Chapter 14: Slughorn's Christmas Party

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Hope's POV:

It's been a few weeks since the first quidditch game and Hermione and Ron are not on speaking terms. I've spent less and less time with Ron while Harry bounces back and forth. Honestly, it's been utterly exhausting. 

Currently the three of us are in the library, Harry and I are following Hermione around as she puts her books back. As we walk we listen to her rant. She's been ranting for the past thirty minutes and we've been 'shushed' three times.  

"He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes. I really couldn't care less. Was I under the impression he and I would be attentions Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes. Now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements." I furrow my brows. 

"What do you mean 'other arrangements'?" I ask her. She hesitates. "Um, it's a surprise." My eyes narrow even further, not only at her statement, but the tone. I know exactly who she's going with. Why the hell would she pick him? Then I think about it a bit more. Ron hates McLaggen. 

"Anyway, Harry you and Hope both need to watch your back." "Why?" I ask. I mean, we usually have to watch our backs, but given the topic, this is gonna be new information. Definitely information I'm not gonna like. 

Hermione glances over her shoulder at a girl in the corner before turning back to us and dropping her voice. "See that girl over there?" We nod. "That's Romilda Vane. Apparently she's been trying to smuggle you a love potion Harry." 

Immediately my jaw clenches and I let out a low growl. "Hope, eyes." Hermione whispers and I know my eyes are glowing gold. "Someone should tell her to fuck off before something bad happens." I snap. 

Instantly Harry's hand is in mine and I feel a wave of calm flow through my body. I sigh and look at him. He sends me a reassuring smile that sets me at ease along with my bubbling anger. "She's only interested in him because she thinks he's the Chosen One." 

"But I am the Chosen One." Harry says, a smug smile on his face. At this I release his hand and smack him upside the head. "Right, sorry. Um, kidding." He grumbles, grabbing my hand again, this time tighter, as if I'm gonna hit him again. I mean, I might. 

After that our conversation tapers off. It's now two days before we go home for Christmas Break and Hermione and I are sitting in the Girl's Dormitory getting ready for Slughorn's Christmas party. We're the only ones in here. 

"I swear, if Slughorn is going to continue to have all these parties, I might drop the Slug Club." I grumble as I finish fastening my shoes. "Oh calm down Hope. You look stunning. At least you get to go with someone you like." I snort. 

"It's your fault for asking McLaggen instead of a friend. I mean, I get why you did it, but you dug your own grave there." Her head whips around to face me, eyes wide. "You know?" I grin back at her. "I've known since the library, the distaste in your voice alone gave it away." She sighs. 

"I panicked. All I could think about is what would anger him the most. Cormac was the obvious choice." I nod. "It's a good plan, but you're gonna be miserable." She nods, completely agreeing with my statement. I check the time and sigh. 

"I better get going. Harry will be waiting for me. If you need an escape, come find me and I'll place an invisibility charm on you so you can enjoy yourself out of sight." She sighs in relief. "Thanks Hope. Really. Now go, don't want to keep Prince Charming waiting." I laugh at this. 

"Honestly, with as many times I've saved him, I'm Prince Charming and he's the damsel. See later Mione." I say, hugging her before exiting the Dormitory. Harry is waiting at the bottom of the steps, looking deep in thought. "What's got you all in your head?" I ask him. 

His head snaps towards me and he grins before his jaw drops slightly into a look of awe. "You look..." He trails off, as if trying to find the right word. "Why thank you Mr. Potter. I have to say, you clean up well yourself." I grin, pulling him in for a short kiss. 

"He smiles into it before I pull away. "Now come on, before we're late." "What about Hermione?" "Summoning all her courage. You'll die when you see who her date is." I grin. "She told you?" "Nope, I knew from the moment she said it was a surprise in the library." "Oh really now?" 

I grin, nodding. "Yep. Now come on, let's go." With that the two of us head towards the party. The walk is short, but sweet. We chat idly as we walk. Moments like these makes me feel as normal as I can get. I love them. 

Finally we reach the party and are immediately approached by Slughorn. "Harry my boy, and Hope of course. So glad the two of you could make it tonight." I give him my best proper Mikaelson smile. "We wouldn't miss it sir." I reply. "Come along, we must get a picture together." 

With that the two of us follow him to where the photographer is. He stands on the other side of Harry while our photo is taken. "Well, you two enjoy yourselves." He pats Harry on the shoulder before going off the greet other guests. As soon as he leaves Neville walks up to us. 

He's wearing a server's jacket and carrying a tray of drinks. "Drink?" He asks as we turn to face him. "Neville." Harry grins, eyeing our friends uniform. "I didn't get into the Slug Club. It's ok though. He's got Belby handing out towels in the loo." He whispers. 

I grin a this, walking forward and fixing his crooked jacket. He blushes. "Thanks Hope." "No problem." With that he walks away. I go to grab Harry's arm once more when I notice a curtain swoosh to the side beside us. I look towards Harry who also saw it. "Hermione?" I ask. 

"Hermione." He confirms. With that the two of us walk over to her.

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