Chapter 14: He's Going to Regret This

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Hope's POV:

After our kiss in the dungeons Harry and I walk hand in hand back to the Gryffindor Common Room where we just sit in our places back the fire in comfortable silence until we fall asleep. When I wake up the next morning to Hermione shaking me I smile at how we are.

My head on his shoulder and his on mine with his arm wrapped around me and me snuggled into his side. She grins at me. "Did something happen last night? You're awfully smiley this morning." I laugh, pulling away from Harry slightly. I don't know how he's still asleep.

"Yeah, something happened." She squeals slightly. "You're telling me everything, but for now, you need to pack. You're headed back home so you can be with the Weasleys." Reality crashes down on me and my smile falls. I can't believe I forgot about Mr. Weasley.

The man who has been like a father to me is in the hospital right now and I was too busy with Harry to remember. I quickly get up from the couch and rush upstairs to the girl's dormitory. I quickly get dressed before getting my trunk open on my bed.

I run around throwing my things into a bag since I'm going to be be gone now and all the way through winter break. Once I have it all packed I get an owl with a letter from Dumbledore about meeting him in his office so I can flu to Grimmauld Place where I can drop my things.

After that Kingsley will take me to St. Mungo's where the Weasleys are. After reading the letter I hug Hermione goodbye before heading downstairs. When I reach the Common Room Harry is just waking up on the couch, confused. He then sees me, fully dressed, with my trunk in tow.

Now he's even more confused. "Where are you going?" "I'm headed back home to be with the Weasleys." I remind him. He nods, a look of realization and then regret crosses his face. "Right." There's silence for a second before he finally walks up to me, wrapping me in a hug. 

I sigh and put my hands around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Be careful ok." "I will be." We pull away slightly to where we're still holding each other, but now we're looking into each other's eyes. Then a sudden thought comes to me. "Harry?" "Hm?" "What are we?" 

A smile replaces the concerned look on his face. "We are whatever you want us to be." This makes me smile. "I want there to be and us." "Then, Hope Andrea Mikaelson, will you be my girlfriend?" My smile widens. 

Despite what has happened in the last few days this is the happiest I have been in a few weeks. "Yes, yes I will be." With this I pull him into our second kiss. It's faster than our first, but there's just as much love put into it. When we pull away we're both beaming. 

"Well, I better get going. Dumbledore will be waiting for me. I'll see you soon, ok?" "Ok." I peck him one more time on the lips before grabbing the handle of my trunk and pulling it after me as I exit the Common Room and head down towards Dumbledore's office. 

When I get there he's waiting for me. "Ah, Miss Mikaelson. Please, this way.Kingsley is waiting for you so when you arrive you may be escorted to St. Mungo's." I nod and walk over to the fire place, stepping in. I take a bit of flu powder and clear my throat. "12 Grimmauld Place." 

I throw the powder down and green flames envelop me. I land slightly wobbly in a familiar fire place. Like Dumbledore said Kingsley is waiting for me. "Let me just run my trunk upstairs real quick." I tell him. 

He nods wordlessly as I haul my trunk up to mine, Hermione, and Ginny's room before heading back downstairs. "Ready." He nods and grabs ahold of my arm. Then we're apparating. I hate this feeling. When we land we're in a hospital lobby. 

"How may I help you?" The witch behind the counter asks. "Arther Weasley." I say stepping forward. "Relation?" "Adopted daughter." She eyes me skeptically before nodding. "Follow me." I turn back towards Kingsley. "Thanks." 

He nods and I turn back towards the nurse who is waiting for me. I follow her through the hospital towards the back. Then I spot two familiar faces-well, one familiar face on two people, standing in the middle of the hallway. "I've got I got it from here, thanks." 

She nods and turns, walking back to the lobby. When they hear my footsteps the twins turn around, giving me a grim looking smile. The most serious I've ever seen either of them. "How is he?" "He's stable, but he's not awake." I nod, pulling my jacket tighter around me. 

That's when Mrs. Weasley walks out of the room, looking beyond tired. Her eyes brighten a tiny bit when she sees me. "Oh Hope, I'm so glad you're here." She says, pulling me into a hug. "Of course. I'm here for anything. If you need anything, let me know." Her hug tightens. 

"Thank you dear." I pull away. "You and your family gave me a home here. It's the least I could do." She nods, patting my cheek. Her smile right now almost reminds me of my mom's when I was younger and she'd try to cheer me up when she was thinking of Uncle Elijah. 

Love and sadness equally represented. It hurts to see Mrs. Weasley like this now since she's always been strictly loving. "And it has been a pleasure. Now, you can go in if you want. They're letting three in at a time since the family is so big. Charlie and Bill should be here in a few." 

I nod, noticing how she doesn't mention Percy. Asshole. I walk towards the door and when I enter the room Ginny and Ron are inside. When the girl notices me she rushes over to me and pulls me into a hug. I hug her back, but my eyes are locked onto the figure in the hospital bed. 

Mr. Weasley always seems so lively and to see him like this is weird and...wrong. When she lets go I pull Ron into a hug. Despite how we act at school, Ron was actually my first friend here. When we finally let go I find myself not being able to look at Mr. Weasley's prone form. 

It's not right. I feel sad tears as well as angry tears fighting their way to break free. I won't let them though. Voldemort is going to pay. I don't care how long it takes me. He's going to regret this.

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