Chapter 2: Diagon Alley

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Hope's POV:

"Hurry up children, we have to make this trip quick. Ron, you go first." Molly says. The line to use the floo powder gets smaller and I am the last one to go, well, besides Molly. "Go on dear." She says. I nod and walk forward, grabbing the powder in one hand. 

"Diagon Alley." I say, throwing the powder down. Green flames envelope me and I am off. I quickly adapted to life in this new world. I've been learning how to do apud witch magic as well as sine witch magic from my grimoires. Apud witches use wands and sine witches do not. 

In Latin they translate to with and without. Molly has taught me a lot about potions as well which I have found that I love making. It's a lot like cooking. My mom and I always used to bake when I was little, well, the last time I was little. I really miss home.

Dumbledore has yet to find a way back to my world and he told me there may never be a way back. This terrifies me as I think about my family I did leave behind. Dr. Saltzman was right, I should have thought before I cast my spell. 

Better yet, I have yet to find the soulmate the spell sent me here to meet. It's really getting on my nerves actually. Anyways, once I've arrived in Diagon Ally I quickly say my goodbyes to the family, agreeing to make my shopping quick. I wanted to do it without them. 

I walk the streets of the wizarding marketplace until I reach Gringott's. When I first arrived here Dumbledore set up an account for me. Let's just say, it isn't small. The Weasleys. My guardians in this world. 

Even though I have already gotten close with a few of them, I can't make anymore friends because, in time, everyone leaves me, I cannot have that happen to my again. I couldn't survive it this time. Not after mom and dad. Not after Uncle Elijah. Anyways, back to my trip. 

I quickly withdraw some money from Gringott's and head to grab all my of school supplies. I am nervous about getting my wand. I wonder if there is a wand out there for me. There has to be, right? Anyways, after I have all of my other items for school I head to Ollivander's. 

I walk into the shop and breath in the dust filled air. "Hello Miss Mikaelson." The kind shopkeeper says, approaching the counter. "Hello sir." "Here for your first wand?" He asks. I nod. "Well, I've never had a sine witch in here before. Give me one moment dear. 

I shall find you the perfect want." He says, walking back into the rows and rows of wands. He's gone for quite awhile when he finally emerges with a pure white case. I stare at in wonder and awe, just the box for the wand itself is beautiful.

"This wand, my dear, is ver special. It is made from the wood of a tree you know quite well. There was only one tree in existence, but it was burned down, this is all that remained. This want is 11'5", White Oak, Phoenix Tail Feather Core." My eyes widen at White Oak, but he continues.

"The Phoenix who's feather is in this wand only gave this one, but the bird's soulmate gave two. I just sold one to a boy your age a few minutes ago." He says. My eyes widen as I pick up the wand. A warm feeling spreads through me. Mr. Ollivander smiles. "That is the one alright." He says. 

"How much?" I ask. "11 galleons." He says. I quickly hand the man the money. "Have a good day dear." He says. I nod and exit the shop. Could my soulmate have been the one to purchase the other wand? Would he be at Hogwarts this year? So many thoughts running through my head.

I quickly go over to the nearest fireplace and flu back to the Weasley's house. "How did it go dear?" Molly asks, looking up from he cooking. "Good. I'm a little tired and I have a long day tomorrow. I'm going to pack then go to bed. Night." I say. 

Without waiting for a reply I bolt up the stairs. After I finish packing I shower then go straight to bed. I fall asleep with thoughts of the boy who purchased the wand before me. I hope I don't have to wait too long to meet him. I mean, I can only hope, right? 

Wait, why am I thinking about this? If I find my soulmate I might stray from my mission of leaving this world to get back to my own as soon as possible. I cannot have that happening. If I don't get back, I'm failing my family that I still have. I cannot afford to lose that as well. 

I don't even hear Ginny come in, I just fall asleep. 

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