Chapter 16: Another Christmas at the Weasley's

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Hope's POV:

It's now two days after the whole party and Malfoy incident and my friends and I are on the train home. Harry is currently filling Ron in on everything while I walk around with Hermione since she still doesn't want to be anywhere near Ron. 

I told her about Malfoy the next morning and she's been coming up with theories ever since. We're walking down the train, towards Neville, Luna, and Ginny's cabin when we see Lavender rush off after stopping at one compartment. 

"Ten galleons says we know who is in that compartment." She grumbles. "No thanks, I'd prefer not to waste money." We walk up to see a heart drawn in fog on the window of Harry and Ron's compartment. Hermione glares at Ron before storming off. 

I just shrug at the two boys before quickly following after her. "You know the two of you will have to talk with each other eventually." "I will talk to him." I give her an unbelieving look. "I'll talk to him the second her face isn't attached to his 24/7." With that she enters the compartment. 

I just groan lightly before following her inside. This should be an interesting break. When we reach Platform 9 3/4 I say goodbye to Hermione before Ron, Harry, Ginny, and myself quickly find Mr. and Mrs. Weasley in the crowd. The two of them are going to apparate us to the Burrow. 

As soon as we reach the Weasley home Harry and I are pulled aside by Mr. Weasley, Lupin, and Tonks. Once we're alone Harry explains everything. "Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission?" Lupin asks him in a disbelieving tone. "I know it sounds mad." Harry says. 

"Has it occurred to you, Harry, that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so he could find out what he was up to?" "That's not what it sounded like." "Perhaps Harry's right, Remus. I mean, to make an Unbreakable Vow, it's-" 

"It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgement. Dumbledore trusts Snape, therefore, I do." Lupin snaps. "Dumbledore can make mistakes, he said so himself." Harry argues. "You're blinded by hatred!" "Maybe you're blinded by loyalty!" I snap. 

Everyone turns to look at me. "Like it or not, the fact remains. Snape knows something he's not sharing with the rest of us. Maybe Dumbledore knows, maybe he doesn't, but the point is, something is happening. Obviously something bad and Malfoy and Snape are at the center of it." 

There's silence at my words before Tonks shoots me and Harry a knowing and sympathetic smile. She then stands and escorts Lupin from the room. Harry, Mr. Weasley, and I remain. I sigh, and place a kiss on Harry's cheek. 

"I'm going to go help Mrs. Weasley and Ginny with dinner. Just relax." I mutter the last part he nods, kissing me before and I stand and exit the living room. The rest of the night is fine. No one else brings up the topic of Malfoy and Snape. No one has to. It would only end in an argument. 

After dinner and after we've all cleaned up I head up stairs to shower before Ginny gets in. Once I'm out and dressed, Harry and I make our way to the staircase landing to talk in private. All the kids are in their rooms and the adults are talking in hushed whispers on the main floor. 

Once he's sure that we're alone, he tells me about the vanishing cabinet Malfoy was looking at in Borgin and Burke's. "Harry, what if the other end of the vanishing cabinet is in Hogwarts?" I ask him. 

"I thought of that. If it is, it could be damaged, and that's what Malfoy was working with the night of the party, or it's something else. Wherever that cabinet leads, it can't be good if Malfoy is interested in it." I nod in agreement. 

"I just wish we knew everything going on. If Dumbledore does know about Snape, then it would be nice to know if we could trust him or not. I hate all this guessing. It makes me anxious. The feeling of the unknown has never sat right with me." 

"I agree with that. I hate all this waiting. We can't just wait around for something bad to happen." I nod. "Then there's the whole memory situation. How's getting to Slughorn going? Any luck?" "Not at all. He's extremely guarded. I'm shooting into the dark at this point." 

I place a hand over his and rub circles on the tops of his hands softly before he grabs mine. "Stuff like this takes time. I know it's hard waiting, but in the end, you'll see how worth it the wait was. There's a reason they say patience is a virtue." He chuckles at my words. 

"You know, you always know what to say. No matter what's happening, no matter if you're mad at me. You always say the right things." I grin at this. "What can I say, I'm just a small bundle of wisdom." He chuckles at this and brings me into his side. "You are indeed." 

We sit like this for a second before I tense. "Hope? Hope what's wrong?" Harry asks, sensing a shift in my mood. I don't answer her. Something is wrong. Something is very wrong. I quickly stand, tuning into my senses. I hear Lupin and Tonks with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley at the door. 

I can feel Lupin sense it too. "Hope, say something. What's going on?" I snap out of my daze. "Something bad is about to happen." He furrows his eyebrows at this. "What?" "Something bad is about to happen?" "Hope, what? What's going to happen." I shake my head, panicking slightly. 

"I-I don't know. I can sense it. It's almost the full moon. My senses are starting to heighten and something is happening, but I can't pinpoint what." I shake, tears of frustration filling my eyes. "We need to tell someone." He insists. 

Before I can reply a bright, hot ball of fire shoots through the sky, landing in the dry field next to the house. "Death Eaters." 

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