Chapter 1

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I usually try to stay away from her, but that got extremely hard at the one year mark. About a month ago child-services came and almost kicked our door down to take my siblings and I away. Cory begged to keep us, but I have no idea why because she hates us. She won because she promised to keep us healthy and make us go outside and act like normal kids but how are we supposed to be normal?

I ran downstairs and ran straight into the front door.

"Yes Carolina? What may I do for her highness?" I tried to look as innocent as I could. She grabbed me by the ear and I could feel her glaring at me.

"Stop giving me your innocent look! I might not know what you've said, but I have a pretty good goddamn guess. I would slap you if I could, but you're lucky the stupid child services helped you out." She kept holding my ear and I could feel her hatred more than ever. "OUT!" She yelled as she let go. I ran outside and she slammed the door behind me.

I sat on the front step outside and dug holes in the dirt with my fingers. I listened for Parker as he played and I heard his footsteps pattering up at the dirt around him. His footsteps were really easy to decipher from other kids' footsteps because his were so light and soft. Like flower petals lading in the flowing water. Other kids were loud like not so graceful elephants trying to do ballet.

I just sat and listened when all of the sudden I heard something just plop down beside me. I guessed it was another person because of the density of the sound. I turned my head toward the direction of the plop and kept my expression blank waiting for the person to say hello or something. An awkward silence followed. I started to turn back towards the sound of Parker's feet clattering against the dirt because I thought my mind was playing dirty tricks on me, but when I heard the person take a deep breath, I jumped a little, yet I kept my glare straight forward.

"Hello there, I'm Hunter. What's your name?" I whipped my head around and I just bit my tongue trying to ignore Hunters random outburst of speech.

"You sat there for a good two minutes and said nothing, then just randomly decided to ask for my name?" I replied.

"Hey, I was only askin' for your name, no harm done. I get I was actin'a little weird, but can't you see this dumb air tank right beside me?" I heard a metal clunk then I heard Hunter swear under his breath as if he kicked it.

"No, in fact I can't see anything for your information. I'm blind. But since you asked, I'm Cieco, Cieco Nolite." I sat up straight as a stick.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear 'bout your condition, but I can't do nothin' 'bout it." His breathing got harder.

"Are you ok, Hunter?" I asked only half caring.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just need a second to breathe, Nolite." He took a deep breath .

"Just call me Cieco." I pointed my hand in his assumed direction and waited for a shake. I felt his small, clammy hands touch mine and shake. It felt so weird.

"Nol- Uh Cieco. Do you usually come and sit out here? I'm new to this town an' I could use some new friends" He swiftly took his hand away and I wiped mine on my pants as if the sweat from his hands was forever embedded into my skin.

"No, I don't. But I am going to because I'm being forced against my will. It's so goddamn annoying!" I clenched my teeth, made fists and took a few breaths.

"Ok then, that's nice. I guess I'll be seein' more of you Cieco." He said in the flattest tone.

"Hunter, can you describe what you look like? I want to have an image. And can you describe me as well? I would like a new perspective of my visual." I turned his way and tried to give a smile.

"Well I got dusty brown hair and my dad's always sayin' it's dirty, but I don't know. I'm pretty tall and I got brown eyes. Your eyes are a very light blue, sort of grey. Almost white. And your hair is dark black." I could sense he was smiling. I closed my eyes and pictured these descriptions.

"Thank you. Do you see that little boy over there? I know I can't see, but I know who I'm trying to point at and where he is. What does he look like? OH and that girl beside him?" I pointed in Parker and Stacys' direction.

"The little boy has plain on brown hair and dark black eyes. It's creepy. The girl has blonde hair with some brown in there. I can't see her eyes though because she's lookin' at her phone. Wait, I caught a glimpse. Her eyes and green. Like a crazy green." I tried not to laugh and pictured Parker and Stacy.

"Those are my siblings. Parker is the little boy, he can't speak. Stacy is my older sister, she's 16. I'm 14 ½ and Parker is 10 ½ . Stacy has valve disease and has regular check-ups. It takes a lot of our money" I sighed and looked down and poked more holes into the dirt.

"I'm 14 ½ as well. I don't have no siblings and that's fine with me. Your family seems like it has a lot of bad luck. I've heard stories and it all sounds horrific." I heard him throw a stick onto the step. I just looked down.

"I should go. We can keep in touch, but I have to take care of Parker and Stacy" I called for my siblings and we all went inside.

After bathing and dinner we all went to bed and said our prayers. Although we're not even remotely religious, we still pray to the sky for help. I always try to keep my mouth shut and not ask any questions, but curiosity gets the best of me.

"What did you wish for Parker?" I turned to Parker's broken bed. I felt for his small hands and he put my hand on his throat. I could feel the sorrow flowing off of him.

"I know you wish you could speak, me, too. What did you wish for Stacy?" I assumed she rolled her eyes and groaned, but after she just said: "That mom was alive and not a slut and that dad was back. I don't care if he's not your dad, he was still the best. I guess I also wish we were normal." I started to tear up on the inside, but I needed to stay strong for them. I needed to show I was brave enough to take care of them. I always stand up for them or go hungry letting them have my bits of food so they wouldn't starve. Even if they treat me like a jerk, I have to be the 'parent' they never had.

I started going outside every single day even without Carolina forcing me. I didn't care if it was raining cats and dogs or snowing piles, I went outside so I could talk to Hunter. I always smiled when I could sense him near me. Him and I have been talking a lot recently about our conditions and descriptions. We laughed a lot and we joked around with each other. I felt comfortable with Hunter and he felt like a real friend. Everything seemed to change as I opened up to Hunter. Everything seemed brighter and happier. I was able to control my emotions and anger a little better and I added a little skip to my step every now and then. Everything in my life was going better now that I had a new friend. I was so much happier. I woke up earlier and had a healthier schedule.

One regular morning, after a year and a few months had passed I got dressed as fast as I could. I zoomed down the creaking, old stairs. I threw my rats nest hair into a messy ponytail. I was about to rush outside to the fresh air and meet Hunter when I was called into the living room.

"Hi my loving daughter Cieco" Carolina randomly put her arms around me and I felt so uncomfortable.

'What's the meaning of this?' I signed to Carolin in sign-language.

"What do you mean my sweet baby angel? I just want to hug you and show my loving affection like always" She firmly dragged me to the couch and I sensed my siblings presneses.

"What is going on?" I whispered to Stacy.

"Child services are back" she whispered back. I didn't know if my face drained of colour or lit up with joy.

"I guess we can start our meeting now. I'm Denn and my partner is Benn. You're Stacy, Cieco and Parker correct?" I sensed impatience in the voice. I felt Parker nod and I knew Stacy rolled her eyes.

" I'm Abby and this is Carolina, my daughter and their Aunt" Grandmother spoke with uneasiness.

"I can tell the kids look better, still a little skinny and pale though." I sensed Denn glanced at us. I heard a pen writing hastily on a piece of paper.

"But there have been reports of Cieco sitting outside with no layered clothes and in every weather. I understand you were told to send them outside every day, but not like that." A new voice spoke. I assumed it was Benn. I studied their voices as they spoke and argued with my grandmother, but eventually my siblings and I were kicked out of the room so they could talk about us in private.

After the talk was over, Carolina walked over to us with a slow, new jump in her walk. I could sense the sly smile off her face and I just wanted to punch it off her face that exact second, but what she was smiling about was like a big fat kick in the gut to me.

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