Chapter 3: The Hogwarts Express

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Hope's POV:

"Get up." I hear. "Hm?" "Get up. You need to get dressed. The train leaves in an hour." Ginny says. I nod and she exits our shared room. I quickly get dressed and then double check everything, to make sure I don't leave anything behind.

After everything is checked I levitate my things downstairs. Apparently, since I do sine magic, the Ministry cannot track when I'm doing that kind of magic. It is quite resourceful actually. But I have to be careful around the others, they cannot see me doing sine magic. 

I am the first one down, besides Ginny, but she doesn't have a trunk. "Are you ready?" Molly asks. I nod, sitting down and eating the breakfast that she made. I politely decline the sandwich she made for the train ride over there. The boys are hurriedly rushing down the stairs now. 

We only have about thirty minutes until the train leaves from King's Cross Station. They quickly scarf down their food. "Come on boys, we need to hurry if we don't want to miss the train." Molly calls. Once they've finished eating we all quickly floo to the train station. 

When we get there we are rushing to get to the platform. "Like this every year, packed with Muggles. Come on, Platform 9 3/4 this way." Molly guides. "Ok Percy, you first." She says. The older boy nods and races through the wall. I blink, I've never seen anything like that before. 

"Ok Fred, you next." Molly says. "He's not Fred, I am." George says, trying to confuse her. Rude. "I'm sorry George." She says. As Fred gets ready to go he turn to her. "Only joking, I am Fred." With that he runs through the wall followed by George. 

"Excuse me, excuse me." A boy's voice calls. "Yes dear what is it?" Molly asks a boy with messy black hair and emerald green eyes. "Could you  tell me how to uh, how to-" He stutter which I find completely adorable. 

"How to get onto the Platform? Yes dear. It's Ron's first year at Hogwarts as well. Hope's too. Now, all you need to do is run straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." She instructs. "Good luck." Ginny says. 

He nods before running at the walls. "Ok Hope, you next." She says. I nod. I run through the wall and the next thing I know is that I am standing next to the infamous Hogwarts Express. Without waiting for Ron I quickly make my way onto the train.

I wonder around a little bit before I come across a cabin with only the boy from the platform in it. I open the door. "Hello, mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full?" I ask. He nods and gestures to the seat in front of him. I take this time to take in his appearance better this time.

Black, messy hair, piercing emerald eyes hidden behind wire rimmed glassed. He's kinda cute in all honesty. He also seems very familiar to me. I shake off the familiar feeling the boys is giving me and smile at him. "I'm Hope by the way." I tell him. "Harry, Harry Potter."

Again, for some reason, that name sounded familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it. "Good to meet you Harry." I say. "Are you from America?" He asks me. I nod. "I, uh, moved here last year." I say. He nods.

Before any more words could be exchanged Ron enters the compartment. "Do you mind, everywhere else is full." He says. We both nod and he grabs a seat next to me. "I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley." "Harry Potter." Ron's eyes go wide.

"So, so, it's true. Do you really have the-the-" "The what?" "Scar?" Ron asks. I stare at him confused. "Oh, yeah." Harry says, lifting up his bangs and showing us a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead. "Wicked." "How did you know he had a scar?" I ask. 

"The whole wizarding world knows who Harry Potter. He's the one who defeated You Know Who." He says. "No, I don't know who?" I say. Before he can say anything, the door opens. "Anything off the trolly dears?" An elderly woman asks, popping her head in.

I see the entire cart of sweets she has and gape. I have yet to try wizarding candy. "No thanks, I'm all set." Ron says, holding up one of Molly's sandwiches. Harry then turns to her. "We'll take the lot." He says, producing a handful of galleons. "Whoa." Ron mutters.

Soon, we are indulging ourselves in the strangest sweets I've ever had. I prefer the peppermint toads and the acid pops. I swear very clear of the every flavor jelly beans. I don't trust them. Harry picks up a chocolate frog. "These aren't real frogs are they?" He asks.

"No, it's just a spell. Besides, it's the cards you want. Each pack has got a favorite witch or wizard on the front. I've got about five hundred myself." He says. Harry opens the pack and the frog jumps out and onto the window. "Watch it." Ron says, then the frog leaps out of the window.

"That's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to start off with." Ron says. "I've got Dumbledore." Harry says. "Eh, I've got about six of him." Ron says. Harry turns the card over. "Hey, he's gone." He says. "Well, you can't him to sit around all day, now, can you?" Ron says.

I then stare at the rat munching on the jelly beans. "This is Scabbers, pathetic isn't he?" Ron asks. "Just a little bit." Harry says. "Fred gave me a spell as to turn him yellow, wanna see?" He asks Harry and I. "Yeah." Harry says while I just nod eagerly. I don't know too much apud magic.

"Sun-" "Excuse me, have any of you see a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one." A girl with bushy brown hair says, entering the compartment. "No." Ron confirms. "Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then." The girl says. Ron clears his throat.

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow." He says. A yellow spark emits from his wand, but the rat remains brown. I smile a little bit. Poor Ronald. I even debate casting a color changing spell myself whenever the girls speaks again.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? I've only tried a few simple spells myself, but they've all worked out for me. For example, Oculus Repairo." She mutters, pointing her want at Harry's glasses. The tape flies off of them and they fix themselves.

"Holy cricket, you're Harry Potter. I"m Hermione Granger, and you are?" She asks, disgusted as she watches Ron shove food into his mouth. "Ron Weasley." "Hope Mikaelson." I say, shaking her hand.

"Pleasure. Anyway, you three had better change into your robes, I expect we'll be arriving soon." She says, walking out of the compartment, but she comes back a second later. "You've got dirt on your nose, you see? Just there." She says before actually leaving. "I like her." I say, grinning.

"Well that makes one of us." Ron says. "Oh, don't be rude. Ok, well, I'm going to go change. See you two in a minute." I say, rushing off to go change my clothes. When I come back the boys are gone, but I don't have to wait for long. Harry appears in the doorway.

"Sorry if this seems weird, but, do I know you from somewhere?" I ask him. "I've never met you before, I also get a strange feeling we have met before." He says. I nod. Then Ron enters the cabin and the conversation is dropped.

The train ride left is short and soon we are pulling up to a train station. Harry and I follow Ron out and we hear someone calling for first years. I turn to a see a giant. I follow Ron and Harry towards the man. "Hello Harry." He says. "Hey Hagrid." The boy responds. "Whoa." Ron mutters.

"Who are your friends?" He asks. "Ron Weasley." Ron says. "Weasley aye? Well, won't be the first one I've encountered. Who is she?" He asks. "Hope Mikaelson." I say, smiling up at Hagrid. He seems nice enough.

"Oh, so you're the girl McGonagall and Dumbledore are always talking about. I mean, forget I said that. Anyways, first years! This way!" He calls. I roll my eyes as well all follow the giant man to a lake.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I all get into one boat and once everyone has secured seating, they begin to take off. The boats move through the water on their own effortlessly. Soon, the school is in sight.

I had only seen the inside of Dumbledore's office last year and I do have to say that this place is defiantly bigger than the Salvatore School. Ron, Harry, and even Hermione are gaping at the huge castle. I smile at them.

If my stay here does end up being permanent I hope that these three are in it. Maybe I can actually open myself up to them. Maybe.

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