Chapter 5: The Cold One and Giant Wolves

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Hope's POV:

Weeks go by and I'm spiralling. Just like I predicted that night Jake hasn't talked to me since and Billy has basically banned me from the house. I've tried everything. Every way I can think of to get him to talk to me.

Calling, texting, I've gone over there just to be told to go home, and I even threw rocks at Jake's window like we used to do as kids when we were apart at night. Nothing. Billy says he's sick with mono, but I don't believe that for a second. You wanna know why?

Because when Bella came to visit me she ran into Jake, outside in the rain with short hair, no shirt, and a tattoo. I've talked to Bella and she's just as worried as I am about him. She's scared of losing him too. I've tried to take to Quill, but he's inconsolable.

We hang out at school together cause we're all each other has now. I've started spending my days after school in Forks since living right next door to Jake is only a remind I might have lost him too. All because of Sam Uley.

I don' know what he does to get them to follow him around like they do. My nightmares have started coming back. They were bad in New Orleans and I've had a few since I've been back but they were starting to go away. Now I have them nightly.

Memories form before I moved to La Push after the Hollow, memories from the four months that I was in New Orleans. All of it attacking me when I'm the most defenseless. It's driving me mad. I've talked with Freya more and more and she doesn't know how to help me.

She gave me a few potion recipes to help with dreamless sleep, but they don't work. Right now I'm in Forks at Bella's house. She's working on homework while I'm sketching. Suddenly she perks up. "I need to go somewhere?" I scrunch my eyebrows together. "What? Where?"

"No time. come on." She says, standing. She grabs her jacket and her backpack and starts heading towards the door. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Don't worry, you'll see." She tells me. I just follow after her, not having anything better to do.

We plunge straight into the forest, Bella leading the entire time. When we finally stop we're in the middle of a huge clearing. "Bella, where are we?" I ask. "The grotto." She mumbles. She gasps and sinks down to her knees. "Bells?" I ask, kneeling next to her, concerned.

"He's gone. They're both gone." She mumbles. I sigh and hug her. "I'm still here." I mumble. When I pull away and we stand up her eyes widen at a sight behind me. I whip around. to see a man standing there. "Bella, do you know him?" I ask. I sniff the air and my breath hitches.

He's not human and he's not a normal vampire like my family. He's a Cold One. I make sure Bella stays behind me. "Bella." "Laurent." She breaths, almost relieved. Suddenly he's only a few feet away from us. "I didn't expect to find you here. Who's your little friend."

"Hope Mikaelson." I almost growl, flashing my golden eyes at him. His eyes widen. "So you're the tribrid. I've heard stories. I'm sorry for your loss." I keep my glare. I don't trust this guy one bit. He's not here just to chat, I can tell. Something's wrong.

"I went to visit the Cullens, but the house is empty. I'm surprised they left you behind. Aren't you sort of, um...a pet of theirs?" He asks. "Yeah, you could say that." She tells him. "Do the Cullens visit often?" He asks.

"Yeah, absolutely, all the time. I'll tell them that you stopped by." She tells him. Her heartbeat is racing. He'll know she's lying. He continues to circle us and we turn, making sure I'm in front of her at all times. "I probably shouldn't tell Edward. He's pretty protective." She tries.

"But he's far away, isn't he?" He asks. "Why are you here?" I ask, changing the subject. "I came as a favor to Victoria." He says. Bella's heartbeat spikes. "Victoria." The amount of fear Bella has in saying that name has me worried. Who's Victoria.

"She asked me to see if you were still under the protection of the Cullens. Victoria feels it's only fair to kill Edwards mate given he killed hers. An eye for an eye. "Edward would know who did it! And he'd come after you." She threatens.

"I don't think he will. After all, what do you mean to him if he left you here unprotected." "He didn't, I'm right here. You won't touch her." I snarl. "Victoria won't be happy about my killing you, and your family won't be too happy with me being the reason you turn Miss Mikaelson."

"Why would you rage war with the Original Family? Kinda stupid if you ask me. Then again, I'm the one you have to worry about right now. You don't scare me." "You helped us." She says. He speeds so he's right in front of me. "Shh, shh, I'm doing you a kindness." "Dimiterre!"

He flies backwards. I step forwards, making sure I'm in front of Bella. He rushes me but I get a spell out in time. "Fluctus inpulsa!" He flies back once more, this time with cracks all over his body. He growls this time.

Before he can rush me again his eye catches something behind Bella and I and his eyes widen. "I don't believe it." He whispers. I hear growling and whip around to see a giant black wolf step out of the brush. It's huge. Not a normal wolf or my kind of werewolf.

Four more wolves appear behind it. Not as big, but still huge. What the hell? Are theses the shifters? I lock eyes with the silver one and my heart skips a beat. Those eyes...they're so familiar. I feel drawn towards them. I am brought back to reality by the black wolf growling.

Laurent takes off and three of the five wolves are hot on his tale. A russet wolf and the silver wolf pause for a moment, looking directly at Bella and I, scanning us. Growling ferociously they take off after the others. "Bella, I think we should get out of here." I breath.

"Yeah, we should. When we get back to my place though you're telling me what the hell happened and how you were able to those Laurent back with those words." I nod and together we sprint out of the woods.

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