Chapter 17: Dumbledore's Got Style

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Hope's POV:

We've been back at Hogwarts for a week now and everything has settled back into place, including Umbridge's determination to make our lives a living hell. Honestly, I'm just waiting for karma to bite her in the ass. 

To top everything off though, the paper that came out this morning informed everyone of the mass breakout from Azkaban the other night. Another thing to add to our long list of complications. 

"Dumbledore warned Fudge this would happen. He's going to get us all killed just cause he can't face the truth." Hermione says as walk into the Great Hall together. "Harry, Hope." The four of us stop and turn to face Seamus. 

"I, uh, I wanted to apologize. Now even me mum says the Prophet's version of things don't add up. So, what I'm really trying to say is that...I believe both of you." I send him a small smile before noticing Neville walking out of the Great Hall, head down. I turn to my friends. 

"I'll be back. I have to talk to someone real fast." I tell them. They nod and after I give Harry a chaste kiss I hurry after my friend. I find him standing by himself in front of the mirror in the room of requirement. I know what picture he's staring at. I approach slowly. 

"Neville?" I ask softly, walking to stand right beside him. "Fourteen years ago, a Death Eater named Bellatrix Lastrange used the Cruciatus curse on my parents. She tortured them for information, but they never gave in." My heart breaks for him.

"I'm quite proud to be their son. But I'mnot sure I'm ready for everyone to know just yet." I nod, looping my arm through his and laying my head on his shoulder. "We're gonna make them proud Neville, and I'm 100% sure that you've already made them so, so proud." 

"How can I, I can barely disarm someone." I lift my head up. "You are one of the most kind hearted and brave people I've ever met. That's something every parent wants for their child and that's why they're proud. And you can disarm someone. You're making progress." 

He still doesn't look convinced. "Harry and I didn't learn defensive magic from the teachers here, well, besides Lupin. We learned from having people try to kill us time and time again." He nods, remembering everything we've been through over the years. 

"We all learn at our own pace. Maybe yours is a little slower than others, but when the time is right, you'll have every skill you'll ever need. Don't be to hard on yourself. Now come on, breakfast is almost over." He smiles down at me. "Thank you Hope." 

I nod, grinning back, pulling him towards the exit. A few days later it's the first DA lesson since being back. We're working on Patronuses now. "Make it a powerful memory. The happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up. Keep trying Seamus. Go on Hope." Harry instructs. 

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I start to go through my memories. I know none of the ones from this world, as amazing as this has been, will work. I think back to my world. My family. My time with my mom and dad. I grin when I remember the first time I truly met my dad. 

We painted in the garden and I healed a butterfly. "Expecto Patronum." I chant, waving my wand. When I open my eyes I see a silvery wolf is prancing around the room happily. I beam. It's not like me, it's my mom's wolf. He's my memory and she's my happiness's physical form.

"Fantastic Hope!" Harry beams. I laugh and beam right back. "A full bodied patronus is the most difficult to produce, but shield forms can also be equally useful against.a variety of opponents. Just remember. Your patronus can only protect you for as long as you focus."

Several people have gotten a physical patronus now when suddenly the room shakes. Everyone stops and starts looking around to find the source of the disturbance. We all gather and face the mirror. Harry and I are in front. The glass starts to shatter and break, falling to the ground. 

There's a hole in the rock. Nigel steps forward to look through. Harry and I do as well when we hear Umbridge's voice. "I'll make short work of this." I see her raise her wand and my eyes widen, yanking both Harry and Nigel backwards so no one gets hurt. "Bombarda Maxima." 

The wall breaks, sending rocks flying everywhere. I raise my hands to shield everyone, dropping them as the dust settles. In front of us is the Inquisitorial Squad and Umbridge herself. Malfoy yanks Cho into view. "Get them." She snaps. 

Immediately the Slytherins and Filch race forward and grab onto us. Malfoy has since released Cho and grabbed onto my robes. "Watch it asshole." I snarl at him. "I would shut it if I were you Mikaelson." He smirks, yanking me out of the room. 

Harry and I are dragged towards Dumbledore's office where we are faced with Kingsley, Percy, the Minister, and a few other Aurors. Harry and I are roughly shoved into Percy who latches onto us roughly. I glare up at the boy who's family I have called my own since I've gotten here. 

"You don't deserve to call yourself a Weasley." I spit. He just glares ahead of us as we are ushered into he office. "I've been watching them for weeks! And see, 'Dumbledore's Army'. Proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning Cornelius." I roll my eyes. She can't be serious. 

"All your fearmongering about You Know Who never fooled us for a minute. We saw your lies for what they were, a smoke screen for you bid to seize control of the Ministry." "Naturally." Dumbledore says. "No, he has nothing to do with it. It was me." 

"And me. And honestly, you seriously believe this? If Dumbledore wanted the job all he would have to do is say so." I snap. "Enough Miss Mikaelson." Dumbledore dismisses. I keep my glare as I back down. 

"Most noble of the two of you to shield me, Harry, Hope, but as has been pointed out, the parchment clearly says 'Dumbledore's Army', not 'Potter's' or 'Mikaelson's'. I instructed Harry and Hope to form this organization, and I, and I alone, am responsible for its activities." 

"Dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet. If we hurt, we should still make the morning edition." "You're seriously concerned about press?" I ask, baffled. Harry's hand latches onto mine, his thumb running over my knuckles in comfort. 

"Dawlish, Shacklebolt, you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban to await trial for conspiracy and sedition." "Ah, I thought we might hit this little snag." Dumbledore says, as Kingsley and Dawlish advance on him. He makes his way behind his desk. 

"You seem to be laboring under the delusion that I'm going to, what was the phrase? Come quietly. Well I can tell you this. I have no intention of going to Azkaban." "Enough of this. Take him!" Umbridge orders. There's a screech and Fawkes flies above Dumbledore. 

When the Pheonix is right above him, he claps his hands above his head and is immediately engulfed in flames. A wave of energy shoots outs ending everyone backwards. I curl into Harry, my back towards what is going on, hoping to shield him in the slightest bit. 

When we look back, he's gone. "Well, you may not like him, Minister, but you can't deny...Dumbledore's got style." Kingsley announces. Harry and I exchange a look. With Dumbledore gone there's only one conclusion. We're absolutely screwed. 

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