Chapter 10: I Get Pulled Off A Cliff

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Hope's POV:

A few days later I'm sitting in my attic, flipping through my grimoire. I do that when I'm bored and need something to do. Suddenly my phone rings. I check and see that it's Bella. I answer. "Hey Bells, what's up?" I ask. "Meet me at the cliff diving place. Please." She says.

Confused, I agree and put my grimoire to the side. I head downstairs and grab my jacket before heading out. When I get to the cliff Bella is already there. "Bells, what are we donig here?" I ask, walking closer to her. She grips onto my hand. "I have to see him."

I scrunch my eyebrows together. "What? See who. Bella what are you talking about? Why are we here?" She looks me dead in the eye. "I have to see him again." With that she steps off the cliff, my hand grasped firmly in him.

I scream the entire way down, only stopping to hold my breath right as I hit he water. I try to swim towards the surface, but the tides are too strong. It's so dark I can't se anything. Not the surface, not Bella, nothing. I'm slowly running out of oxygen.

Finally I reach the surface, and see Bella. "YOU'RE INSANE!" I yell at her. She just smiles. Then I see it, a giant wave heading straight for us. I scream right before we're pulled under. Wave after way pulls me under. I finally run out of air and am forced to inhale the water around me.

My lungs burn as they try to expel the water, but too much is going in. Then, everything goes black.

3rd POV:

Paul just left Hope's house, finding the girl not there. Where could she be? She would have told him if she was leaving. He tries to call her, but just gets sent to voicemail. He quickly runs down to the beach, her favorite place to go when he can't find her.

Then he sees her and his heart almost stops. She's standing on the edge of the cliff diving cliff with Bella. The place girl has ahold of the tribrid's hand and is standing dangerously close to the edge. "Is that Bella?" Jacob asks, coming to stand beside him pack mate. "And Hope."

Suddenly Bella steps off the cliff, pulling Hope along with her. "HOPE!" Paul yells, rushing towards the water the sound of his imprint screaming in fear. Jacob is hot on his tail. They both dive into the water

The swim until they reach the girls, both of them are passed out, Hope from lack of oxygen and Bella from hitting her head when Victoria came at her. Paul instantly grips onto Hope's cold waist as he drags her to the surface and towards the beach.

When they reach the sand she's still unconscious. Her lips are blue and she's not breathing. Bella is in the same predicament. Paul starts to do CPR on his imprint, begging her to wake up. "Come on Princess, breath." He pleads. "Breath!" He yells when she still isn't responding.

After another minute of CPR Paul is getting frantic. "Breath Hope! BREATH!" He yells. Finally water shoots out of Hope's mouth as she wakes up and is finally able to take in air instead of water. Paul lets out a sigh of relief and crushes the cold girl to his chest.

Hope's POV:

I'm shivering in my soaking clothes. "Thank God you're ok. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't." He breaths, holding my to him tighter. I weakly wrap my arms around him. I almost died. I almost drowned.

"GET THEM HOME! I'M GOING TO HELP OUT OVER AT HARRY'S PLACE!" Sam yells when he reaches the beach. He then runs off. I give Paul a confused look. "What's going on at Harry's place?" I ask him. A pained look fills his face.

"He's dead Princess. A red headed leech got to him. He's gone." My eyes widen and my heart stops. "No. No, he's not going." I say, tears forming in my eyes. Harry was a father figure to me. Him and Billy both took over the roll when my mom and I moved her.

I start to cry as Paul cradles me to his chest. He picks me up bridal style and starts to carry me back towards my house, the whole way I'm sobbing over another loved one dead. When we reach my house Paul carries me all the way up to my room.

"Go take a hot shower and change. I'll make you some tea." He tells me. I nod as he sets me down and exits the room. When get to my bathroom I strip and step under a steaming flow of hot water. Tears continue to run down my face. I finally got Jake and Paul back, but now I lose Harry?

I am cursed. Nothing good comes without a price. For me to have my dad back I had to lose my mom. For me to have Paul and Jake back I had to lose Harry. Once I'm warmed up and clean I step out fo the shower and change into warm clothes.

I head downstairs to see Paul trying to figure out my teas. I give a small smile as I walk over to him. I've stopped crying, but my eyes are still bloodshot. "Here, I've got it." I tell him softly taking the tea bags from him.

"Sorry, I know you mentioned the other day that some of the teas have calming herbs in it, but I couldn't remember which ones." He says sheepishly. "It's ok." I grab the right tea and brew it, taking my mug into the living room, Paul following me. After I finish my tea I set the mug aside.

I curl up into his side as he wraps his arm and a blanket around me. "I'm cursed Paul. People I love die." I mumble into his chest. "You're not cursed Princess. I don't know why so many bad things have happened to you, but it's not your fault. Never believe that." He whispers to me.

He kisses the top of my head as I snuggle further into him. He's warm. Shifters have an average body temperature of 108. It's comforting. "Sleep Princess, it's been a long day." He tells me, running his fingers through my hair. I nod slightly and close my eyes.

Soon darkness envelopes me.

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