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 My family is cursed. My grandmother took her very first step when she was 2 and hasn't walked ever since. Her parents were so worried because now she has been in a wheelchair her whole life so they had the right to be. My grand-mother has weak bones and she can't put any weight on her skinny legs or she could really damage something. All of my grandmothers pregnancies were terrible miscarriages until she finally adopted my mom. I feel like she chose the worst possible orphan. Mom cost grandma a fortune and made grandma work 20 hours days leaving less than 4 hours to raise my mother.

Mom became rebellious and met a guy who grandma despised, which made mom love him even more, yet my mom had no idea what she was getting into. Because of him she started to take drugs and became an alcoholic. Mom got pregnant within less than a year of knowing him. She had the worst pregnancy ever and pretty much went on bed-rest for her entire pregnancy. This pregnancy resulted in my older sister, Stacy. Stacy has Valve disease and has to have regular check-ups. She has to take this blood thinning medication called Xarelto. She takes it twice a day to prevent blood clots or lower chances of a stroke.

I was born later when my mom cheated on "the guy" and I was a worse pregnancy. She almost lost me, twice. I also had problems of my own, I was, and still am blind to this very day. Mom never cared about me though, so I learnt everything myself.

When I was about 4 we met moms' younger sister and she was deaf. Her name is Carolina, but we have to call her aunty Cory. Mom and aunty Cory fought a lot and I didn't really like aunty Cory so win-win when mom kicked her out. Except of course for the loose part when the guy came home because mom told him she was pregnant again. It was his baby, but he didn't want it. They agreed once the baby was born to split and never talk again. My baby brother Parker was born at home, but was taken away to go to the hospital for surgery for his vocal cords because they had not developed properly. In the time of operation mom seduced some doctors and of course got pregnant again a few months after Parker's birth.

Parker couldn't speak because they couldn't save his vocal cords and with our continuing luck, mom kept having mis-carriges with every baby, but she didn't care, neither did we.

I took care of Stacy and Parker for 10 ½ years until mom did the worst thing she could've ever done. She went and hooked up with some random while drunk as could be. My siblings were watching TV and I overheard that my mom was on the news, and it didn't sound good. The news said she had been in a grand car crash and her vehicle dangled off the edge. My mom was pronounced dead at the scene. No matter how hard I tried, even if I wanted to, I couldn't shed a tear for that monstrosity, I felt nothing for her. I could sense tenseness from Parker and reached out for his hand, it was shivering and cold as ice. As I hugged Parker, I heard Stacy crying, but I don't think she could really comprehend what was happening so I focused whatever emotion I could muster on my sensitive brother. It took me a while to realize that we were officially orphans and needed a new home, but who would care for us three? We were bad luck. No one would have the money for a blind kid, a kid with valve disease and a kid who couldn't even speak.

I went to find Parker and just hugged him because I could sense he had realized we were homeless as well. At around 3:00pm the next day there was a policeman in our apartment and asking us questions. What was she like? A jerk and not even close to a proper mother. Who was she out with? No idea, we never meet any of her flings. Do we have any relatives to care for us? Yes, sadly it's the other devil herself with a wheelchaired grandmother. What do they look like? That question stumped me because I had never seen what any of them looked like and no one has ever told me. I don't even know what I look like myself so for that question I stood up and scurried away to the bathroom. I stood in front of the sink and I knew there was a mirror above it. I couldn't breath and imagined what I might look like. I felt dizzy and started to stumble around on the frozen floor and next thing I knew I was on a not so comfortable cushy thing.

I heard lots of annoying beeping sounds and talking all around me. I had some sort of tube in my nose and my arms if I flexed them, felt like what I assumed were pins and needles. I started breathing slowly to try to calm down so I could ask some questions and figure out what was going on.

I tried to imagine where I had heard these sounds before to try to figure out where I was, but I had no idea. I was startled to hear a voice that said he was a doctor or something. I realized I was in a hospital, but I have never been in one before. Mom had all the doctors we needed for medical check-ups come to our house. I finally heard him say that I was all better and ready to live with my aunt so we could have a stable home. I tried to say no, but I was in too much shock to do anything. Soon enough we were being driven to live with them and we all started to get along, until we hit the end of the first year mark...

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