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[ wattpad is lagging sm i hate living]



『YOONGI was dragging his feet behind him like his lungs were dragging on the cigarette between his dry lips; hopeless and needy. both things had a certain goal, one better than the other.  one was to reach the destination which his heart longed for, his quiet litte place of peace, the only spot on this polluted planet which he felt a sense of respect and adoration for - the other goal was to reach his inner calm - but also to reach another calm and peaceful place, its location remaining a mystery to humanity. the only real difference was that one of these places was harder and proably more painful to reach, oh, and you probably can't return ever again.

which of these two places it might be?  he didn't really know the answer himself.

his lost and empty brown eyes curiously scanned the fence looming over him, making him realise just how small he really was.
not because of his height, but as in how UNIMPORTANT he was to the rest of the world, how he was just one tiny piece of a gigantic, neverending puzzle.
not just that, he was a puzzle himself; made out of memories, characteristics and so on. a puzzle completing a puzzle. humanity was confusing. he slowly shook his head, shaking the thoughts out of his head and getting closer to the ground,crawling - as you'd normally call it, but instead of giving silly actions serious names, how about just not  doing that? - under the fence.

a small smile decorated his face as he walked over the ground of the isolated area.
normally people would be scared of these kinds of places but yoongi sure as hell wasn't. he searched for them, yearned after marking them with his small, unimportant footprints just so that he can feel like he wasn't unimportant here.

he was leaving marks on this cruel planet, he - a lonely human being - was joining together with a lonely, left behind place, making both of them seem less lonely. one more and one less, of course.

this right here was his place, his pride and territory. his eyes suddenly brightened up and he felt free, not bound to the world - or rather, his common sense - any longer.
maybe he was going crazy, but something just felt different about this place today and it made bolts of electricity run down his spine and right up again. all out of a sudden he started running, his arms spread to the sides, letting the wind run over his body and making him feel alive. making him realize that he was indeed alive.
he was running and smiling and not once did he stop and ask himself "am i going crazy?"

but someone else did ask himself that.

yoongi didn't feel small anymore. he was BIG and small and POWERFUL and weak and maybe a little high, but a little low too, just that the second option wasn't really a drug. a BIG smile was plastered on his face, his empty eyes filled with curiousity, sadness and a suddenly big drop of happiness. marijuana was a strange thing. it confused him, making him stop in his tracks for a few seconds. it was even more strange, when you thought about the fact, that he hasn't even consumed.

maybe it was just a rush of held back emotions , which his body could let go of in his free and safe space?

nah, he thought. he was wrong, though.

he was dizzy, forcefully pulled back down to reality. he slowly shook his head, feeling a little ashamed for doing - .. that - whatever that was.

the thrill seemed to have worn off - like it always did, nothing lasted forever. sadly.

you're not a ficitonal main character with stupidly coloured hair in midst of a super cool dramatic story, yoongi. the boy with stupidly coloured, fading mint hair asked himself in the middle of a - very cool, if i may add - isolated factory, not noticing that he looked - on an totally unrelated side note - just like the fictional main character  which he found to be so stupidly unrealistic.
but to be a main character with a cool story you do not need stupidly coloured hair or a cool  enviroment or a cool love story or a cool you or even anything cool at all. you don't need anything at all, because you're the main role of your story anyways, if you want to or not. maybe it's not filled with action, maybe you have a lot of filler episodes like naruto,yet a story remains a story; yoongi's much more reasonable subconsciousness thought, to which yoongi just responded with a simple but ever so meaningful; shut up.

he was forcefully shoved out of his chaotic thoughts by a sound, a sound not caused by him nor by his annoying - or much more reasonable - subconsciousness. normally you'd think that it was an animal but wouldn't that be too simple or boring? for yoongi it - naturally - was a serial killer, hiding in the shadows to murder him in cold blood or something as boring as that. but it wasn't - or maybe it was? no. shut up -, of course not, it was a male with his hands behind his back; an unsure smile on his face as he stared down at yoongi, how unsuspicious.

now, he wasn't  scared of the stranger - maybe just a little bit, but of course he wouldn't show that -  he was more likely pissed off because of him. after all this was his isolated factory, his little spot of peace and what was this guy doing? he just invaded it and - .. oh god. did he just spray graffiti on my favourite wall?  of course yoongi didn't have a favourite wall, that'd be too strange, even for him. just right now it suddenly became his favourite wall, giving him one more reason to be pissed off.

they stood in complete, wonderfully awkward silence until― 』★'°

[sorry for the super late update, i felt very unmotivated. i still do. i'm not satisfied at all with this chapter, which is why i will probably take it down. i would really appreciate reviews.

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