Chapter 20: The Second Task

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Hope's POV:

All I feel is cold. I try to wake up, but I can't. I wonder if Harry found a way to breath. I wonder if it's the right way. I have so many fears and thoughts swimming around in my head right now that I can't stand it. I feel my body moving, I don't know how. 

I didn't feel myself enter the Black Lake, but I can currently feel movement. Maybe the spell is wearing off. Suddenly my eyes shoot open as I gasp for air when I reach the top of the lake. I look to my right and see Cedric supporting me. I look around and notice we're the first ones up. 

Together we swim towards the dock where people are waiting for us with towels. I remove my outer cloak, tie, and shoes and socks since they're sopping wet. I'm left in my white button, my vest, my skirt, and leggings. A minute after we reach the dock Hermione and Krum appear. 

I look over and se Fleur, but the little girl, I'm gonna assume it's Fleur's sister, isn't there. I guess she didn't make it to us. I look out over the water. The hour's almost up and Harry still hasn't come up with Ron. I'm worried. Very worried. 

Right as the clock chimes on the hour Ron and the little girl appear. Harry does. Fleur helps the little girl our while Ron gets out himself. "Where's Harry?" I ask him. He just shakes his head. Not thinking I throw off my towel and dive back into the lake. 

I swim further and further down until I spot Harry being attacked by little creatures that I think are called Grindylows. I shove my hand forwards and a ball of light makes them scatter. I swim down to Harry and pull him up to me. He nods to me, relief clear in his eyes. 

He takes out his wand. "Ascendio." He says. Holding tightly to him we are blasted out of the water. We land with a thud on the dock and are engulfed immediately in towels and crowded with people. Cedric is by my side in an instant. "You're mad you are." I laugh. "Just a little bit." 

Fleur comes up to Harry with the little girl following behind her. "You saved her even though she wasn't yours to save. My little sister. Thank you!" She cries, kissing both of Harry's cheeks. She then turns to a soaking wet Ron. "And you! You helped!" She kissed him as well. "A bit. A bit." 

I laugh as Harry turns to me. "Why did you dive back in? You could have drowned or have been hurt." He says. "When Ron and the girl came up without you I got worried and fear makes you do stupid things some times." I say, shrugging. He just shakes his head and envelops me in a hug. 

"I'm glad you're ok. I as worried when I didn't see you this morning." "Really?" "Yeah, I knew you wouldn't bail on me." I nod. "I didn't mean to." He nods back. "Harry! Are you alright?! You must be freezing." Hermione says, hugging him. 

"Personally I think you behaved admirably." She tells him. "I finished last Hermione." He grumbles. "Next to last. Fleur never got past 'ze Grindylows'." She mocks. I laugh and nod. "Attention! Attention!" Dumbledore calls out. Everyone chanting different names stops. 

"The winner is...Mr. Diggory!" He cries. I grin and rush over to Cedric, hugging him. "Thanks by the way." I tell him. "Of course." He beams back. Dumbledore then gets everyone's attention again. 

"However, seeing as Mr. Potter would have finished first, had it not been for his determination to rescue, not only Mr. Weasely, but the others as well. We've agreed to award him, second place. For outstanding moral fiber." I cheer as I race back over to Harry, hugging him as well. 

"See! You did it!" I cry, squeezing tightly. He hugs back just as tight. Once Fleur and Krum's places were announced we all get on boats and head back towards the castle. The entire way Ron and the twin, who have joined us, tease him about the whole 'moral fiber' thing. 

When we reach the shore Barty Crouch is waiting for us. Well, Harry. Hermione pulls me along, away so they can talk. "From what I overheard Cedric saying, Harry went to you first, thinking that you were his treasure to obtain, then he saw Ron and knew that you weren't." She tells me. 

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, well, if I saw my three best friends floating unconscious underwater I would go to the first one I saw too." I tell her. "You both are so oblivious it shocks me." She tells me. We quickly head up to the Common Room and change before heading down to Hagrid's. 

Harry soon meets us there and we all go for a walk through the forest. It's late now. "Now, I remember, I remember when I first met you all. Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on. Always reminded me of myself a little. And here we all are, four years later." Hagrid says.

I'm walking with Harry a little ways away from the others. Ron chuckles. "Were still a bunch of misfits." He reminds him. "Well, maybe, we've all got each other. And Harry of course. Soon to be the youngest Triwizard champion there's her been!" He cries. 

They then start singing the school song. I turn to Harry who looks disturbed by something. "Hey, are you ok?" I ask him. He nods, not answering me. He stops for a second. He's looking at the ground so I follow his gaze. I furrow my brows when I see a hat laying on the ground. 

He rounds a tree ahead of me and suddenly grasps his scar. "Harry, what is it?" I ask, walking closer. "Mr. Crouch?" He asks. I follow him and gasp, latching onto his hand when I see the prone figure of Barty Crouch laying on the forest floor. "Oh my God. HAGRID!" 

What the hell is going on here? After finding Barty Crouch we are sent to our Common Rooms and Harry goes to Dumbledore's office to talk to him. When he gets back it's late at night. He looks confused. "What's wrong?" I ask him. He shakes his head. 

"I don't want to talk about it." He tells me. I narrow my eyes at him as he sits next to me. "Harry James Potter, when have you ever kept something from me?" I ask him, rising my eyebrows. I mean, I didn't tell him what exactly I am, but he understood why. 

There's no reason not to tell me. He sighs and looks at me before telling me everything that happened in Dumbledore's office and everything that happened with Snape. The entire time I feel like I'm being over loaded with information. 

"So Karkaroff was a Death Eater, Barty Crouch's son is a Death Eater as well as the other man from your dreams, and Snape suspects that we're brewing polyjuice potion and that you stole his Gillyweed?" He nods. 

"There's something going on here Harry and I don't like it. I don't like it one bit." I say, laying my head on his shoulder. "I don't like it either Hope." He tells me, laying his head on mine. We stay like this for a while before we fall asleep.

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