Chapter 14: The Screeching Egg and Dress Robes

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Hope's POV:

When we all get back to the Common Room Fred and George hoist Harry up on their shoulders and everyone gathers around, cheering him on. I stay towards the back, grinning as he has his moment. I've already talked to him and checked up on him. 

As soon as he got out of the medical tent I hugged him, slapped his shoulder, then hugged him again. He scared me so bad that I didn't know whether to be angry or happy that he's ok. I decided on the latter. I mean, it's not his fault that he's in the tournament. 

The entire way back to the Common Room he had his arm around my shoulder, making sure I had some form of contact with him the whole time. I needed this and he understood without me having to tell him. "Yes Harry!" "Knew you wouldn't die, Harry." "Lose a leg." "Or and arm." 

"Pack it in altogether?" "NEVER!" The twins yell. I laugh lightly at this. People are currently passing the egg around and it finally makes its way back to Harry.  "SUSH!" Seamus yells to everyone and they all quiet down. 

"Go on Harry, what's the clue?" He asks, passing Harry the egg. "Who wants me to open it?" He asks and everyone cheers 'yes'. "Do you want me to open it?" "YES!" He goes to do so. When it's open a loud screeching sound emits from it. I gasp, clutching my highly sensitive ears in pain. 

Everyone else grabs their own ears, wanting to be rid of the horrible sound. Harry finally closed the damn thing and I let out a breath of relief. "What the bloody hell was that?" I hear Ron's voice ask from behind me. Everyone turns to look at him. 

There's a bit of awkward silence for a second before Fred steps in. "Alright everyone, go back to your knitting. This is going to be uncomfortable enough without all you nosey sods listening in." He says. Everyone listens and scatters except for Harry, Ron, and myself. 

I go over to stand by Hermione and Ginny. "I reckon you'd have to be barking mad to put your own name or to even have someone else help you put your name in that Goblet of Fire." He says, sending me an apologetic look. I nod my forgiveness. 

"Caught on have you? Took you long enough." Harry says. "I wasn't the only one who thought you'd done it. Everyone but Hope was saying it behind your back." Ron tries to reason. "Brilliant. That makes me feel loads better." "Least I warned you about the dragons." Ron tries again. 

"Hagrid warned me about the dragons." Harry tells him. "No, no, I did. No, don't you remember? I told Hermione to tell you that Seamus told me that Pavarti told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you. Seamus never actually told me anything, so it was really me all along."

I stare at him confused. What he just said makes no sense whatsoever. "I thought we'd be alright,  you know...after you figured that out." He says. "Who...who could possibly figure that out? That's completely mental." Harry tells him. I raise my eyebrows. 

"It is, isn't it? I suppose I was a bit distraught." Ron agrees. Hermione, Ginny, and I look at each other, confused. "Boys." Hermione breaths. I nod in agreement. Who knows what goes on inside their heads. At least we're all friends again. A few weeks go by and we're in the great hall. 

Ever since Harry's success with the dragons people have stopped wearing the badges and have started to be kinder to him. Bout freaking time. I've also gotten even closer with Cedric since then. 

After the party in the Gryffindor Common Room one of the seventh years came up to me and told me that he was waiting outside to talk to me. I went to him and we ended up talking till curfew when he had to go on Prefect duty. We even went on another Hogsmead trip together. 

The entire time he looked like he was going to tell me something, but he never did. It's been bothering me since. It's almost exactly like the first trip where I knew he held back in asking me something. Boys are frustrating. Right now me and my friends are in the Great Hall eating lunch. 

"Hi Harry." The Patil twins says, smiling flirtatiously at him as they pass. He smiles back and then turns to stare at Cho Chang. I glare at the back of his head. Ever since the first task he's been getting more and more female attention and it wasn't doing anything for my jealousy.

Hermione and Ginny have been teasing me nonstop. Speaking of which Hermione is currently smirking at me, her eyes going from myself to Harry and then back again. She then grabs they paper and her eyes widen. 

"Hope! Look at this." She says, pulling my arm to look over her shoulder. I do and my eyes widen. "She's done it again." Hermione explains. I read the title and glare. She's really starting to get on my nerves. 

"Miss Mikaelson, an ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for the Champions in the Tournament. Her latest prey, sources report, is none other than Cedric Diggory, the official Hogwarts Champion. No word yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest blow." She reads. 

I roll my eyes and crumble up the paper. I see Harry glaring down at his plate. I wonder why. Suddenly a first year comes up to Ron. "Parcel for you Mr. Weasley." He says, handing Ron a large package. "Thank you, Nigel." He says, taking it from him. 

The young boy looks from Ron to Harry to me. "Not now Nigel, later." Ron tells him. He nods and walks off. "Seriously Ron? Getting a first year to get your mail for you?" I ask, rolling my eyes. "What? I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph as well as Hope's." Is all he says.

He starts to open the package. "Mine?" "Yeah, he heard that your Hogwarts' best Chaser and wanted an autograph." He explains. I roll eyes at this. "Oh look, mum sent me something." He grins. He pulls out an ugly, old looking robe. I bite my lip to hold back a laugh. 

"Mum sent me a dress." He groans. "Awe, Ron! It does match his eyes, doesn't it Harry?" I tease. The boy grins back at me and searches through the parcel. "Is there a bonnet?" He jokes back. He grabs a frilly collar. I laugh. "Ah ha!" he exclaims, pulling it out and holding it up to Ron. 

"Nose down Harry." Ron grumbles. He walks over to his little sister. "Ginny, these must be for you." "I'm not wearing that. It's ghastly." She tells him. Hermione starts laughing and Ron turns to her. 

"What are you on about?" "They're not for Ginny, they're for you. Dress robes." She explains. The entire Gryffindor table is now laughing. "Dress robes? For what?"

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