Chapter 19: Grawp

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Hope's POV:

The four of us follow Hagrid into the Dark Forest. He hasn't said anything since beckoning us to follow him. "Any idea where he's taking us?" Ron asks. "Hagrid, why can't you just tell us?" Harry asks. There's neighing in the distance as Hagrid comes to a stop. 

Then a hoard of centaurs rushes past us quickly. "I've never seen the centaurs so riled." Hagrid exclaims in worry. He turns to face us. "And they're dangerous at the best of times. The Ministry restricts their territory much more, they're gonna have a full uprising on their hands." He warns.

"Hagrid, what's going on?" I ask. "I'm sorry to be so mysterious, you four. I-I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it, but...with Dumbledore gone...I'll likely be getting the sack any day now. And I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him." 

I look at him confused until I hear movement. My eyes widen in shock as a giant stands to his full height in front of us. How did we miss him? Harry's hand grabs mine quickly. "Grawpy. Down here you great baffoon. The giant is staring at a bird. It flies over Ron's head and he crushes it.

I can't tell whether it's on purpose or by accident, but this giant looks like a baby. "Oh, Grawpy. I brought you some company. The giant smiles down at us before charging forward. The four of us scramble backwards until the giant is forced to stop. There's a rope around his waist. 

We're all breathing heavily in fear. "I couldn't just leave him, because...because he's my brother." "Blimey." Ron breaths. "Well half-brother, really. He's completely harmless, just like I said. Little high spirited, is all." 

We're still backing up when Hermione and I stumble, looking away from the giant for two seconds. I feel something around my waist as I am hoisted into the air, my hand slipping out of Harry's. I scream and I hear Hermione do the same. "Hope!" Harry yells out. 

"Grawpy, that is not polite!" Hagrid yells at him. "Hagrid do something!" Ron tells him. "We talked about this. You do not grab, do you? Those are your new friends, Hermione and Hope. I feel a jolt and look down to see Ron with a tree branch in his hand. 

"Grawpy!" Hagrid yells again as Grawp kicks Ron away. I take a deep breath and calm my racing heart. "Grawp, this has been fun, but you need to put us down now. Alright? Put us down. Now." I say deathly calm. He looks at me before lowering Hermione and I to the ground. 

Harry immediately wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me back until my back his his chest. "You alright?" He mutters into my ear. I nod. "Fine." Grawp walks away sadly. I sigh. Damn it, now I feel bad. "He just needed a firm hand is all." Hermione says. 

"I think the two of you have got an admirer." Harry points out. "You just stay away from them." Ron calls out as Grawp starts going through a pile of things. He pulls out a bicycle handle and rings the bell before stepping forward and handing it to Hermione. She hesitantly grabs it. 

He looks at her expectantly. He rings the bell and he smiles. "He gets his own food and all. It's company that he'll be needing when I'm gone." Hagrid says as Hermione hands the handle back. Grawp rings the bell again and again. 

"You will look after him, won't you? I'm the only family he's got." Hagrid asks. I smile at my half-giant friend and nod. "Of course." I tell him. He sighs in relief as Hermione checks her watch. "Harry, you have to go. You have your lessons with Snape." She reminds him. He nods. 

"We will watch after him Hagrid." Harry assures. He nods and with that the four of us take off back towards the school. Hermione and Ron part ways with us as I accompany Harry down to the dungeons. "I'll wait out here for you." I assure. 

He nods, pecking my lips before walking into Snape's office. I sigh and find a bench, sitting down and leaning my head against the cold stone wall. I close my eyes and zone out the world around me. I must have fallen asleep because I wake up to Harry shaking me. 

He's sweaty and his heart beat if fast. "What happened?" "Nothing. It's fine. Come on." He tells me, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the dungeons and towards the court hard. Something is really bothering him, but I don't say anything. 

Sometimes you just need to be left alone to your thoughts and I think now is one of those times. I hear sniffling behind us and we turn to see Fred and George comforting a crying first year. I quickly walk over to them. "What's your name?" I ask softly, squatting down in front of the boy. 

"Michael." "Hello Michael. My name's Hope. Give me your hand." I say. He hesitantly does as I ask. He places his hand in my palm and I place my other hand over it, closing my eyes. The familiar warmth is there. I remove my top hand and open my eyes to see a fully healed hand. 

"See, all better. Next time you're about to go into detention, come find me. Oh, and let's keep this between us, alright." I say. He smiles and nods, tears still in his eyes. "Thank you Hope." I nod. The all to familiar annoying sound of Umbridge clearing her throat is heard. 

Fred, George, and I stand up as Harry walks over to us. "As I told the two of you once before, Mr. Potter, Miss Mikaelson, naughty children deserve to be punished." I glare at her as she smugly walks away. 

"You know George, I've always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievement." "Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing." 

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