Chapter 17: Attack in the Night

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Hope's POV:

Harry and I race down the stairs as fire surrounds the house in a giant circle. As we pass by windows I can see black mist. I was right. Death Eaters are here. This is an attack. When we reach the front door I see her. Harry does as well. Bellatrix. 

I snarl, my eyes undoubtedly turning bright gold as I sprint forward, Harry hot on my tail. "HOPE! HARRY NO!" Lupin yells, but we don't listen. As I approach the flames I leap into the air, shifting and sprinting after her. Hunting her. "I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" 

Bellatrix cackles as I chase after her scent. Suddenly her chants go quiet and I freeze. Harry soon catches up to me. I shift back, wanting to bring her as much pain as possible without killing her just yet. I mean, I am a Mikaelson. We're notorious for our torture methods. 

We reach a bit of a clearing. I spot Ginny facing Fenrir Greyback and all I see is red as Harry and I race forward. I pull Ginny back while Harry shoots a spell at the werewolf. I step forward, flashing my gold eyes at him. He snarls back. 

"Easy there asshole. There's only one alpha here." I spit, creeping closer to him. He just disappears into the air. "Gin, what the hell were you thinking." I saw the two of you run out here and I came to help." She argues. I sigh. "Just...stay between us." She nods and does as I say. 

There's different whooshing sounds all around us as we circle around, covering each other's blind spots. "HARRY! HOPE! GINNY!" Mr. Weasley yells. Suddenly, spells are being thrown from all different directions. I block a spell with my want and I recognize the magical signature. 

Bellatrix. I trace her magic and face her, raising my hands, one spread open, my wand in my other. "Ossox." I mutter. I hear the snap and a tangled gasp. Her wrist. "Phasmatos Ossox." Another snap. "Errox femus." I whip my free hand down and I hear another snap and a thump. 

Before I can do anything else she disappears in black smoke. Knowing she's gone for now I use my wand to defend my boyfriend and sister. Suddenly Tonks and Lupin are there, protecting us. Mr. Weasley also appears. That's when another cloud of black smoke shoots out of the field. 

My eyes widen. "The house." I breath. Breaking from our line I shift and take off at max speed, quickly reaching the house, right as Bellatrix and Fenrir go through it, destroying it in the process. I shift back and raise my hands. 

"Phasmatos motus incendiamos. Phasmatos motus incendiamos. Phasmatos motus incendiamos!" The fire rushes away from the house as the Death Eaters disappear into the night. It swirls around me. 

"HOPE!" I hear Mrs. Weasley call as everyone exits the house or returns from the field. I grunt with effort as I minimize the flames into a swirling, furious ball in my hands. I take a deep breath. "Adiuuatur." At my words, the fire disappears and I let out a breath, calming my racing heart. 

Harry rushes to my side, enveloping me into a giant hug. "You're absolutely mad." He mutters into my hair, combing his hands through it soothingly. "This place is my home. I wasn't about to let it go up in flames." I mutter back. 

When he pulls away Mrs. Weasley pulls me into another hug. "Oh my dear girl, thank you! I don't know what else to say or how I could ever repay you." She cries into my shoulder. I smile lightly at the sobbing woman who has acted like my mother for the past seven years. 

"You have nothing to repay me for." She just squeezes me tighter at my words before letting me go. I face Lupin, Tonks, and Mr. Weasley. "We need protects spells that they don't know, and they can't break. This place isn't safe as it is." 

The three of them exchange a look before Lupin nods towards me. "Very well." I turn to face the still flaming crops. Putting out the fire I turn to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. "I need some salt and a house figurine. Do you have one?" I ask. Mrs. Weasley nods and rushes into the house.

Minutes later she returns with a bag of salt and a tiny toy house. "Thank you." I place it on the ground in front of me and create a circle around it and me. I take a deep breath and begin to chant the complex spell my Aunt Freya taught me all those years ago. 

When it's done I feel slightly light headed and I feel blood drip down from my nose. I quickly wipe it away before anyone sees. My nose has been bleeding more and more recently. I don't know why. 

It never did back in my world, but maybe that's because the most magic I ever did was the work of the Hollow. Anything else was minor so I didn't have a problem. If it gets any worse I might have to look into it, but as for now I should be fine. 

"The house is protected. No matter who it is, if they're not human, they have to get permission to enter the house from Mr. or Mrs. Weasley and it's overall protected from attacks as long as this figure is in tact." I explain. They nod. "Thank you Hope." 

"This is my home too. I protect my home." They all nod. Once Mrs. Weasely is sure there's no damage to the house and that everyone is ok, we all head back in, ready for this day to be over and done with and to put all of it behind us for now. 

As I start to head upstairs, Harry stops me. "Yes?" I ask, confused. "Are you ok? That seemed like a powerful spell." I nod, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine Harry. Trust me." He nods, sighing slightly. "I just worry love." My smile warms at this. 

"I know, and I love that you care enough to worry, but I'm completely fine. Ok?" He nods. "Good, now let's go to bed. I'm tired." I grumble. He chuckles slightly, though there is no light in his eyes while he does. I don't mention it while we make our way upstairs. 

Why does it feel like everything is changing again?

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