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(MF/A) = most feared animal

I went back in the house and checked the time
3:38 damm, I decide to do what most people we see on tv do to my clock


Throw it out the window!


It was all fun and games until we realised that he clock had landed on a car and set the alarm off waking up it's owner



Screamed probably the most stereotypical old lady imaginable, Insurance? I'm just gonna go back and sleep

-in your "dream"-
I saw Alex next to me, well she didn't actually have any different features to me except a few fashion changes, this was normal for us, we walked around the black void we found ourselves in for a bit until-


Something had grabbed my legs and I heard a dark chuckle in the distance

"Now what do we have here?"

As soon as that was said Alex fades away


"who's this Alex? There's nobody else here"

suddenly a creature resembling a skeleton walked out of the shadows

His bones were completely black with a tar like substance rolling off of him, he was wearing a black hoodie with a black Shirt underneath and some black shorts and black slippers, this guy really likes his black doesn't he? He had one neon blue glowing eye and tentacles that came from his back, one other thing he wore was a blood thirsty expression on his face.

I tried to imagine his disappearing or turning to dust but nothing happened, this did happen sometimes like when I had a nightmare about a (MF/A) and I tried to imagine it being killed by its natural predator yet nothing happened.

The skeleton grinned at me creepily

"Trying to get rid of me huh?"

He said in a creepy tone, at least it was masculine, imagine assuming a skeletons gender?! Not good.

He used his tentacles to pull me closer which were not wrapped around my arms. He grinned evilly, studying me closely

"Ahhhh so your afraid of (MF/A)s? Let's see how afraid of them you are"

The tentacles disappeared just like their owner until a giant (MF/A) appeared


"Hisss/grrrrr/*whatever sound and angry sea creature makes*"

At the time I forgot I could just dream send it away and I ran and screamed for help

But nobody came

I finally gave in remembering I was dreaming- or having a nightmare really but neither way I remembered nothing was going to happen in real life so I just let it win.

-you woke up-

I jolted up, after the (MF/A) had killed me I was sweating to no end

"Hey Alex why did you bail on me?"

" I didn't mean to! There was something else there and dreams can only hold a certain amount of beings per dream, speaking of which did you see anyone?"

"Only a goopy skeleton and a (MF/A)"

"Well that must have been a shitty experience for you"

I turned around and realised


Now it was 2:39 in the afternoon, welp I guess we get to skip school for the day

Nightmares POV

I left for the (MF/A) to wake her up, she was an interesting one, at first she seemed distraught calling somebody's name, what was it Allen? Who knows, maybe she's a nutter like asylum sans ,then suddenly that disappeared until I summoned the (MF/A) to kill her for me,

"HeY bOsS wE hAvE a PrObLeM"

Error said walking up to me

"What is it this time error?"

"It'S dUsT, aPpArEnTlY hE fElL iN lOvE wItH oNe Of ThE sTaR sAnSeS aNd HaS lEfT"

"Holy shit so dusts gone soft. He might tell the others about our weaknesses, we need to find his own... ERROR! I need you to stalk him for a while and see if you can get any information about this"

"gOt It BoSs"

And with that he teleports away, leaving me on my throne doing absolutely nothing until a thought stuck me... what if he likes Dream? Holy shit why am I thinking about that fucker Jesus Christ.

But then again that would be the weirdest thing ever, ink? Nah he HATED ink with a burning passion for some reason... so that well shit he likes the fan fav of course we can't kill him off or the au- (nah my child the forth wall shall prevail in this book)

We can't kill him off... ugh I'm so BORED! Maybe that girl will fall asleep again, or anyone WHY IS NOBODY SLEEPING?! (Holy fuck I just realised how dirty that is 0-0')I mean SURELY they would in ONE AU (underlust? Undertail? Ok I'll shut up now XD) whatever I can wait... drowning in a pool of boredom..

827 words

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