Chapter 12

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Nightmare's POV

"First a day past, then two, then three. And now it's been a week. And I STILL CAN'T FIND THISE STUIPID IDIOTS!" I yelled at horror and killer (who had been assigned the search) as I threw a pebble I had picked up and the castle wall dejectedly. I stood up impatiently

"How long can it take you to find a traitor and a naive goody too shoes??!" I shouted. It had been over a week since they escaped and I was growing nervous. After all we would be losing a hostage and giving the opposition an ally

"We had been almost evenly matched before so if we don't recapture them we're FUCKED!" I continued to rant, killer dared to speak up

"Look, we've scoped the obvious spots. No sign of 'em anywhere. We are going to find them, stop throwing a tantrum at us like a child"

I looked at him furiously, horror simply chuckles knowing that killer crossed a line.

You see that was another issue, at least horror knows when to actually shut up, but killer thinks he fucking runs the place! I mean describing his leader as a tantruming child?!

"Who the fuck to you think you're talking to?!"  I screamed as I lashed out my tendrils and held him up against the wall in a fury, killer however kept a calm composure. It was annoying

"Nightmare, that's who. And frankly I would like you to calm the fuck down. It's been a week, BIG WHOP" I tightened my grip, he flinched "j-just give up m-more time!"

I glared into killer angrily, only to pause at hearing horrors chuckles grow in volume, I stopped consequently letting killer slide to the ground

"Oh? Do you think this is FUNNY horror?"

"No boss" horror replied, rolling his eye slightly but not enough to bother me as such

"Good" I took a sigh and regained my composure "just find the brats and bring them back, they clearly played us for idiots knowing we'd look in the obvious places. So look somewhere different"

They remained silent for a second before I yelled


"Yes boss" they said in unison as they teleported away, I sighed again and sat back on my throne, where I sped most of my days

It's taking too long, if they haven't gotten to ink yet then he and dream will probably plan some shitty rescue mission, we'll be all but empty while searching for them ourselves and become easy targets.

Option 2 is that they HAVE returned in which case dust will have spilt a shit ton of beans, leaving us vulnerable to our weaknesses and with an extra follower to their side and one less on ours we will be that much weaker.

I zoned out staring at a cobweb on the wall, if I can't find dust and Berry the fuck am I supposed to do? And even if I do I'm still fucked!

These are the tough decisions of a leader. Then a thought came to mind. This is like a game, more specifically chess, they've taken my pawn and gotten theirs back. So I must cheat and bring another pawn to the table as I can't get mine back.

A plan started to form in my mind, recruiting somebody new has its risks, but right now we're in dire need. But who? Who could I recruit that won't turn into dust 2.0?

Let's think... bill sans is too crazy and will probably switch sides dependent on how he feels that day... swap ink? Nah, too complicated..

Yes. I've got a plan, now I just need to find a pawn for my little chessboard.

But now it's just a question of who?

Dust's POV

I stared in surprise as the girl bolted it out of the house, Mafia tried to run upstairs but I grabbed his arm

"Dude, she's gone. Besides somebody's at the door" I emphasised the person at the door since he seemed pretty nervous about them. It's probably just a papyrus or something but I think he's worried that I'll be pissed at it being one.

Of course I'm not saying anything, I'm a sans after all I'm far too lazy, besides I wanna see how this pans out

"B-but"-" Mafia sighs disappointedly "alright, but uh can you go fetch me some ketchup dust?"

I looked him shocked, I know what you're playing at "the hell? I'm supposed to be a guest and you want me to slave on ya?"

"Dusty.." blueberry warned, I softened my face slightly remembering that he was here.

"Fine fine, I'll get your damn ketchup, but you fucking owe me!" I grunted as I walked into the kitchen and opened the iconic fridge-sink, I could have sworn I heard blue tell me off for swearing but I was too focused on listening too the door

I heard it open a bit however I heard a small thud as if somebody was holding it back, I listened closer forgetting my task in favour for the door mystery.

Mafia mumbled something and then the door slowly closed, remembering what i was supposed to do I grabbed the ketchup and walked back into the living room

"So who was that mafia?" I asked, trying to hide the sternness in my voice

"Just my undyne, I had to get her out before she saw you two because she's probably freak and shoot one of ya" he shrugged, the shrug was forced and he layer his head in his left shoulder, his eyes rolled to his left. Liar.

I didn't want to cause a scene, especially around blue so I just agreed and settled down in the couch. Mafias eyes kept flicking back and fourth to and from the stairs, almost expecting somebody to be there. Maybe that girl? What has her name.. eh it's unimportant anyways

"You looking for somebody or what?" I asked him with a chuckle, he snapped out of his gaze and set his eyes(?) on me

"No, no I'm not. So-" he started

"Why are you two here??"

So i explained the situation to mafia

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