Chapter 18: Pinks Not Your Color

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Hope's POV:

A week goes by and a new decree is placed on the wall. An announcement of Umbridge being promoted to Headmistress. All the pictures have been removed and Umbridge's tyranny has only just begun.

On top of that the entirety of the DA has been placed in detention where we are all forced to write with Blood Quills. I, of course take away everyone's pain as they write, but even I have my limits.

Umbridge noticed that there was no suffering happening during detention during the first session and became infuriated, especially when she found out that it was me, the one person who wasn't scared of her or just remained quiet. The person who fought her.

She tried separating me from the group, but as long as I have my connection with all of them, the spell will still hold. "How are you doing it?" She spits as I sit in her nauseatingly pink office. "Do what?" I ask innocently, but on the inside I was smiling.

Just because I'm suffering doesn't mean I've lost. Check mate bitch. "You know good and well what you're doing. I'm ordering you to stop." I lean forward, staring her dead in the eye whilst not blinking. I can tell it unnerves her.

"Check my wand. I'm not doing anything. Maybe your blood quills are faulty. Or maybe, this is karma for torturing kids because you have the inferiority complex of the toad you are." "ENOUGH! You will stop whatever you are doing at once or I-"

"Or you'll what? You're already torturing me. What's next? Killing me? How will the parents take the fact that the Headmistress killed a student, or even threatened one. What happens when they find out about your punishment regiment." Her jaw clenches.

"I'm sure they can give you Dumbledore's cell, seeing as you people at the Ministry aren't competent enough to catch him." She's seething. "I could expel you." "I know." "I should." "Then do it." Silence. Her face is bright red with anger. If she expels me, everything is out.

"Dismissed." She spits. Smirking I stand, heading towards the exit. I open then door before turning to her. "By the way, pink isn't your color." With that I slam the door and walk to the Great Hall where Harry, Ron, and Hermione are waiting for me.

As soon as he sees me, Harry pulls me into his arms in a tight hug. "Are you alright? Did she expel you?" He asks. "No. She knows that the second I'm gone is the second she's fired and put into Azkaban. Besides, she can't prove that I'm doing anything. My magic is untraceable."

"Still, you're suffering for us." Harry says, pulling away, looking at me worriedly. "I'm fine." "Hope, you passed out today. It's the reason Umbridge caught you. What you're doing isn't safe." he tells me, worry in his tone. 

"What am I supposed to do? I have the power to take away your suffering, but I shouldn't, even though I heal." "You may heal, but that doesn't mean doing it won't have lasting effects on you." Hermione argues. I sigh. "Can we not argue. Let go for a walk." I suggest. 

They hesitate the drop the subject, but nod in agreement. I give a small smile as I latch my hand with Harry's and start walking towards the bridge. I know that we just need to get out of the school. 

Harry has been blaming himself for, one the DA getting in trouble, and two, me having to take away their pain. He's always too hard on himself. We all knew what we were signing up for. We all knew it was risky. 

"You did everything you could. No one can win against that old hag." Ron tells him, trying to make him feel better. "Even Dumbledore didn't see this coming. Harry, if it's anyones fault, it's ours." Hermione says. "Yeah, we talked you into it." 

"Yeah, but I agreed. I tried so hard to help, and all it's done is make things worse. Anyway, that doesn't matter anymore." "Don't say that. Sure we got caught, but your lessons meant something." He gives me an unbelieving look. 

I sigh and step up behind him, wrapping my arms around his middle and placing my head on his shoulder. "People wouldn't have joined if they didn't need that or if it wasn't helping them. Sometimes you just need to see the good instead of the bad that came out of the situation." 

"I just don't want to play anymore Hope. All it does is make you care too much. The more you care, the more you have to lose." My heart breaks for him. I know this feeling. It's horrible. When you've hit the bottom so hard that you just want to give up. 

"There's no such thing as caring too much. The people around you, the ones you surround yourself with that make you feel love and know friendship, those are the ones that make you stronger." I let go of him and step in front of him. 

"When I came here I was dead set on not letting anyone in. I'd just lost my mom and dad to a selfish act and...I told myself that caring wasn't worth it. But you three, you three are the reason I have for fighting like I do." His eyes soften as they finally make contact with mine. 

"Caring doesn't make you weak, it gives you a greater purpose to fight than greed." I pull him into a hug which he welcomes without hesitation, pulling me to his chest tightly. "Psst!" We hear. I pull away and turn in the direction of the noise. There stands Hagrid. 

He's hiding at the edge of the bridge. "Hagrid." Harry realizes. He gestures for us to follow him. Confused we do. Hagrid is never this secretive. What is going on with him? Does it have something to do with the giants he was telling us about? I have a feeling we're about to find out.

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