Chapter 5: I'm Not the Only Werewolf at School

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Hope's POV:

The next day we're in study hall when we hear Draco complaining about how horribly his scratch hurts. "Listen to the idiot, he's really laying it on thick, isn't he." Ron says. "Yeah, well, at least Hagrid didn't get fired.

"Yeah, but I've heard Draco's father is furious, we haven't heard the end of this. "HE'S BEEN SIGHTED, HE'S BEEN SIGHTED!" Seamus yells, running into the hall. "Who?" Ron asks. "Sirius Black." He informs us. The four of us gather around with everyone else.

"Duff Town? That's not far from here." Hermione says. "You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville asks. "With Dementors at every entrance?" Dean asks, not believing that Black would make a move on Hogwarts.

"The Dementors, he's already slipped past them once, who's to say he won't do it again." Seamus says. "That's right, Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke. It's like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands." One kid I don't know says. I glance at Harry.

He's looking intently at Black's picture. I reach out and grab his hand. He looks at me and I give him a reassuring smile. No one is hurting him on my watch. That night everyone is on edge, but they can all sleep normally. Me on the other hand, not so much.

At around midnight I put an invisibility spell on myself and head downstairs. I exit the portrait hole, then the castle and head towards the woods. Before I can enter however, I spot someone going towards the Whomping Willow. Who would be out at this time of night besides me?

I get closer and see Professor Lupin disappears into the tree. What? How does he know about the passage that Dumbledore told me about last year? I walk towards it and wait. Then I hear panting. Not possible. I race towards where they entered.

Since I'm invisible the willow doesn't bat me away, but it does shake, sensing my presence. I passage is filled with roots and such, but also a little bit of wood. I find a door at the other end and when I open it I'm shocked at what I see.

A werewolf, pacing back in forth, grunting and snarling, scratching up the floors and walls. Lupin is a werewolf? What the hell? I guess he catches my scent because he turns towards me and growls. I quickly exit the tree and race towards the woods.

I'm going got run the woods for a little then tomorrow I'll go and talk to Dumbledore. I spend most of the night running around in wolf form, collecting my thoughts. When I'm through I shift and change before turning invisible and heading inside the castle.

I head straight to Professor Dumbledore's office. I say the password and go on up. When I get there he's sitting at his desk writing something. "Miss Mikaelson, what can I do for you?" He asks. "Why didn't you tell me there's another werewolf at this school?" I ask.

He just gives me a knowing look. "I didn't tell you because I didn't think it necessary for you to know. Professor Lupin is very cautious about it. He was not born a werewolf like yourself, but turned into one." He tells me. "Does he know about me?" I ask. "Yes, all the professors do." I nod.

"Now, why don't you get a little rest before classes tomorrow. "But I don't understand one thing, why doesn't he look like a normal wolf?" I ask. "When a person is bitten by a werewolf they are turned into one, unlike your situation.

Turned werewolves have no connection to their human counterparts when they are in wolf form. Unlike you they can't control when they shift and they are less than human. They are called werewolves due to the turning on the full moon, not because they look like wolves."

"Is there a way to help him control it?" I ask. "Yes, he takes a wolves bane potion every full moon. Unlike you it doesn't burn him, it causes him to regain some of his humanity. Now, that's enough about this, head back to Gryffindor Tower and get some sleep." He tells me.

I don't want to, but I nod, knowing that I won't get anymore answers tonight. When I get back to my dormitory I lay awake, thinking about what I have just discovered and what is going on this year that puts the people I love in danger.

Not only do we have a mass murderer running loose, apparently going after Harry, but we also have a werewolf professor who doesn't retain touch with his human side in wolf form. Even in my world, normal werewolves can recognize people in wolf form.

I think back to what my mom told me about Jackson following her around when she was pregnant with me, protecting us. Lupin is not like that. Now, I've enjoyed his classes and he seems to be a nice guy, but I can't seem him the same anymore.

Does he have the anger issues and strength of a normal werewolf? Could he lash out and hurt someone. It doesn't matter how innocence a person is, they are capable of hurting someone in the wrong situation. I get that Dumbledore trusts him, but I don't.

Maybe I'm over thinking the situation and Lupin does have control if he's taken the potion, but I can't afford to let my guard down and have another person I love get hurt. I won't be able to handle that loss. Not in this world. I've gotten lucky.

With every stupid, and dangerous thing my friends and I have done, the closest thing anyone has come to death was when Hermione was petrified last year, but there was a cure for that. The only cure for death I know is vampirism. I don't want that for my friends.

I don't even want that for myself. With thought running through my head and I close my eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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