving Harry aside as the ashy figure of Voldemort passes through me. After that everything goes black. 

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