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F/F=favourite food

After that strange dream I just kinda laid in bed, honestly I couldn't be bothered to do anything right now


"Uhhhh do I have to get up?"

"Yes! We need to eat! Jesus do I HAVE to get you up myself?" Alex said impatiently

"FINE!" I got up and went to the fridge, empty, fuck

"I told you we needed food"

"Well somebody's hangry this morning" I said slamming the fridge door shut knowing I now have to go to the store is a burden

Yet another time skip

I'd finally eaten some F/F and since I was bored I turned the news on, WHAT?! Omg yes! Just now the reporter said monsters have escaped the underground! HAZZA!- ohhhh... god..

The monsters

Looked like frickin crime bosses like Jesus

I ignored that minor detail, I mean fashion is fashion right?

About 1 month later

Oh was I so wrong , so so very wrong
You know how I said they looked like crime bosses? That's cos THEY WERE

Unfortunately for us we live near mt. ebbot (correct ma spelling if wrong and I will change it) so all the fighting was here, thankfully -as of yet- we haven't had to abandon the house yet but we have to carry a gun around with us in case we get stopped by anyone

School in the area was completely disbanded so that's the best thing ever, although once they find some room they're going to re-build another school in a safer location so that sucks

And apparently the monsters are a part of a mafia?

Here's how the situation works

Humans are trying to enforce the law and stop random kids from being kidnapped and sold for... you know..... yeah that made me think twice about their morals, but then again morals are based on emotion, for instance you wouldn't -Well I hope not, I mean if they're like evil then sure but don't... stop it, get some help- murder your parent/s because you feel attached to them by emotion,
but if you felt none then if they where in your way and you had a knife, then let's just say that the walls would have a new red coat of "paint" on the walls.

Anyways, I was on my way to loot an old super market since (your a badass? Or since, ya know daily needs) I wanted to see if anything was left that could be useful, what do I mean by useful? Hell if I know, it's like when your not looking for something but when you find it you NEED it.

I found some (F/F), some money left in the register, bread, ketchup? Mustard? What kinda of store only sells (F/F), bread, ketchup and mustard? I shrugged it off and grabbed all the items, granted I'm not sure what practical use the mustard will have since I can fake blood with ketchup but hey, who knows? It might come in handy...


I wandered around the city for awhile, I noticed a short skeleton, creepily enough he kinda looked like the guy in my nightmare a while back.. actually that's a lie I've seen him since the first time in other nightmares but yeah he still looked almost exactly like him except he (NOT RASICT! I REPEAT, NOT RASICT! JUST THE DESIGNS OF THE CHARACTERS!) was white, didn't have any.. whatever the heck that tat stuff on him is, he has both of his eyes- Well eye sockets and he also looks like he comes from the 1920s. Heck he's even smoking an old timey ciggy for Christ's sake.

I stalked him for a while since it's not everyday you meet a replica of a guy- oh well monster, who has been in your sleep for like a month, and if it is everyday then wtf are you doing? MOVE AWAY DAMMIT!

(Patches up the fourth wall, "dammit y/n you just LOVE to talk -literally- to yourself don't you? I NEED MORE TAPE! First nightmare-senpai now you I mean god dammit!")

Eventually, I came across a small tunnel which he walked into, I started walking towards it then suddenly I unwillingly come to a stop

"Oh no you don't y/n i want to keep our head on our neck thank you very much"

Then Alex started to walk us away,

"Dammit al there could have been something interesting in there!"

"Then how about we stalk that guy until he leaves, then we enter so then it's at least a TAD bit safer then with the pirate squid lookalike"

Oh yeah Alex referres that guy as a pirate squid since he only has one eye and has tentacles

Very creative

"Ok ok then, but can I move plz?"


"Fuck you alex"

"Fuck you too"

"Thx captain obvious"

"No problem sergeant sarcastic"

At that point I shut up since I can't think of a good comeback

Time skip a few hours

"Y/N there he goes now's (it auto-corrected to naked .-. Damn auto correct keep it in your pants we haven't got that far in the book yet) our chance" we got up and snuck into the tunnel

My eyes widen with shock

We found the mafia base

'Fuck this shit I'm out' I thought and we, without of thinking anything else, walked out repeatedly saying

"Nope nope nope nope"

Until we got back to the house, I took a sharp breath of air in to make up for all the noping we just did

"How much do you want to bet somebody saw us? We should sell them out, I wonder how much cash we would get from it"

I rolled my eyes

"Oh well you've got your priorities straight haven't you? Nah, let's leave 'em be for now, we can sell them out if we run out of cash"

I waited but their was no reply, honestly through after finding that out I think I need a nap i thought, completely forgetting the consequences for it

I laid down on the couch and drifted into sleep

Although I had an odd feeling

That I wasn't alone.

992 words
Sorry it's kinda short but hey! You got your AU! And if you didn't guess it's mafia!tale since only one person asked for... anything, I decided on this + I like this AU so yeah :3

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