Chapter 6: I Meet the Shifters

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Hope's POV:

As soon as we get back to Bella's she notices Charlie and Harry Clearwater at the table she rushes up to them. "Dad! We saw them!" She exclaims. "What's that matter?" Charlie asks. "In the woods. They're not bears." She tries again.

"What do you mean 'in the woods'? Bell, what the hell were you two doing out in the woods?" He asks. "They're wolves. I mean, they're like huge wolves." She continues, not bothering to answer his question. "Are you sure about that Bella? Hope, did you see them too?" Harry asks.

I freeze. I don't want to give the shifters away, but at the same time, I don't want Bella to hate me for making her dad think she's crazy. I simply nod. "Yeah, see, we just saw them. They were after...something" Bella tells them, almost giving away that we had encountered a vampire.

Harry clears his throat, looking out the window thoughtfully. "Wolves? You two saw them?" Charlie asks. We both nod, Bella a little more frantically than me. "Alright, well, Harry, feel like going hunting? get some of your guys together?" Charlie asks his friend. "Sure, yeah, I'll just..."

He walks off. Suddenly Bella's eyes widen and she sucks in a breath. It goes unnoticed by Charlie, but not by me. "I should go to the station." He says, standing. "Yeah, you should. You should go." She tells him hurriedly. He turns to her.

"Can you just stay in the house? Or go to Hope's or something? Don't leave without her." He tells her. She nods, turning to me. "We actually have a few things to discuss." She tells him. "Great. I'll see you later." He kisses her head and leaves.

She turns to me when both Harry and Charlie are gone. "You have explaining to do." I nod. "Come on, let's go to your room, it's a long story." She nods and together we head towards her room so I can share my pitiful life story with her. Today just keeps getting better and better.

After I explain everything to Bella about me and who I am I head home to give her sometime to think it over. It's a lot to take in. That night when I fall asleep I thinking about the silver wolf from the grotto. I don't know why I can't stop thinking about it.

Deciding that I'm not getting any sleep I leave my room, bundled in a large blanket over my pjs. I pad downstairs and make some tea before heading out onto my back deck where I sit on the swing bench. I've been coming out here more and more lately.

When I can't sleep I come out here and listen to the night sounds. It's peaceful and calming. I'm just sitting here, drinking my tea when I spot something on the edge of the woods. My eyes widen when I realize that it's the silver wolf from earlier. It's staring straight at me. I don't move.

What could a shifter want with me? Does it know what I am? As far as I'm concerned only the council and the Alpha of the shifters knew about my mom and I. The rest of the pack doesn't. Since my mom doesn't smell like a Cold One they shouldn't know about what she was.

After staring at each other for a solid few minutes the wolf takes off into the woods and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. Shaking my head I finish my tea and head back inside. Putting my mug in the sink I head back upstairs to my room.

I climb into bed and quickly fall asleep, thinking about the days events. The next morning I wake up to sun streaming through my window. Sighing I climb out of bed and quickly get dressed. I check the time. 12:00 PM. Wow, I guess I needed the rest since I slept in so late.

Deciding to make lunch I head towards my kitchen, but stop when I hear yelling. I go towards my door and exit the house. My eyes widen when I look at the Black's backyard and see Bella screaming at Sam. Behind him stands Jared, Embry, and Paul. Something's not right.

I quickly run over to her. "Bella, what the hell are you doing?" I ask. Everyone's eyes snap towards me when they hear my voice. Sam's expression is blank, Embry and Jared look towards Sam nervously, and Paul is looking at me with an unknown emotion on his face.

Bella's face is furious, but the anger is not directed towards me. It's directed towards Sam. She just shakes her head and walks closer to Sam, shoving him roughly. "What did you do to him?" "Easy." Sam growls. "He didn't want this!" She yells at him.

"Bella what the hell?" I ask, shocked at her actions. Sure I hate Sam for everything he's taken from me, but I would never do something like this. I might curse him, but not something like this. Paul steps forwards. "What did we do? What did he do? What'd he tell you?" He asks.

After all these months of not hearing from him his voice is nearly unrecognizable. Deeper. Angry. "Both of you calm down." Sam tells them. "Nothing. He tells me nothing because he's scared of you." She snaps at him. The boys around us just laugh.

Having enough of this, Bella swings a punch at Bella's face. "BELLA!" I snap. What the hell is she thinking? Suddenly Paul starts to shake. His eyes snap towards me. I'm standing right next to him. "Hope, move." He growls at me. "What? What's going on, Bella, what the hell?"

I repeat for the third time. "Bella, Hope, get back. Paul. Calm down, now!" Sam yells. The shaking is getting worse and worse. "Paul, calm down, Hope is right there." He says, gesturing to me. Paul's eyes snap towards me and he slowly starts to calm down.

Suddenly I am yanked away from Paul and his eyes snap towards Bella again and the shaking gets worse. Finally he shifts on the spot. Bella yanks me backwards one more time so that I'm not hurt by the boy turning into a giant wolf. The silver wolf. My eyes widen. It's them.

They're the shifters.

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