Chapter 21: The Third Task...Something's Not Right

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Hope's POV:

Weeks pass and it's finally the day of the third task. I am once again in the stands with Hermione, Ginny, and Ron, waiting anxiously for the task to start. When I saw that the third task was a maze I made sure Harry my bracelet on so that I could get to him if he's in serious danger.

"Just remember, I added a spell that will allow me to get to you if you press on the stone, and I will know you're in danger either way. Just make sure if you need me, you call me. No matter how dangerous it is. Promise me Harry." I told him.

He just nodded and promised me before he entered the champion tent. Soon the school band starts playing and the champions enter the little area between the stands and the maze. "ATTENTION!" Dumbledore yells. Everyone quiets down.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody places the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory..." The Hufflepuffs cheer loudly for him. I grin and cheer a little as well for my friend. "...and Mr. Potter..."

Ron and Hermione join me in cheering along with the rest of the Gryffindors. "...are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum..." Cheers from Durmstrang and Slytherin.

"...and Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant would wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants! Gather round. Quickly!"

Dumbledore gathers them and whispers something to them that even I can't hear. He finally pulls away. "Champions, prepare yourselves!" They each go to an entrance. "On the count of three. One-" He is cut off by Filch firing the cannon too early.

He just shakes his head and Cedric and Harry enter the maze. After that, Krum, and finally Fleur. I hold my breath. We can't see anything. Currently we've waiting for at least an hour and still nothing.

Finally Fleur shoots up red sparks and she is deposited into the grassy area in front of the maze. Then Viktor. Now it's just Cedric and Harry. My bracelet is burning. It has been burning since he entered the maze. It makes me nervous that something is going to happen. Something bad.

Why Harry? First the goblet, then Crouch, now my bracelet detecting danger. It goes back in forth with how much it burns. It means that he's getting further and then closer to the danger source. Suddenly my bracelet starts to seer my skin.

There's so much chatter around me that no one, but Hermione and Ron hear me cry out. "Hope? Hope what is it?" Hermione asks. "It's Harry, something's happened. I'm going to go down behind the stand and see if he's going to draw me towards him." They nod. 

I race out of the stands, going underneath. Suddenly I feel a pull. Then my feet are leaving the ground. I scream a little as it feels like I'm being flung through the air. I land with a thud on some grass. Suddenly I hear it. Screams. Harry's screams. Scream of pain. 

I stand to my feet and rush towards the sound. "HARRY!" I yell. The screaming stops, but thunder rumbles and wind rushes around. I finally find him, pinned by a reaper statue. A man with paper white skin, wearing black robes, with no hair or nose. He doesn't look human. 

He's touching Harry's forehead and the boy is crying in pain. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I cry out. Everyone's heads whip towards me. Pettigrew is here and so is Malfoy senior. The man in the robe. He's Voldemort. There's no other explanation. "Miss Mikaelson, so kind of you to join us." 

He shoves his wand towards me and a bright green jet of magic shoots towards me. I raise my hand. "Projectium deflecto." The jet bounces off of me. "Fluctus impulsa!" I yell, pointing my hand towards Harry. The statue holding him shatters and he falls to the ground. 

Malfoy is looking at me, horrified. "Arràcher soit je." The Death Eaters around Harry and Voldemort fall to the ground in pain. "You...Mikaelson, you're in my way." Voldemort says. "Then I guess I'm doing my job right." The Death Eaters are now unconscious so I drop the spell. 

Then I see him. Laying on the ground next to Harry who is slowly recovering, is Cedric. Dead. My eyes blaze gold as I look at Voldemort. "Do look at me silly girl, it was Wormtail who killed the boy, on my instruction. He was no needed and unimportant." He hums. 

I rush to his side and drop to the ground by his body, not thinking that I just turned my back to one of the most powerful wizards in existence. "Avada Kadavra!" Voldemort yells. Before the beam can hit me Harry steps in and deflects with "EXPELLIARMUS!" I can't move. 

Another person I love...dead. Harry is battling Voldemort furiously. I am suddenly grabbed and moved behind a pillar. "Hope, stay here. I can't let him hurt you. I won't let him hurt you. I shouldn't have called you." I shake my head, eyes still a fierce gold. "Like hell. 

"Don't turn your back on me Harry Potter! I want to see the light leave your eyes!" Voldemort yells at us. I go to stand, but he stops me. "Hope, no." He whispers. "Together." I say. He nods. "Together." Hand in hand we stand, walking out from our safe place. 

I'm clutching my want tightly. "Have it your way." Harry says. By now the Death Eaters are awake. "Take care of the girl." They all look hesitant when they see my gold eyes. "AVADA KADAVRA!" Voldemort yells at the same time Harry yells, "EXPELLIARMUS!" 

I move away from the red and green streams of light. I turn to the Death Eaters. "Hey boys, ever fight a sine witch before? Patere!" All the Death Eaters fly backwards. "Vados!" An explosion blows the ground underneath them. "Ossox..." Most of their legs break as they cry out in pain. 

"...phasmatos ossox..." Their other legs break. "...errox femus!" I finish, screaming. They all cry out when their wrists break and they fall to the ground. I turn to Harry and Voldemort's duel. Voldemort is winning. I raise my wand. "EXPELLIARMUS!" I yell, helping Harry with the spell. 

Slowly we start to push Voldemort's spell back. He screams in anger when he sees his Death Eaters unless and writhing on the ground. Suddenly a dome engulfs the three of us. A ghostly figure of Cedric appears. Then one of an old man. Then a younger woman and a younger man. 

"Harry, when the connection is broken you must get to the Portkey. Hope must as well. We can linger for a moment to give you some time, but only a moment, do you understand?" The younger man asks. "Harry, Hope, take my body back, will you? Take my body back to my father." 

Harry nods again. He turns to me. "Hope, I'm sorry you had to lose someone else." He says. Tears fall from my eyes. "Don't. Don't you dare apologize." I sob out. He nods. "Let go." The woman tells Harry and I. 

"Sweetheart you're ready. Both of you. Let go. Let go!" The woman yells. We do as instructed and disconnected the spells. Harry and I stumble backwards, but we don't dwell on that too much. He latches onto my hand and we sprint of the cup. 

I grab onto Cedric's hand with one and grab the cup with the other as Harry grabs on. Suddenly we're being pulled away from the graveyard. 

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