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Once sans had left I sat in silence gazing outside my window. It had started raining, I loved the rain. It was quiet, relaxing and was almost like a companion. Not that I'd need one anyways with Alex and the fact that I generally don't need one.

And yet still, when I got caught up in stressful thoughts it all just.. washed away with the soft pitter patter of the rain falling onto the ground. You can't make out each droplet and yet you can hear it so clearly. Confusing right?

It wasn't just stress that went with the rain, any thing that I didn't want went too, random complements. Any praise. Anything I didn't want to hold on too, could be washed away by simply opening your window, fantastic is it not?

Soon however, the rain came to a stop and I could hear all the sounds I couldn't before, however few they were as of the danger of this city, a random gunshot to the west and a small child like crying to the south.

I closed the window and thought on what was said to me earlier

"Some nightmares are more real than others"

Does that mean I'm not crazy? He kinda just faded away like the peace on this miserable planet, who knows, and more realistically, who cares? I can do whatever I want and I have nobody to stop me. In a way, I'm free. And yet in another way, I'm chained by society's oh so perfect expectations.

You must act a certain way. You must react a certain way. You must dress a certain way. Talk a certain way. Everything we do must reach this, to some people imaginary, standard. If not then we are shamed or killed, simple as.

Unlike in fairytales or fantasies, there is no "I'll except you cos I'm special and everyone is nice to me! And also I can do no wrong and nothing EVER goes wrong to me" person, and is they're was is just punch 'em.

If you don't meet standards, whether you believe they're high or low, you'll pay a price.

That's why I've learnt to pretend. It's much simpler than one might think, all you have to do is meet these standards in front of people, and be your own person when your alone. Sometimes it's hard to STOP pretending, you begin to get so used to the fake persona you must act as you learn to act like that normally.

It's very frustrating.

Especially when people say "just be yourself!" What they really mean in "be individual in a way we like!"

I remember when I used to "be myself". It was so long ago, I think I was a child? Or was it before that? Who knows.

Anyways, I used to act my way. Nobody liked it, my ways was to block out all the nonesense children said and did like gossip or makeup (KILL IT WITH FIRE). I found it all pointless really, we were at the schools to acquire information, so why waste that?

I never understood it, so I ignored it. Kids didn't like that though, by the time I was- Well I don't know. It gets hard to remember things nowadays.

Well once I'd reached a certain age back at the orphanage I was at as a child most people thought I was an emotionless phycopath, I thought it was best to keep it that way

Once they started believing they're own rumours they ignored me and moved on, then again the orphanage was quite pointless truly which is why I left, not really caring if anyone looked for me or not. In truth it had never mattered to me-

'Y/N, your doing your inner monologue thing again..'

"O-oh was I? Oops"

'And you said it out loud.. again'

I snorted (more cocaine) at my own in-awareness of everything.

Dusts POV (this should be good XD I hope so(666 words))

"FINALLY!" I said loudly as the damn chain around my ankle finally broke


I placed a boney finger on blues teeth(dont think it's weird they don't have mouths!)

"Shhhhh! We don't wanna get caught do we?"

Blue nodded as he moved the fabric that was supposed to be a bed out of the way to reveal a small passage we had been working on, what can I say when your tied up you have a LOT of free time, I also named the spoon i used to make the passage danger spoon, I think I'll keep her.

"Ok dusty, now let's go!" Blue whisper yelled like the adorable marshmallow he is as we made our way through to the exit we made.

Why didn't we use it before? I was still tied up and blue insisted on letting me leave with him (blue wasn't tied up as he wasn't considered a threat) so we just broke the chain off with danger spoon and here we are.

Nightmares POV(Sorry dusty boi was brief but ya)

I teleported back into my castle and made my way down to the dungeon-



Horror immediately teleported down knowing the consequences of doing otherwise

"Yes boss- ohhhhhhh"

Horror said as he noticed the imbeciles missing

"Find them-"

"Have you checked the cell?"


Horror sighs and walks in

"Well the chain he had on dust looks like it was broken recently.." horror said, lifting the broken chain


Horror had his way over to the thin mattress I had generously given blue since dust was giving he a headache with his "treat blue good!" Nonsense. He kicked it over revealing s passage

"Ok well we found 'em, we also figured out how much DT dust had"

"What do you mean?"

Horror smirks and says

"Well judging by the marks around the hole it appears they made they're GREAT ESCAPE with a. Single. Spoon"




Ok I'm done! Sorry his almost took a bloody month I kinda got busy and was on a TINY writers block but we're all good to go now! Hopefully the next chapter won't be a month long wait.


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