Chapter 12: Paul's In The Dog House

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Hope's POV:

It's been weeks since Bella got back with Edward and things have not been going well. I've started assisting the pack in patrols, which Paul was not too happy about. Sam was grateful for the help. I even put up a few boundary spells around the residential areas of La Push.

We've been hunting the red headed vamp, Victoria. The one who is trying to kill Bella because Edward killed her mate. When I heard Bella was leaving town for a few days with Edward I didn't know how to feel about it. I know Edward won't kill her, but I still don't trust him with her.

Right now, Paul, Leah, and I are on patrol. It's dark out and I can smell the Cullens just across the treaty line. 'Do you think the red head is going to show her face tonight?' Leah asks through the link. 'I don't know. Since Bella is gone she might use this time to scout.'

'Hope's right, just cause her main targets gone doesn't mean she's going to let up.' Paul agrees. 'Please, do you really think that or are you just too whipped disagree with her?' I laugh. 'What? Do you disagree with me Lea?' 'No, you're very right, but he is whipped.'

I laugh at this. I mean, she's not wrong. Paul and I are always together. Our patrols match up and when we're not on patrol we're hanging out at my place or Emily's. Suddenly I smell her. 'She's here!' I call out, taking off.

I'm the fastest wolf, seeing as I'm an actual one and smaller than the rest. I finally spot her vibrant red hair. 'There!' I call out. 'We're right behind you Princess.' Paul calls. 'Flirt later Lahote.' Leah snaps. 'Both of you shut up and try to catch up with me.' I snap.

He's right on my tail. I'm just about to grab onto the tail of her shirt with my teeth when she leaps across the treaty line. Since I'm not a Cullen or a normal shifter I can go on either side so I follow her. 'HOPE!' Paul calls to me.

I growl in response and continue chasing her with the Cullen clan. "Hope! Can you catch her?" Alice call to me. I roll my eyes. If I could would I still be chasing her. I would be more effective if I could cast spells in wolf form, but brute strength will have to do.

Once again, I'm right on her tail along with the buff one, Emmett when she leaps across. I go to follow, but the thing is...Emmett tries to too. Paul leaps at him, tackling him back onto the other side of the treaty line. I pay no mind to it as I continue to chase her.

'LEAH! Make sure Paul and Emmett don't kill each other.' 'No Leah, watch after her.' 'Not the time to be over protective Paul.' I snap. When we reach the ocean the red head's gone. I growl slightly before padding back over to the treaty line.

I stop behind a tree right before I reach it to shift and change back into the clothes I keep tied to me. I rush to the river and see that Paul and Emmett are still at each others throats. The blonde, Rosalie, is trying to calm Emmett down so I go over to Paul. "Hey, hey calm down."

"What happened to Victoria?" Carlisle asks me. "Got away when she reached the ocean. I'm sorry." "No, thank you for your help." He says kindly. Honestly, I have no problem with the Cullens besides Edward. I actually kinda like Rosalie and Alice. The boys are alright too.

Edward's just a dick. "Hey, Paul, patrol's over. Take me home." I tell him, getting him to tear his eyes away from Emmett. Rosalie nods her thanks as I climb onto Paul's back. He grunts a little before taking off toward my house.

When we get to the edge of the woods I get off and walk towards my front door while Paul shifts and pull pants on. I wait for him at the front door. "What were you thinking? Making Leah stay with me and then going after the leech alone." He says, upset. I sigh.

"Look, Paul, I appreciate you being protective over me, but I can handle myself. I really can. I know you're worried about me being out there, but I'll be fine." "Hope, if you die, you become one of them and I know you don't want to be one." My face hardens.

"What? You know I don't want to be one, or you don't want me to be one. Tell me Paul, if I died and turned would that change your opinion of me?" "What? No! Of course not!" "Uh huh, yeah. I know when you're lying to me. Maybe you should just go home and cool down.

I'll see you at Emily's tomorrow." With that I walk into my house and slam the door. Paul tries to follow, but I quickly put up my protective shields. He won't be able to enter without my permission and I don't want him here right now.

It's hard, know that the person you're destined for hates a part of you. I'm not particularly fond of the fact of being a vampire, but I've grown to accept it. My life is dangerous and it's bound to happen at some point. I hear a knock on my door. I turn to see Leah standing there. I sigh.

"Come in." She walks inside. "Why did Paul look like a kicked puppy when I just passed him?" "We just had a small arguement and I thought it best that he doesn't stay here tonight to let us both cool off." "Yikes, trouble in paradise?" She asks.

"Something like that. You all know I have that vampire side of me and if I die I'll turn. Thing is, I don't know what it'll do to Paul if I do turn. He hates vampires. You all hate vampires, but Paul is different."

"I get it. I mean, I'll be sad if you become one because then I'll have to age without you and you'll eventually have to move, but it's apart of you that can't change. I thought we all agreed on that." She says, confused.

"Yeah well, when I asked him if his opinion of me would change he lied. Maybe he did tell the truth but in the moment he answered too quickly for it to be entirely true." I explain to her, looking down at my hands.

"I say don't worry about it. You two are too nauseating to not get through this with no repercussions. Like I said earlier, he's whipped and you know it." I smile at this and nod. "You're right. I just don't want to lose him because of something I can't control."

"You won't. He'll get his head out of his ass eventually." I nod at this. The rest of the night Leah and I spend talking about random things before moving on to watching movies. Thing is...I couldn't get my mind off of Paul.

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