Chapter 13: The First Task

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Hope's POV:

It the day of the first task and I can't be more nervous. After his discussion with Moody Harry explained that he needed to find a way to get his broom to him with his wand during the task. I searched for three days before finding the summoning charm.

I found it in a charms textbook that Cedric lent me. We've spent the past week perfecting it and even now I am still worried that he won't be able to pull it off. Not because he isn't a good wizard, but because my anxiety makes me think irrationally.

Like right now. I am currently storming towards the Champions tent to see Harry before the task because I slept in on accident and didn't get to see Harry. I can't not see him before the task. When I reach the tent I go towards where the flap is. Harry's scent is very close. 

"Harry?" I whisper from the closed opening. "Hope?" I hear him ask back. I let out a breath of relief. "How are you? Are you ok? Are you nervous?" I ask anxiously. "I'm a little nervous, then again, who wouldn't be." He tries to joke. I laugh lightly to humor him. 

"If you want, I can do a calming spell." "No, it's best if you don't risk it. I'll be ok." He tells me. I nod. "The key is concentration. After that you just have to..." "Battle a dragon." He finishes. "Right." I mumble, my nerves spiking again. 

Not thinking I pull open the tent flaps and throw myself into Harry's arms, hugging him tightly. He hugs me back just as tight. I hear the click of a camera and see the flash. Harry and I quickly pull apart. 

I see a woman wearing an ugly brown pencil skirt/blazer combo and a man holding a recently used camera. "Young love. How...stirring." The woman says, walking closer to us. Harry steps slightly in front of me. 

"If it anything goes...unfortunately today, you two may even make the front page." She grins at us. Cedric walks up behind her, glaring. I've never seen the boy glare at anyone before. He's way too nice. 

I'm guessing none of the champions like this woman seeing as Fleur and Viktor come up behind her as well, wearing the same expression. "You have to business here. This tent is for Champions and friends." Viktor tell her. 

"Oh, matter. We've uh, got what we wanted." She tells him before leaving with her camera man. Suddenly Dumbledore, followed by Barty Crouch, Flinch, Karkaroff, and Madam Maxime all file into the tent. Harry puts his hands on my shoulders and pulls me to the side. 

"Good day Champions. Gather round, please. Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last, the moment has arrived. The moment only four of you can fully appreciate." Dumbledore says, then he spots me. "What are you doing here Miss Mikaelson?" He asks me. 

"Oh, um...sorry. I'll just go." I say, squeezing one of Harry's hands and flashing a smile to Cedric before exiting the tent. Hermione is waiting outside for me. "Finally, I thought you were never going to come out. Come on, Ginny is saving us a seat." 

I nod and loop arms with her, walking with her to the stands. The stands are loud and that just makes my nerves skyrocket. Suddenly a cannon goes off. A dragon walks out into the arena, chained down, but still very dangerous. "How are they doing this? Who goes first?" I ask. 

"I think it's seniority." Hermione explains. I nod and my breath catches as Cedric walks out into the arena. "Come on Ced." I mutter under my breath. The dragon  breaths fire at the Hufflepuff who cowers behind a rock. He raised his wand and point sit to another rock across the arena. 

The rock transforms into dogs and catches the dragon's attention, distracting it. While the dragon is distracted Cedric races towards the golden egg in the center of the arena. The dragon sees him though and turns its sights away from the dog and towards the 7th year boy. 

Before it can do anything to him though Cedric raised his wand and casts a blinding spell on the dragon and goes on to retrieve the egg. The stadium erupts in cheers for him as he and the dragon are escorted out. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. 

Then Fleur comes out and instantly puts her dragon to sleep, retrieving her egg. Then Viktor's turn comes and he is through quickly. He blinds the dragon, but when he goes to retrieve his egg the dragon steps on it, losing him points. Finally it's Harry's turn. My nerves spike. 

I can't help him with this. He could die from this. Hermione places a hand on one shoulder and Ginny does so with the other. "He'll be alright Hope. Trust him." Ginny tells me. "I do, but Harry's not the only factor in this. I don't trust that dragon." I tell her. 

Dumbledore starts to speak, introducing Harry like he did the others. "Three of our champions have now faced their dragons, and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant." 

I don't tear my eyes from Harry's for as he steps into the arena. The crowd is cheering his name now. How quickly people turn when they see that befriending him will benefit their social life. Pathetic really. He just stands there, not moving. "Come on Harry." 

I go to raise my hands to send a calming spell his way when Hermione stops me. "Don't, you'll get in trouble and you might possibly expose yourself. He'll be fine." Hermione whispers to me. I nod, still not liking that I can't even calm his nerves. 

The dragon is above Harry, on a ledge, out of sight from Harry. He starts to walk forwards. Stupid. The dragon's tail comes down at him and I flinch. The dragon continues to try to hit Harry with it's tail, sending him sprawling. 

The dragon then turns to face the boy and my eyes widen. The dragon blasts fire at him and he dodges, running across the arena. he tries to climb over a rock, but fails when the dragons tail almost hits him. I cry out a little, worried. 

He suddenly gets hit by the tail and files over a boulder. he quickly hides behind it. "YOUR WAND HARRY! USE YOUR WAND!" I yell at him, my voice shaking. "ACCIO FIREBOLT!" He yells. Please let this work. Please. 

He continues to hide behind the boulder as the dragon continues to breath fire at it. I hear a whooshing sound in the distance and relief floods my body. Harry hears it too I think because when the fire stops he stepson from behind the boulder and waits. 

Then the Firebolt is there just as the dragon breaths fire again. Harry jumps on, nearly missing it. "YES!" Hermione and I cry out. He goes for the egg, but has to dodge fire instead of grabbing it. He flies higher and the dragon goes to follow, but is held down by a chain. 

It tugs and tugs until the chain breaks. My heart stops at this. The dragon is now chasing Harry in the sky. "Oh my God." I breath, eyes wide. Harry flies away from the arena, towards the castle. He goes through the teacher's tent and I laugh slightly as the dragon's tail destroys a part of it. 

"YES! Well done dragon!" Fred and George both yell. The laughter soon fades as I try to see Harry that far away. My heart is pounding in my chest at this point. A few minutes of silence in the arena goes by. 

Then Harry, with a smoking broom comes flying back into the arena, the dragon nowhere to be seen. "YES!" I cry out as he goes straight for the egg. Once he has it everyone erupts in applause. He did it. 

A/N: Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I didn't want to update yesterday due to the holiday so here is my Friday update. I recently received something that will help my writing process go faster so there might be a few random updates this week and in the future. 


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