Chapter 15: Malfoy

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Hope's POV:

The two of us find her behind a curtain. "Hermione, what are you doing? And what happened to you?" Harry asks as we go through the curtain after her. "No, I've just escaped." Harry give her a confused look while I give her an understanding one. "I mean, I left Cormac under the mistletoe." 

She sounds out of breath. "Cormac? That's who you invited?" Harry asks, shocked. "I thought it would annoy Ron the most. He's got more tentacles than a Snarfalump plant." She grumbles. My smirks changes to a serious face instantly. "He what?" She sighs. "I'm fine Hope, but, uh-"

She freezes when she sees him. "Oh, God, here he comes. Hope, the spell, please." I nod. "Find me later and I'll remove it for you." She nods. "Invisique." Immediately Hermione is invisible. "Thanks." She mutters one last time before I lose trace of her.

Cormac appears in front of Harry and I. "I think she just went to powder her nose." Harry quickly lies. "Slippery little minx, your friend. Likes to work her mouth too, doesn't she?" He says. My blood boils as I glare at the boy.

"Maybe if you didn't make her uncomfortable she wouldn't be so 'slippery'." I snark, smiling at him condescendingly. He appears to ignore my words as he grabs something off a tray from a passing server. "What's this that I'm eating by the way?" He ask, shoving one into his mouth.

My smirk reappears. "Dragon balls." I grin. As soon as I speak Snape appears. Nauseated, Cormac hurls all over his feet. Harry and I turn to hold back our laughs as to not lose points. "You've just bought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen." I hear as Harry and I try to duck away.

"Not so quick Potter. Mikaelson." Damn. We stop and turn to face Snape. "Sir, I really think I should rejoin the party." Harry tries. "I'm sure you'll be fine. I only wish to convey a message." He says in his usual bored tone. "A message?"

"From Professor Dumbledore. He asked me to give you both his best, and he hopes you both enjoy your holiday. You see, he's traveling, and he won't return until term resumes." "Traveling where?" I ask. He just looks at me for a second before walking away with his usual flourish.

I mean, for a man so dull, his walk is impeccable. Aunt Rebekah would love it. A second after Snape disappears, Filch drags Malfoy into the party. The music stops and everyone turns to watch the scene before them.

"Professor Slughorn sir. I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party." "Ok, ok, I was gatecrashing. Happy?" Malfoy spits. I use my werewolf hearing to hear his heartbeat. It's insanely fast.

Now, it could be the blatant lie he just told or the fact that he was caught, but I get a sense of fear off of him. Something isn't right. He's scared, and not just about the fact that he was caught crashing Slughorn's party. Snape walks up to the pair. "I'll escort him out." He tells Filch.

Malfoy glares at him. "Certainly, Professor." With that the two of them exit the party and it resumes as if there was no interruption whatsoever. I go to turn towards Harry when I realize that he's gone. I sigh. He went after them.

Shaking off the fact that I was just ditched I scan the room for someone I know. My eyes land on Ginny so I quickly walk up to her. "Hey, who did you come with?" I ask. "Luna. She wanted to ask Neville, but he was already set to work so we came as friends. Where's Harry?" I shrug.

"Dunno. He took off. It's fine though, I'm sure he has a good explanation for why he left." I mean, I know his excuse, and it's not really the best one, but it's not the worst. Luna soon joins us an the three of us party together. After another hour I decide to head in.

I'm stopped halfway by Hermione's voice. We're alone in the corridor. "Hope, a little help?" She asks. "Right, sorry." I mutter the spell and she appears a few feet in front of me. "So, how did you enjoy yourself, being invisible?" I ask as we continue the trek up to Gryffindor Tower.

"It was amazing. I wasn't worried about anyone staring too long, or whether or not I was being proper. Honestly, I highly recommend going to a party invisible." I laugh at her words. "Duly noted." "Where did Harry get off to?" She asks. I shrug. 

"No clue. I spent most of the night with Luna and Ginny. Not horrible, but the two of us will need to talk. He wouldn't have left if it wasn't important." I tell her, not wanting to tell her that he went after Malfoy until I know for sure if he found anything out about him. 

She nods and the two of us chat as we walk the rest of the way to the Common Room. There I find Harry sitting in our usual places. "I'm gonna go talk to him. Don't wait up." She nods and heads up to the Dormitory. 

I take my place beside him, taking off my shoes and curling into his side. Instantly, his arm wraps around me. "Did you find anything out?" I ask. "He did it. He cursed Katie." I sit up, eyes wide. "Tell me everything." And so he does. Once he's finished, I sit there in silence. 

"Say something." He urges. I sigh. "I don't know what to say Harry. We don't know what mission Voldemort entrusted him with, but until we do we need to steer clear of both him and Snape. Whatever is going on, it's nothing good." He nods. 

I lay back down by his side and soon we're both asleep to the sound of the cracking fire. 

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