Chapter 11: Hush, the Girls Are Talking

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Hope's POV:

Harry Clearwater's funeral was hard to sit through. Besides my mom's this was the first funeral I'd ever been to. Paul sat with me through the whole thing, holding my hand and squeezing it reassuringly every time. I ended up sitting next to Charlie.

Bella's still away in Italy with Alice Cullen. I get that she wants to see Edward again, but she should be here for her father who just lost one of his best friends. It's not right. After the funeral I offered my help to Sue if she needs anything. She asked if I could try to get through to Leah.

After Harry's death both Leah and Seth shifted. Leah's feeling outcasted and hurt, especially since Sam and her face a history. I of course told her I would try and left to go find the girl. Paul tries to come with me. "No, it'll only upset her more if you're there. Trust me."

He hesitates, but nods. He leans in and kisses my forehead. "Come find me when you're done Princess." He mutters before I pull away and continue my search for the girl. I find her sitting on the beach on a log, watching the waves crash. "Hey." I say, walking closer to her.

She looks over at me and rolls her eyes. "What do you want?" "I, uh, I wanted to check on you. A lot is going on right now. It's not good to be alone." "Well I'm fine so you can leave." She snaps. I sigh and walk closer to her. "No." I tell her, sitting on the log next to her. "What do you mean no?"

"I mean no. I'm not leaving. Look, I'm not going to say I know what you're going through, cause it's different for everyone. I'm not going to sugarcoat things either. You're going to have your ups and you're going to have your downs." She finally looks up at me.

"One thing you should never have to feel when you're going through this is loneliness. Now I know you don't like me cause I'm an imprint. I get it, really. But right now I'm here, and I'm not leaving you alone. No one should ever have to be alone."

A minute goes by and she does say or do anything. Finally she breaks the silence. "Thank you." With that she hugs me. It shocks me at first, but I quickly envelop her in my arms, holding her as I feel her start to cry. I felt alone when I lost my parents.

If I didn't have Jake I don't know what I would have done. We sit there for a while before Paul walks up behind us. "You mom wants you home." He tells Leah. She turns and glares at him before her expression softens when she looks at me. "Thank you."

With that she walks off and Paul takes her place. "You a good friend Hope." He tells me as I lean my head on his shoulder. I nod. "It's hard to lose a parent." I mumble. He holds me tighter. "Come on, let's get you home." I nod and together we stand and walk towards my house.

When we get there Jake is waiting for me on my porch. He looks devastated. I get out of Paul's grip and walk over to him. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask, concerned about my best friend's current state. "Bella's back in town." My eyes widen. "That's great-"

"So are the Cullens. All of them." He says. "Oh." I feel Paul tense behind me. "I have to go see her." I say, walking towards my car. "What? No, no way. Cullen's dangerous and Bella literally pulled you off a cliff."

"Hate to break it to you Paulie, but I'm dangerous too." I tell him, getting into my car. I lock the doors before he can get into the passenger seat. "Oh come on." He calls from outside. I roll my window down just a little bit. "I"ll be fine. Trust me, will you?" "I trust you, I don't trust him."

"Trust me enough to know I can handle him." "I don't like this." "I know you don't, but you're going to let me go anyways because it's your only choice." I smirk. "Go, if anything...anything, happens, you call me immediately." "I will, I promise."

With that I roll up my window and drive towards the Swan residence. When I get there I see a silver Volvo parked out front. Cullen's car. I'm sure of it. Getting out I head to the door and knock. Bella answers since Charlie is still helping out at the funeral. "Hope." She says, surprised.

"Jake told me you were back in town. What the hell were you thinking Bella? Charlie needed you and you just left. I get that it was to save Edward, but you could have at least called him before taking a trip out of the country. He's been so worried." I tell her, following her into the house.

Edward looks confused to see me. "Bella, who's this?" He asks her. "Oh, uh, Edward, this is Hope Mikaelson. Hope, Edward." She introduces. He looks shocked to hear my last name. "You're the tribrid." He states. "Hi, it's not good to meet you asshole." I snap. "Hope." Bella chides.

"No, this guy left you Bella. He left you and to see him you dragged yourself and me off a cliff. I'm still kinda pissed about that." "Did you just come here to reprimand me, because if you did then you can leave." I take a deep breath, calming down.

"No, I can to make sure you're ok. My temper just out of control. You scared me Bells. Jake said you went to the Vultori. According to my Uncle Kol they've been around longer than most Cold Ones. They're dangerous Bella." "Kol Mikaelson?" Edward asks.

"Yeah, now hush, the girls are talking." I quip, turning back to Bella. "I know, and I'm sorry, but I couldn't just let him die." She tells me. I take another deep breath before I talk. "I know. I know you couldn't. Just...think it through next time." "There was no time to think."

"Just...don't do that to me again. I can't handle the stress of worrying about you Bells." She nods and hugs me. "I'll try not to, and I'm sorry, you know, about the whole cliff thing." "It's fine, I have a get out of death free card." I joke. She smiles at this.

Edward is just standing there, staring at me. "What?" I ask, annoyed with his behavior. "I can't read you." "Obviously. I have taken great care to keep mind readers like yourself out of my head. Being a witch has it's perks. Now, time for the best friend talk."

I think for a second, knowing Jake's her best friend. "Well, the only one you're probably going to get. I don't like you, you screwed with Bella's heard too much for my liking. It's not up to me who she gives second chances to, but hurt her again and I'll make sure there won't be a third."

With that I send a smile towards Bella before walking out of the house. Paul was right, they do real. Warm Ones smell like death, but the overly intoxicating scent that lures normal humans to them makes me sick. Oh well, not my problem. I quickly get into my car and drive home.

I'm going to get an earful from Paul.

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