Chapter 16: The Yule Ball

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Hope's POV:

I avoid Harry and Ron the rest of the week, no matter how much the former tried to get my attention. It's now the morning of the Yule Ball and I can't help but be a bit nervous. I am currently sitting on my bed, watching Hermione tame her hair.

Ginny is sitting next to me, her hair and makeup already done. My makeup is done and I'm waiting for Hermione to finish so she can do my hair. "How does it look?" She asks, turning towards the two of us. We both grin at her. "You look beautiful Mione." I tell her softly.

"Great, now, Hope, chair." She instructs. I sigh and go sit in the chair she is no longer occupying. "Do either of you feel like you're going to throw up?" I ask as Hermione starts curling my hair. "Nope." Ginny states. "A little. Why? Do you?" "Yep."

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. You're going to look stunning, but I'd bet anything Cedric would still tell you you look beautiful without all the fuss. He's whipped." Ginny tells me. I nod. She's right. I'll be fine. My hair is soon finished.

We decide to leave my hair down in soft curls with natural make up. My dress is gorgeous. I bought it when the three of us when shopping in Hogsmead last weekend. I go over to where it is hanging, running my hand over the detailed fabric. It's perfect.

Ginny is now in her dress while she helps Hermione with hers. I take mine off the hanger and quickly undress and step into it. Once I get it on I motion for Hermione to come over and zip me up. It fits like a glove. "You girls ready? Are the boys meeting you in the entry way as well?" I ask.

They both nod to the first question. "Neville is meeting me downstairs." Ginny says. I nod and turn to Hermione. "Viktor is meeting me in the entry way. Come on, we better go so we're not late for the first dance." I nod and together, the three of us exit the room.

Ginny splits off with us when she's with Neville, leaving Hermione and I to walk down together. When we reach the stars before the entrance we stop behind the wall. "Are we going to be extra and have our moments?" I ask her. She grins and nods. "I'll go first." She suggests.

I nod and with that she makes her way around the corner and down the stairs. I hear chattering from below, several saying how beautiful she looks. When I hear her stop walking I take a deep breath and come around the corner. A few people gasp when they see me.

Harry and Pavarti are at the bottom of the stairs. The girl is grinning at me while Harry is looking at me in awe. Cedric is standing behind the two, beaming up at me. When I reach the bottom he walks up to me, extending his hand. I place mine in his and he leans down, kissing it.

I blush at this. He offers his arm, which I take, and we walk towards the entrance to the Great Hall. He leans down to whisper in my ear once we're in place. "You look absolute breathtaking." He mutters to me. I blush even more if that's possible.

"Thank you. You look very handsome." I grin up at him. He does. His hair is nicely arranged and he has that heart stopping smile. Before anymore words can be said there are trumpets sounding throughout the hall. I grip Cedric's arm tightly.

I'm a decent dancer, but I'm scared I might mess up in front of everyone. "Don't worry love, I've got you." He mutters down to me. I grin up at him again and nod. I'll be ok. With that the doors open, reveling the Great Hall. It's absolutely stunning in here.

There is a tunnel of people around us, clapping for us. We walk to the center of the dance floor and get into position. I place my hands on Cedric's shoulder and in his hand while his free one goes to grip my waist tightly. In three counts the music starts.

Cedric and I glide across the floor with ease. There's even apart where he picks me up. I laugh as he sets me back down, spinning me out before pulling me back in. "Well, your'e quiet the dancer." I tease. "Yeah well, my father insisted on lessons. You're not so bad yourself."

"My Aunt is big on debutante balls." I explains. "Ah, I see." I grin at this as we continue to dance. Soon everyone else is on the dance floor as well. After dancing for a while the Weird Sisters come onto the stage. "Are you ready!?" The lead singer calls out.

We all cheer as they liven up the music a little. Cedric pulls away from our formal dance positions and starts spinning me around to the music. I laugh as we dance to the strange music. The words are just very weird. 

When the song ends I notice Hermione over by Harry and Ron and she doesn't look happy. I turn to Cedric. "I'm a but thirsty." I tell him. "Oh, well, I'll go and get us some drinks." He grins. I nod and he walks off towards the drink table while walk towards my friends. 

"What's going on here?" I ask as Hermione storms away. "Why does it matter to you? You're just as bad as she is." Ron grumbles. "What? What do you mean 'just as bad as she is'?" I ask, getting angry at him.

"You know, coming here with Diggory. Not only is he Harry's enemy in the tournament, he's your Quidditch enemy." I scoff. "He's not an enemy Ron. We face those in the past." Cedric comes up to us. "Oh, hello Harry, Ron, Padma." The girl smiles at him while Ron glares and Harry just nods. 

"Uh, I think Hermione and Viktor are over there. We should go over and talk with them." I suggest. "Alright, see you all later." He waves. I take his arm and we're off. I turn my head a the two of them and glare one last time before letting Cedric pull me away. 

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