Chapter 4: Buckbeak the Hippogriff

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Hope's POV:

The four of us walk the rest of the way to Care of Magical Creatures. I'm actually really excited about this class. I think Hagrid is perfect for this job and I also think that this will be my favorite class this year.

When we get there Hagrid is getting everyone in a group so that we can all hear what he is about to say. "I've got a real treat for you today, a great lesson. Follow me." He leads us into the shallow part of the forest. We can still see the castle from where we're at.

"Alright you lot, enough chattering. Spread out over there and open your books to page 49." He tells us. I glance down at the demonic book. I tried to open it earlier and it tried to eat me. I don't want to try that again. "Exactly how do we do that?" Malfoy asks.

"You stroke the spine of course." Hagrid explains like it's the easiest thing in the world. I turn my book over and start stroking the spin. Then I open it and it doesn't attack me. How about that. I hear a scream and turn to see Neville on the ground, trying to keep the book off of him.

"You're supposed to stroke it." Ron tells him once he has the latch back on. I look down at my book. The page we are turned to is one over hippogriffs. I look at the drawing next to the description. "I think they're funny." Hermione says, talking about the books.

"Oh yeah, terribly funny. God this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." Malfoy says, causing Crabbe and Goyal to laugh. "Shut up Malfoy." Harry says, walking close to the boy. I catch his arm and shake my head.

Malfoy is defiantly not worth the detention. The two boys stand face to face, waiting for the other to make a move. Suddenly Malfoy make a panicked face. "Dementor, Dementor!" He yells. We all turn and him and the other Slytherins start laughing.

I grab Harry's arm and pull him away before he can do anything. "Just let me know how you react when you encounter a real Dementor Malfoy, I could use a good laugh." I snap before dragging Harry to the other end of the group.

Hagrid appears and behind him is a beautiful hippogriff. "Isn't he beautiful. Say hello to Buckbeak." "Hagrid, exactly what is that?" Ron asks. Everyone seems uneasy about this creatures. I think he's beautiful.

"That, Ron, is a hippogriff. The first thing you need to know about hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do. Now, who'd like to come and stay hello?"

He turns towards Buckbeak and I feel movement behind Harry and I, but I don't turn around. I'm too in awe of the creature. "Well done Harry, Hope. Well done." He says. Harry and I turn to see the rest of the class one large step behind us, making it look like we volunteered.

Ron gives us a nudge forward. "Now, you have to let him make the first move, it's only polite. Step up, give a nice bow, then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does, you two can go and touch him. If not, well, we'll get to that later." He tells us.

Harry and I walk forward a little and stoop into bows towards the creature. He and I exchange a nervous look. Buckbeak starts beating his wings and squawking at us. "Back off guys, back off." Harry and I do as told, but Harry steps on a stick, causing us to halt in our tracks.

"Keep still." Hagrid tells us. I try to stay calm as Buckbeat takes a step towards us. He then stoops into a bow as well. "Well done guys, well done." Harry and I straighten up and I let out a breath of relief. "Alright, you can go and pat him now. Go on." Hagrid says.

Harry and I exchange a look before I start walking towards the hippogriff, Harry following closely behind. "Nice and slow." He reminds us. I extend a hand towards Buckbeak and he snaps lightly at it. "Not so fast." I slow down a little.

Harry is next to me now and soon we reach the creature and we both are petting him. Buckbeak is leaning more into my hand. The class starts to clap with Hagrid. "Now you can ride him." He says. My head whips around. "What?" Harry and I ask in unison.

Hagrid grabs Harry around the waist and easily lifts him onto the creatures back. Before he can get to me however Buckbeak kneels, allowing me to get on myself. Nervous I get on behind Harry. He stands tall and I grip Harry's waist tightly, burying my head in his shoulder.

"Don't pull out any of his feathers, cause he won't thank you for that." With that he smacks Buckbeak's backside and the creatures takes off in a dead sprint. I grip Harry tighter. Then I feel the feeling I get when I'm flying on my broom.

I look away from Harry's shoulder and look around me. I'm in awe of it. I've flown, yes, but only on the quidditch pitch. Buckbeak takes us around the castle, flying past the towers. I smile when I see we're headed for the lake. We glide over the water and I feel the freeing feeling in my chest.

Harry grins madly back at me and I return the favor. He then turns forward and spreads his arms wide. "Whoo!" He lets out. I laugh and spread my arms as well. It's freeing. When Buckbeak takes off from the water Harry and I have to grab on just to stay balanced.

We then fly back to the class. When we land Hagrid helps us off. "How am I doing on my first day?" He asks. "Brilliant, Professor." Harry says. He just shrugs, but he's smiling as well. "You're not scary at all are you, you big ugly brute." Malfoy says, approaching Buckbeak. My eyes widen.

"Malfoy." Hagrid warns. Buckbeak rears back and brings one of his talons down on Malfoy's arm. The class is screaming. "BUCKBEAK!" Hagrid yells. He then tosses one of the dead ferrets around his neck away from the class and Buckbeak chases after it, eating it quickly.

"Oh it's killed me, it's killed me." Malfoy whines on the ground. "Calm down, it's just a scratch." Hagrid reassures. "Hagrid, he has to be taken to the hospital." Hermione suggests. "I'm the teacher, I'll do it." He says, scooping Malfoy up. "Class dismissed." The class is already scattered.

Buckbeak walks over to Harry and I and nudges our hands. We pet him as we watch Hagrid walk away.

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