Chapter 17: Things Are Not Going To Get Easier

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Hope's POV:

The rest of the night I go about ignore the two of them. That is, until Cedric goes off to talk with a few of his friends and Harry walks up to me. "Um, hey." He mutters, looking down. "Hi." Is all I say, not looking at him.

"Hope, I'm very sorry. Truly. I shouldn't have said what I did earlier this week. It's not obvious that you like Cedric. I was just jealous." He tells me. I scoff. "Of what? Cedric and I are just friends." "I know, and I'm sorry that I over reacted." I finally look at him.

"What you said hurt Harry." "I know, and I am truly sorry." I nod. "I forgive you, just please...don't be that stupid again." I laugh. "It worked by the way." "What?" "Going with Cedric just to make me jealous. It worked." My smile drops from my face. This boy really is unbelievably stupid.

"What are you talking about?" "Isn't that why you came with him? To get back at me?" I scoff. "No, actually, that isn't why I came with him. I initially said no to him because I was waiting for someone else to ask me, when the other person didn't, I said yes." "Really? Who?"

Honestly, this boy is so unobservant. "You! I wanted to go with you, but no, you just had to open your big mouth. Not everything is getting back at you Harry. Cedric has been there for the this year. Every time you messed up, he was there to comfort me."

"Well then why don't you go and find him." He snaps. My eyes harden into a glare. "I will." With that I storm off. I soon find Cedric walking away from his friends, looking around. He smiles when he sees me, but when he gets closer his smile drops. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just got into a fight with Harry. I'm fine though." "Well, good. I'm sure whatever that fight was about you'll both have it sorted soon." He grins down at me. I can't help but smile. "You're right."

"Um, actually, I have something I want to ask you." He says as we continue to walk  through the quiet halls of Hogwarts. We soon reach the court yard where we walk through the snow. I shiver slightly and Cedric automatically reaches around and drapes his cloak over my shoulders.

"Thank you." I say softly. He dusts off a stone bench so that it's free from snow and we sit. "So, what did you want to ask me?" He looks nervous. "Uh, well, I was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me." He says, smiling nervously at me. My eyes widen.

"You want to go on a date with me?" I ask. "Yeah, I do. I really do." He says, still smiling. I smile back, I don't have any hesitations now. "Yes. I will go on a date with you." "Really?" I smile. "Yes, really." "Great. Awesome." He grins widely at me. I laugh at this.

We continue to talk for a few hours. When the clock strikes midnight we decide we better head back to our respective Common Rooms to get some sleep. When I reach the Gryffindor Common Room I notice Harry sitting in our usual spot.

I go to walk past him, still upset about earlier, when I notice he's sweating pretty badly and he's in his pjs. He had another nightmare. "Harry?" I ask softly, walking towards him. His head whips around to face me, looking shocked. "Hope?"

I walk towards him and sit down where I normally would sit. "What was it this time?" "That voice, the voice from the last time, it was in this one as well. I still didn't see who it belonged to, but I did see Pettigrew." "What? What was the rat doing?"

"He was with two other men, the one from before and someone I didn't recognize. Towards the end the man from before knew I was there, he asked Pettigrew to stand aside and then there was a flash of green and then I woke up." "Harry, you have to tell Sirius about this."

"He's already back in the country because of me, I don't want him risking himself for dreams." I nod, understanding his point. "It'll be ok. Whoever this man is, he won't touch you, I promise." "I really am sorry Hope, for the other day and tonight. I was a git and there's no excuse for that."

"You really were a git, but there's no perfect friendship. We'll have our ups and down, but in the end we would do anything for each other." "Exactly. You do know I would do anything for you Hope. Just so you know, I wanted to go with you, I just was too scared that you would say no."

I smile softly at him. "Well, now you know." He laughs. "Yeah, I guess I do. And Hope, you look absolutely beautiful tonight. I'm sorry I didn't say it earlier." I blush and look down at my hands before leaning my head onto his shoulder. "Thank you. You don't clean up so bad yourself."

We stay like this for a while before I decide to head upstairs and change out of my dress and take off my make up. We say good night and go our separate ways, not before I cast a spell, ensuring a peaceful sleep for the rest of the night.

As I climb into bed I can't help but think about the evening. So many things happened. Harry apologized, then we fought again, Cedric asked me out, and then Harry and I made up. I groan as I put my pillow over my face.

This just got a lot more complicated and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. Guess I don't get a choice because things are not going to get easier from here, they will only get harder and I'll just have to take it as it comes.

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