Chapter 15: It's Not Your Fault

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Hope's POV:

A few weeks go by and it's Christmas Eve. Tomorrow Mr. Weasley is going to be released from St. Mungo's and Hermione and Harry will arrive at Grimmauld Place tonight. It's also the full moon tonight and Sirius and I are waiting for Remus to get here.

We're waiting here in silence until he breaks it. "Ok, what's going on?" I give him a confused look. "What?" "Don't 'what' me. What's going on with you. You've been withdrawn." "Yeah, well, I'm like that."

"No you're not. At least, not like this. You're normally guarded but right now you're so locked down it's almost like a completely different person." "Can't I just want to keep to myself?" "You can, but I'm nosey like that. What's going on?" I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"It's just...every time I have something good, every time that I think that maybe, maybe I can relax and be normal, I'm reminded that I'm not normal and after Mr. Weasley was attacked...they hit too close to home. I let my guard down for a second, and someone close to me got hurt."

"Hope, you never could have predicted what happened to him. It's not your fault." "You see, that's the thing, despite that fact, I'm conditioned to think that everything that happens to those I care's my fault and I could have prevented it." "Hope."

"I mean, what's the point of being an all powerful tribrid if I can't keep those I love safe?" "Hope, you are not responsible for this. Ok, I want you to stop thinking you are." I look away, not really listening to him. I know he's right, but it's habit at this point. There's a slight pause.

"When James and Lily made me Harry's godfather, I was so excited. I thought I had the perfect situation with Pettigrew as the Secret Keeper. I've blamed myself for that night ever since. I spent years in Azkaban thinking about everything I could have done differently."

I finally look up at him. "The Marauders and the Potters were the only family I ever knew that accepted me. My family was...complicated." I laugh humorlessly. "Yeah, I know complicated." I say.

"The point is, Hope, that no matter what happened, or what happens, you can't continue to blame yourself, whether it was your fault or not. We can't dwell on our pasts when we have no power to change them." I know he's right.

I don't like that something is out of my control, but I know he's right. "You may be an all powerful tribird, but you are not responsible for whatever You Know Who does." "I know. I do. It's just hard to change a perspective I've had for...hell, 21 years now." He laughs.

"I forget you're mentally older than you are." I smile at this. "Yeah, I do too sometimes. Hopefully I can get past fifteen this time." He laughs. "Hopefully. We should celebrate." My smile widens. "We should." That's when Remus shows up. "Sorry I'm late." "No, you're fine. Ready?" I ask.

He nods and together the three of us head out. That night, when we get back Harry is still up, waiting for us while I know for sure Hermione went straight to bed. It is past midnight after all and tomorrow is Christmas. "Harry." A very tired Remus greets.

Harry nods to him as he heads to the room he uses when he needs to rest after full moons. Sirius hugs his godson and when he pulls away we smile at each other. For a second all my worries melt away and I rush forward and pull him into a kiss.

We've only kissed twice before, but it feels so natural. When we finally pull away we hug each other tightly. "When did this happen? I mean, it's about time, but still." We hear behind us. I let go and turn to see an amused Sirius. "Uh, right before I came down." I say, blushing.

His amusement turns into a smirk. "You really are so much like your father. Now, I'm going to head to bed, but you two better not stay up all night." He warns playfully. My blush deepens as he retreats up the stairs. I turn to my boyfriend. Boyfriend. I smile at my thought. It feel good.

It feels right. "Come on, time to catch up." I pull him into the living room and we sit and talk about everything going on while we weren't together. We end up falling asleep on the couch only to be woken up by Hermione the next morning. "Is this going to become habit?" She asks.

I blush, sitting up. "Mrs. Weasley should be here with Mr. Weasley in an hour and you need to shower and change." She tells us. I nod, standing. I go to walk away when Hermione stops me. "You're telling me everything." I laugh and nod before rushing upstairs.

After a quick shower I dry my hair, do my makeup, and change before heading downstairs where everyone else is gathered in the kitchen, waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley to get here. Harry is nowhere to be seen. I take a seat next to Ginny and the girl immediately starts talking to me. 

I haven't had a lot of time with Ginny recently, but whenever we do talk, it's like we never spent time away from each other. Ginny's like the little sister I always wanted. There is the sound of a door closing and the wheels of a wheelchair coming towards the kitchen. 

Then Mrs. Weasley rolls Mr. Weasley into the room. "Here we are. Daddy's home." She beams. The sadness is gone from her eyes. They're tired, but I can handle seeing that. We all stand and clap while he smiles and bows playfully. A real smile graces my face. This is right. 

Everything is slowly becoming right once again. "Sit down everybody, sit down. That's it. Now, presents." Mrs. Weasley tells us. We all sit and she starts passing out presents. She hands out her gifts first and I smile, opening mine. My smile widens. 

It's a black scarf with a gold 'H' sewn into the bottom. First year I got a sweater, second year I got matching gloves, third year I got a matching beanie, and last year she made me socks. This'll complete my collection. "Thank you Mrs. Weasley." 

"Oh Hope, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Molly." I smile. "Sorry, it's habit." "Oh you're fine dear." She beams before handing out other presents from the others at the table and ones that had been mailed here. 

Hermione got me a few ingredients for some spells and potions, Ron got me candy from Honeydukes, Fred and George of course gave me some of their prank sweets, Ginny got me a new quill and some ink, and the quidditch team sent me a new broom servicing kit.

I thought I was done when Mrs. Weasley hands me a surprising one. Mr. Diggory sent me a picture. It's one of me and Cedric at the Yule Ball. We're both smiling widely and looking at each other and then back towards the camera. I remember taking this. It came with a note. 

Miss Mikaelson,

I found this while going through my son's things. I do believe he would wish you to have it.

Happy Christmas,

Amos Diggory

I smile sadly at the note before looking at the picture. I really miss him. I hear food steps and turn to see Harry walking into the room. "Oh, Harry, Harry! There you are. Happy Christmas." Mrs. Weasley tells him, walking up to him and giving him her present. 

"Thank you." He says as she hugs him tightly. "Lovely to have you with us." "Thank you." He repeats. "A toast! A Christmas toast. To Mr. Harry Potter...without whom I would not be here. Harry." Mr. Weasley says. "Harry." We all cheers. 

Sirius is now in the doorway, holding a glass of wine. After cheers-ing Harry he walks off and Harry takes a seat next to me. I smile at him and hold out the box with the journal inside that I bought from Diagon Ally this summer. 

I meant to finish it before his birthday, but I finished it yesterday and since I didn't already have a gift, I thought this would be perfect. "Merry Christmas." "Happy Christmas Hope." He says, holding out a small wrapped box. We exchange gifts and I smile, wanting to watch him open it. 

He takes the book out of box and opens it to the first page. His eyes widen in wonder as he turns to me. "You drew this?" He asks. I smile and nod. "Turn the pages." He does as instructed and his eyes widen with each page he flips. "Hope, these are amazing." He grins. "Why thank you." I joke.

With that I turn to the gift he got me. I slowly open it and my eyes widen and begin to water at the two silver chains. On the end of one is a crescent moon with a lapis lazuli on it and on the other is a set of fangs. 

That coupled with my Mikaelson crest brings together each and every part of me. Mikaelson witch, crescent wolf, and daughter of an original vampire. I smile, a tear escaping my eye. "They're perfect." His smile is relieved as I pull him into a tight hug. 

Everything is least for now.

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