Chapter 11

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( YOUR GOD HAS NOT FORSAKEN YOU. Yay for me dropping an update -w- thx also for being interested in the story you guys it helps me with motivation because I'm a MASSIVE procrastinator XD)

Alex's POV

We had been waiting for this 'papyrus' person to return for almost an hour now and I was getting impatient, sans seemed to be on edge which is understandable. We live in a dangerous world, papyrus not returning for this long isn't usually good news.

"So, your brothers taking his time"


"You worried?"


I looked puzzled at him, but then tore my face away and somewhat scowled at my conclusion.

Not only is he a shit lord. Oh no, apparently he doesn't even care for his brother, what a pile of shit. Sure me and Y/N have our falling outs but I consider her family, and while she can be an ass I still care for her. I honestly don't know what she sees in this guy.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, ciggy teleported to it fast and opened the door.

Standing there were-


"Hey mafia.. long time no see??"

Standing there, were copy's of the shit lord himself. One wearing an old (I'm presuming it's old with all the dust on it) hoodie with red,blue and a bit of a purple eye/s.

The other had blue stars for eyes, a small blue scarf, some sort of battle armour and blue boots.

"Explaination. Now" ciggy said to the double gamers at the door, I sat quietly and hoped they'd leave so I could think about this later

"Long story short me and blue need a place to stay and this was our best bet, you don't have a problem with that do you mafia?" The hoodied one said rather ominously, almost like a threat. Though the scarfed one didn't seem to catch on. Mafia? Why do they call ciggy that? Is it a name code since he's in the mafia?

"It would be actually, as I-" ciggy stopped and got.. nervous? " i- uhhh got.. company around"

"Mafia quit it, if it's a frisk I'm not going to take their EXP, it's not worth it anyways since this is a pacifist timeline" frisk? Isn't that the frick kid papyrus was supposed to pick up from god knows where? Also timeline? Da fuck is that?! And why do they keep calling cigs mafia?! WHATS HAPPENING?!

"Oh, promise??"

"YEAH, don't worry about dust!" Said the scarfed one cheerfully " we won't to anything! He doesn't do that anymore do you dust?" He said hopefully, his name must be dust. Odd name, but who am I to judge?

"Uhhhh yeah sure blue" this 'dust' person was a TERRIBLE liar, though the 'blue' guy seemed to buy it.

"Alight" ciggy sighed "by the way it's not a frisk, but it's still a human, so don't you dare dust" he narrowed his eyes(?) at 'dust'

"Yeah yeah whatever can you just let us in? I caught on that this AU isn't the friendliest of places and we don't need blue getting hurt" 'dust' warned as he barged in. Rude. "Oh sup human" he stopped and looked at me

"Wait- A HUMAN!" 'Blue' shouted clearly not hearing sans early when he mentioned me. He too barged in and waves to me gleefully leaving cigs at the door "hello human! It is I! The magnificent sans! But call me blue to avoid confusion" I waved back, SUPER confused. He's sans too? So wait ARE THEY ALL SANS?! FUCK IT Y/N'S GONNA DEAL WITH THIS IM OUTTA HERE.


Finally, control of my own body jeeze. I looked at them all, smiling but completely confused. I saw what happened with Alex but I'm not sure how to react.

A thought crossed my mind while sans was saying something, if these are all different sans' however the hell that works, does that mean that nightmare classed as a 'sans' too? I mean they sure look alike. Then again I'm getting ahead of myself, look alike's happen all the time.

I cleared my throat and said hello back

"So uh this is Y/N and she's a guest, so don't be assholes while you're here got it?" Sans or mafia said, i don't know what to call him anymore, I feel lied too, betrayed? Hell yes.

Suddenly there's another knock on the door, 'blue' looks energetic, dust looks in lazy curiously and sans- no, they called him mafia? Congrats he has a new name, he ruined my trust anyways so why should I bother. Anyways 'mafia' looked as if he was about to shit himself

'Can skeletons do that??'

'I don't ask, I don't want answers'

"Well?" Dust asked "are you going to open the door or not? Jeeze I didn't realise I was that scary heh heh" he chuckled, he has a very ominous personality, it put me on edge.

'Y/N I know I freaked out and left you to deal with this but I seriously think we should leave, I don't have a good feeling about this'

I stared at the door

'Y/N he's clearly lied to you! Or lied to them, either way he's a liar! I told you that ciggy was up to no good, and look-' my head turned towards 'mafia' 'why would he be so scared of the door? Either he's got himself in some deep shit, or he's going too. It's best if we get out while we still can'

I turned my head back to the door, 'mafia' was reaching toward the Handle nervously, trying to hide the fact he's staring at dust.

'Look we don't even have to rat him out! I know your feeling pretty shitty right now-'

'No, I don't'

'Well of course not, but you get what I mean, now's not the best time to be here zoning out and trying to ignore everyone. Listen while you were busy just now I checked out upstairs, there's a loosely shut window. Run. And get out before whatever is at the door gets in'

Without hesitation I stood up and ran.

I ran upstairs

Kicked the window open and jumped out

And ran all the way home.

1045 words
Finally hit my 1000 word limit! Ha!

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